3 3333 05823 6056
Four hundred and twenty-five copies of this
book were printed on American hand-
made paper and fifty-seven copies
on Imperial Japan paper, in
the month of June,
Tbe ProtefAtit Tutor for roath.
A/TR- John Rogers, Minifter of rteGofpel, was the
•*-'•* tirft Martvr in Queen Mary's Reign, and was
burnt in Smithfidd, February 14, 1554. His Wife,
with nine fmall children, and one at her.Breafr, fol-
low'd him to the frake, with which forro'.vful light he
was not in the leaft daunted ; but with wonderful pa-
tience dy'd coura^ioufly for the Gofpel of Tefiis Chrifr
Soroe few Days before his Death, he writ the following
^xhortation to his children.
Tve ear, mv Children, to my Words,
Whom God hath dearly bought,.
Lav up his Laws within your hearts,
and pt int them in your Thoughts \
I leave you here a little Bpok,
for you t > look upon,
That you may fee your father s Face,
when he is dead and gone.
Afho for the nope of heav'uly
while he did here remain,
lave over all his golden years
to prifon and to pain :
Vhere I among my Iron Baiids,
inclofed in the dark,
iot many days before my death
1 did compofe this Work,
From the Protestant Tutor. London : 1716
' . 5 ** * /, _
• < p i »
O ..
, . . . • .
I Reprint of the New English Tutor . . 137
II Reprint of Rogers's Exhortation Unto His
Children 249
III Cotton Mather's Plea for Catechising . . 261
IV Clarke's Saying the Catechism . . . 275
V Reprint of the Holy Bible in Verse . . 283
VI Bibliography of the New England Primer 297
VII Variorum of the New England Primer . 321
. . 6
I Burning of John Rogers .
From the Protestant Tutor, London : 1716.
II Burning of John Rogers ....
From the New England Primer, Boston : 776.2.
Ill The Royal Primer, title page
London, circa 1750—60.
IV A Guide For the Child and Youth, title
page ........
London : 1725.
V First Mention of the New England Primer 16
From Newman's Neivs from the Stars, Boston : l6go.
VI Bradford Fragment ....
Facsimile of four pages, circa 1688-1700.
VII Rhymed Alphabet ....
From a Guide For the Child and Youth, London : 1725.
VIII Rhymed Alphabet ....
From the New England Primer, Boston : 1762.
IX Alphabet Cuts
From the New England Primer, Boston : [n. d. ].
X The Queen
From the New England Primer, Boston : 1737 '.
x Illustrations
XI King George the Second . . -53
From the Nciv England Primer, Boston : /7J7-
XII King George the Third .... 78
From the Neiu England Primer, Boston : 776.2.
XIII King George the Third .... 104
From the Neiu England Primer, Providence : /775-
XIV Binding of New England Primer (inside) 136
From the Nerw England Primer, Boston : 1762.
XV The Protestant Tutor, title page . . 137
London : B. Harris, Ijl6*
XVI The President of the United States, (Wash-
ington) 176
From the Neiu England Primer, Boston : [«. d. ]
XVII The Hon. John Hancock ... 208
From the American Primer, Boston : Ifj6.
XVIII The Hon. Samuel Adams, Esquire . 226
From the Neiu England Primer , Hartford : IJfJ.
XIX The Pope or Man of Sin .... 248
From the Neiv England Primer, Boston : I'J^'J-
XX Burning of John Rogers ... 251
From the Neiu England Primer, Boston : IffO.
XXI Cotton's Milk for Babes, title page . 261
London : 1646.
XXII The Shorter Catechism, title page . 275
Printed by B. Harris, Boston : l6qi.
XXIII The New England Primer, title page . 299
Boston : /7J7-
XXIV The New England Primer, title page . 300
Boston : 1^62.
XXV The American Primer, title page . . 303
Boston : /77<5.
Illustrations xi
XXVI The New England Primer, title page . 306
Boston [n. d. J
XXVII The New England Primer, title page . 307
Nc-ivburyport [;;. d. ]
XXVIII Fleet's Advertisement of the Primer . 312
From Wigglesivorths Day of Doom, Boston : If 51 ' .
XXIX Cuts of Animals 340
From the New England Primer, Neiuburyport [«. </.]
MR. JOH* ROGERS, Mintfl«r of the
Gfofpel in London, was the flrft Mar-
tyr in Queen Marys Re'tgn, and was burnt
at Smith/ieljf February \^\i 155:4, His
Wife Wiih n.'me Cfhall Children, and one
at. her Breaft. following Mm to the Stake;
with v/hich Sorrowful Sj'ght he vva$ not in
the Ifeaft daunted, but with wonnderful Pati-
«nctdiecj cwrageoofly forthe'Gofpelof Jefus
Cbfift. Sstst
From the New England Primer. Boston -.1^62
N the apocryphal poem of John Rogers " unto his
children' which was included in every New Eng- The New En-
land Primer, he said : Sland Primer
a mirror of
" / leave you here a little booke Puritanism
For you to looke vpon,
That you may see your father' s face
When I am dead and gon"
No better description of the New England Primer itself
could be penned. As one glances over what may truly be
entitled " The Little Bible of New England", and reads its
stern lessons, the Puritan mood is caught with absolute
faithfulness. Here was no easy road to knowledge and to
salvation ; but in prose as bare of beauty as the whitewash
of their churches, in poetry as rough and stern as their
storm-torn coast, in pictures as crude and unfinished as
their own glacial-smoothed boulders, between stiff oak cov-
ers, which symbolized the contents, the children were led,
until, from being unregenerate, and as Jonathan Edwards
said, " young vipers, and infinitely more hateful than
vipers " to God, to that happy state when, as expressed by
Judge Sewall's child, they were afraid they " should goe to
hell " and were " stirred up dreadfully to seek God." No
earthly or heavenly rewards were offered to its readers.
The Separatists had studied their Bible too carefully not to
know that a future life of bliss was far more an instinctive
longing of mankind than an Old Testament promise.
They were too imbued with the faith of Judaism not to
preach a religion of stern justice, and the oldest Puritan
literature and even laws read strangely Hebraic to nine-
teenth century eyes. The religion of Christ, a faith based
on love and mercy, received less sympathy and less teaching,
from their divines than probably from any other sect nom-
inally Christian. Salvation from hell was what they promised;
and that the terror might be the greater, God was made
sterner and more cruel than any living judge, that all might
be brought to realize how slight a chance even the least
erring had of escaping eternal damnation.
But in this very accentuation of the danger lay the
Education the strength of Puritanism. No mass or prayer, no priest or
Strengt oj pastor stood between man and his Creator, each soul being
Puritanism ' .
morally responsible tor its own salvation ; and this tenet
forced every man to think, to read, to reason. As the
Reformation became possible only when the Bible was
cheapened by printed versions, so the moment each man
could own and study the Book Puritanism began. Unless,
however, man could read, independence was impossible, for
illiteracy compelled him to rely upon another for his knowl-
edge of the Word ; and thus, from its earliest inception,
Puritanism, for its own sake, was compelled to foster edu-
cation. Probably no better expression of this fact can be
found than in an order of the " General Corte " of the Col-
ony of the Massachusetts Bay, in 1647, tnat :
It being one cheife piect of yt ould deluder, Satan, to keepe men
from the knowledge of ye Scriptures, as in formr times by keeping Reso^'ve °f
vm in an unknown tongue, so in these lattr times by pswadino; from
Court of the
ye use or tongues, yf so at least ye true sence & meaning of ye origi-
nall might be clouded by false glosses of saint seeming deceivers, sett$ Bay in
yt learning may not be buried in ye grave of or fathrs in ye church
& comonwealth, the Lord assisting or endeavors, —
It is therefore ordred, yl evry towneship in this iurisdiction,
aftr ye Lord hath increased ym to ye number of 50 household", shall
then forthwth appoint one wthin their towne to teach all such chil-
dren as shall resort to him to write & reade."*
Independency, no less than Papacy and Episcopacy, was
able to forsee the danger of individualism in that it threat- Danser°fln-
ened to result in a man's not rinding in the Bible the one and Necessit
belief by which alone the Puritans held he could be saved. for Confot
Think for himself he must, but it was his duty to think i(j>
what the Separatists thought, and so churches were gathered,
and " teachers " — as they were first called — were chosen,
who told their congregations what they were to think for
themselves. Very quickly organized sects followed, which
formulated creeds and catechisms, demanded belief in
them, and tortured, imprisoned and exiled the recalcitrant.
Finding that other men, like themselves, could not be made
by punishment to accept other than their own opinions, the
children were taken in their earliest years, and drilled and
taught to believe what they were to think out for them-
selves when the age of discretion was reached. And this
1 "Records of the Massachusetts Bay," n.t
4. Introduction
was the function of the New England Primer. With it
millions were taught to read, that they might read the Bible ;
and with it these millions were catechised unceasingly, that
they might find in the Bible only what one of many priest-
hoods had decided that book contained.
Romish Abece-
1"^HIS method of securing uniformity by uniting
alphabet and creed was as old as printed books.
* 11'AI I • I'll
Prymers The Enschede Abecedanum, which has even been
«_^-^r\j claimed to be the first specimen of printing with type, and
which certainly was printed in the fifteenth century,1 con-
tained besides the alphabet, the Pater Noster, the Ave
Maria, the Credo and two prayers, being the elementary
book of the Romish Church. So too, a larger book of
Catholicism, for more advanced students, was the well-
known " Book of Hours " ; which, translated from the
Latin text into English,2 was called " The Prymer of Salis-
bury use", and was printed as early as 1490. As need
hardly be said there are many later editions of both these
When the Reformation began to work among the people
Henry rnitb' s jn England, among its signs was the printing of unauthorized
Prymers and primers> and Henry the VIII. issued "proclamations"
AL lj C* S * 1 •
and "injunctions" against these, in an endeavor to keep his
people true to Catholicism. Very soon, however, he exper-
ienced a change of heart not merely towards his wedded wife,
1 De Vinne's " Invention of Printing," 2.90.
3 "The Prymer of Salysbury use." Paris : 1490.
but incidentally as well, towards his mother church, and in
1534, as one method of fighting the Pope, he allowed to be Henry
prepared and issued what is known as the " Reform ryme™ am
Primer ",' designed to teach his people what they should
believe. In this however, his desire to have done with
the Church of Rome, led him to act too hastily, for in less
than a year, he varied his belief and licensed the issue to his
people of a " Goodly Prymer in Englysshe"1 that they might
know the only true and revised to date religion. Yet a
a third time new light came to the head of the English
church, and in a third primer, known as the " Henry
Vlllth Primer",3 the King marked out a new and only
path to heaven for his subjects. All these primers con-
tained portions intended for children, such as " a fruitful
and very Christian instruction for children ", and since the
Romish Church had a preliminary book to its Prymer, so
Henry had his, called "The A B C",4 the earliest known
copy of which contains the alphabet, the Lord's Prayer,
the Hail Mary, the Creed, various Graces for before and
after " dyner " and for " fysshe dayes ", and the " ten com-
aundements ". The distinction between the two was well
1 "A Prymer in Englyshe with certeyne prayers and goodly meditations, very necessary
for all people that understonde not the Latyne tongue. Cum privilegio Regali." [London,
2 " A goodly Prymer in Englysshe, newly corrected and printed, with certeyne godly
Meditations and Prayers added to the same, very necessarie and profitable for all them that
ryghte assuredly understande not ye Latine and Greke tongues. Cum privilegio regali."
[London, 1535.]
3 "The Primer set forth by the King's Majesty, and his Clergy to be taught, learned,
and read and none other be used throughout all his dominions. 1545- Cum privilegio ad
imprimendum solum."
* " The ABC bothe in Latyn and in Englysh." [London, 1538.]
indicated by a little poem at the end of the ABC1 printed
in black letter in 1636 :
This little Catechisme learned
by heart {for so it ought)
The Primer next commanded is
for Children to be taught,
As was not surprising, many of the King's subjects be-
spreadofdu- came sornewhat unsettled in their belief, and even de-
wrsity of veloped a tendency to form one not ordained by his
Primers majesty. Furthermore these wayward people declined to
« — "~|T^J use the prymers printed " cum privilegio regali " but pur-
chased heretical books put forth without authority, so that
Henry in the preface of his later primers, took notice in
evident disgust " of the diversitie of primer books that ar
now abrod, whereof ar almost innumerable sortes, which
mynister occasion of contentions and vain disputations,
rather then to edify " ; to end this difficulty he com-
manded " one uniforme ordre of al such bookes throughout
al our dominions, both to be taught unto children and also
to be used for ordinary prayers of all our people not learned
in the latyn tong " ; and for that purpose,
" set furth thys Primer or boke of prayers in Englysh to be fre-
Henry VUlths quented and used in and throughout all places of oure said realmes
injunction ancj dominions, as well of the elder people, as also of the youth, for
their common and ordinary prayers, willing, commaundyng and
streghtly chargyng that for the better bringing up of youth in the
1 "The ABC. The Catechism : That is to say, An Introduction to be taught and
learned of every Childe, before he be brought to be confirmed by the Bishop." [London?
Royal Primer;
Or, an eafy j^nd pleafant
Or, an eafy j^nd pleafant
Guide to the Art of Reading.
AothorisM by
To be ofcd throughout
ft»r 7. Pfeivltery, at the
in St. fe*?t Church ysrd, end
Colliwt af Satijkiirf. ( Price bound 3 d. )
Introduction 7
knowledge of theyr duty towardes God, their prince, and all others
in their degre, every Scholemaster and bringer-up of yong beginners
in lernyng nexte after their ABC now bi us also set furthe, do
teache this primer or boke of ordinary prayers unto them in Eng-
lyshe, and that the youth customably and ordinarily use the same
until thei be of competant understanding and knowledge to perceive
it in Latyn. At which time they may at their libertie either use
this primer in Englishe, or that whiche is by oure authoritie likewyse
made in the Latyn tong, in all poinctes correspondent unto this in
This injunction it is needless to say was little heeded.
The English King could depose the vicegerent of Heaven, Multiphca-
even though the latter was infallible, but he could not
ana cate-
overcome the common people. Faiths and Creeds mul-
tiplied until the famous Council of Trent complained of
the " infinite " number of the " little books '" and stated that
there had come to be " as many catechisms as there are prov-
inces in Europe, nay, almost as many as the cities, are circu-
lated, all of which abound with heresies, whereby the minds of
the simple are deceived." Their majesties Henry, Edward,
Mary, Elizabeth and James, though each having a different
faith, successively forbade, seized and burned these unauthor-
ized books ; and whipped, imprisoned or burned preachers
and printers, but it was all unavailing, and a little over a cen-
tury and a half from the time that Henry changed the
religion of his people, the people decided that it was easier
to change their King than to conform in their religion.
With the flight of James II. ended all attempts to prevent
the people from having such primers and catechisms as
1 "The Prymer both in Englishe and Latin." [London, 1545.]
they chose, leaving behind nothing but a restriction in the
printing of the Bible and the Book of Common Prayer,
which to this day are monopoly books in Great Britain.
and unauthor-
ized Primers
and A B Cs
Union of the
Primer and
"A HE authorized primers were not school books
being rather primary — hence "primer" — manuals
of church service, and indeed the forerunners
of the " Book of Common Prayer ". Moreover they
were handsomely printed, and thus were expensive.
The authorized ABC which sold at a moderate price
contained but the most elementary matter. It must
have very quickly occurred to booksellers that to combine
the two into one work would be a good idea, but as
they were both monopoly books most printers were
debarred from doing it and to the privileged printers
there was no object in producing them at a low price. It
was left, therefore, to the publishers of Separatist per-
suasion, to take advantage of the larger sale that could be
obtained, and very quickly they were producing at low
prices, books which contained the sum of both, and no
doubt this cheapness and convenience played a prominent
part in the spread of dissent. It was this union of the A
B C and the Primer, which led to children's books being
called by the latter title.
The earliest of this combination of school book and
catechism, so far discovered, was Bastingius' f Catechisme of
Christiane Religion, taught in scholes ", which had the A
B C prefixed to it, and was printed in Edinburgh in 1591.
In 1631 Bishop Bedell's catechism was printed in Dublin,
in the same manner. " The ABC. The Catechism :
That is to say, an instruction to be taught and learned of
every Childe " was printed in 1636. Ten years later the
" Catechism for young Children appointed by act of the
Church of Scotland " was issued with the ABC, probably
in Edinburgh. In England more care had to be taken,
for as late as 1666, one Benjamin Keach was tried for
writing "The Child's Instructor,or a New and Easy Primer",
which contained a catechism with leanings towards anabap-
tism ; but though the author was sentenced to the pillory,
the book was constantly republished. A little later, in
1670 George Foxe issued his "Primer and Catechism'
"with several delightful Things" intended to make a Quaker
of the student.
One of the gravest difficulties to the early Separatists in
both Old and New England, was the question of what The early
catechism to teach their children. During the voyage of catechtsing
the Arbella the Puritans were catechised by their clergy-
' ° J Englanders
man on Sunday, while no sooner were they landed than the
Colony of Massachusetts Bay made a contract with sundry
" intended ministers " for " catechising, as also in teaching,
or causing to be taught the Companyes servants & their
children, as also the salvages and their children ",' and in
this same year (1629) they voted the sum of three shillings
for " 2 dussen and ten catechismes ".z It cannot certainly
be known to what particular catechism these allusions refer,
but it was probably the one composed by " that famous
1 " Records of the Massachusetts Bay," i., 376.
* Ibid, i., 37h.
New Eng-
divine ' William Perkins, preacher of St. Andrews Church
in Cambridge, catechist for some time of Christ college,
and one of the most distinguished Calvinists of the period.
First printed in 1590,' this catechism ran through many
editions in England, was republished with additions by
John Robinson for the use of the pilgrims, and later was
reprinted in New England.
Very quickly after the Puritan settling in America a
Neglect of the tendency developed towards the individualism implied by all
Dissent anc| especially by Congregationalism. As a result
of this diversity of belief, Lechford states that catechising
was generally abandoned in many of the New England
churches, and to meet this woeful condition the " General
Corte" in 1641 "desired that the elders would make a
Catechisme for the instruction of youth in the grounds of
religion ",* as well as to consider " howe farr the magistrates
are bound to interfere for the preservacon of that vniformity
& peace of the churches ".
The request was only too readily responded to and in
the period of 1641-1684 the reverend "teachers'1 John
Davenport, John Cotton, John Eliot, Thomas Shepard,
Richard Mather, John Fiske, John Norton, Seaborn Cotton,
James Fitch, James Noyes, and Samuel Stone, each pre-
pared one or more catechisms. In fact it is probable that
every New England minister formulated his own faith in
this manner, and at first thought it would seem to have
been not a little trying to a congregation, on the the death
tion of
1 "The Foundations of Christian Religion, gathered into sixe Principles. Printed by
Thomas Orwin for John Porter, 1590."
3 "Records of Massachusetts Bay," I., 328.
Child and Youth
In Two Parts.
Tie Hrjt, fir CHILDREN:
Containing plain and pleafant Directions
co read ENGLISH.
With Prayers, Graces, and Icflrafticns
fitted to the Capacity of Children.
7be SecenJ, for YOUTH:
Teaching to Write, Caft Account, and
Read more pcrfe&y*
With feveraf other Varieties, both
plea fant and profitable.
by T.H. M. A.Teacbercf 'a private School
t Printed by /• Xotert?t for the
Company of Stationers, 1725.
Introduction 1 1
of a trusted shepherd who had properly inducted them in his
own belief, to get accustomed to the doctrines of a new in-
cumbent. This difficulty was for the most part avoided by
the general knowledge of what each clergyman thought, so
that only one in fairly close accord with the congregation was
considered. When a mistake occurred, and the clergyman
was found to run counter to his church, they hastened to get
rid of him, which resulted in the innumerable church quarrels
and the schism with which New England so abounded.
Long after Cotton Mather asserted with evident pride
that " few pastors of mankind ever took such pains at cate- Resulting
chising as have been taken by our New England divines. ^uarrels and
... ., .... . schisms until
Now, let any man living read the most judicious and {hg ajopt-ton
elaborate catechisms published, a lesser and a larger by Mr. Ofthe shorter
Norton, a lesser and a larger by Mr. Richard Mather, Catechism
several by Mr. Cotton, one by Mr. Davenport and sundry
others, and say whether true divinity were ever better han-
dled".1 As a fact, however, this very multiplicity of catechisms
tended only to increase the schism and the New English
clergy spent their energies in preparing catechisms and quar-
reling over them rather than in attempting the " instruction
of youth " and the " vniformity and peace of the churches ".
John Cotton though responsible himself for so much of the
disputation, was forced to acknowledge that " the excellent
and necessary use of catechising young men, and novices,
... we willingly acknowledge : But little benefit have
wee seene reaped from set forms of questions, and answers
by one Church, and imposed by necessity on another ".*
1 Mather's " Magnalia."
2 Cotton's " A Modest and Cleere Answer to Mr. Ball's Discourse." London, 1642.
I 2
Not till the great Westminster Assembly formulated its
longer and shorter catechisms, did the New England
Churches find a common faith, and even then, as the work
of Presbyterians and not Congregationalists, they were ac-
cepted only by degrees, not because they were generally
approved, but because they were the only escape from a
tendency that threatened to break each congregation into
fractions too small for existence as a church.
The New
SUCH was the condition of school books and cate-
chisms, when the New England Primer was first
published. Its authorship and date of issue have
hitherto been mysteries that have resisted the research of
all antiquarians, but it is at last possible to give the main
facts concerning its origin.
In the reign of King Charles of " merrie ' memory,
one Benjamin Harris began printing in London " at the
Stationers Arms in Sweethings Rents, near the Royal Ex-
change ", otherwise described as " the Stationers Arms
under the Piazza in Cornhill ". Here he issued, between
the years 1676 and 1681 many tracts and broadsides of so
little moment that his name finds no mention in any bio-
graphical dictionary or history of printing. But aside from
his calling, Harris deserves notice as a confirmed scrib-
bler, resembling Mr. Wegg, in his tendency to drop into
verse. To this was added an ardent love for the protestant
religion, and an equal hatred of the Pope and all that he
Introduction 1 3
So long as the printer limited his activity to the writing
and printing of ballads and tracts against the Pope and the Harris
Jesuits under such titles as " The Grand Imposter " and rous,
. . . trial
"The Mystery of Iniquity", all went well with him, but in .x-*-^
1679, in connection with the " Rye House Plot ': he issued
"An Appeal from the Country to the City, for the Preserva-
tion of His Majesties Person and the Protestant Religion ".
The King's government did not take the same view of the
question that Mr. Harris had, and as a result he was
brought to trial for the " printing and vending " of this
tract. The courtly tendency towards Catholicism gave
little chance for the printer, and the chief justice, after
remarking that if he had his wish, the printer should be
whipped, ordered him to find security for his good behavior
for three years.1
Unwarned by his experience, Harris in 1681 printed a
" Protestant Petition ", and was once more haled before the Sentenced to
court and this time the judge fined him five hundred pounds the Plllory
and ordered him put in the pillory. This meant that he was
to be stoned by the crowd which always gathered, but from
that fate he was saved, for " his Wife (like a Kind Rib)
stood by him to defend her Husband against the Mobb ".*
For this act, his enemies promptly turned their abuse
upon the woman, and scurrilous ballads entitled " The
Saint turned Courtezan " and the " Protestant Cuckold "
endeavored to bring discredit upon her. The printer
apparently did not recover from the mulct, for he seems to
have ceased printing from that time.
1 " A short account of the tryal of B. Harris," London : 1679.
2 Dunton's "Letters from New England," 143.
Upon the death of Charles II. and the succession of
Removes to Catholic James " Old England " wrote John Dunton from
Boston " is now so uneasie a Place for honest Men, that
Ne-iv Eng-
iand those that can will seek out for another Countrey : And this
^^^-^N^J I suppose is the Case of Mr. Benjamin Harris and the two
Mr. Hows, whom I hear are coming hither, and to whom
I wish a good Voyage. Mr. Ben Harris, you know, has
been a noted Publick Man in England, and I think the
Book of English Liberties was done for him . . . No
wonder then that in this Reign they meet with Enemies ".'
Come to Boston Harris did and late in 1686 he set
Sets upa book- Up a book and " Coffee, Tee and Chucaletto " shop,* by the
shop and cof- TOwn-Pump near the Change ". A year later his imprint
reads at the London Coffee House and he was employ-
ing the printers of the town to print pamphlets and broad-
sides for him. Here too he was quickly involved with the
authorities, for in 1690 he issued, without permission, the
first newspaper printed in America, under the title of
" Public Occurrences " ; which was promptly suppressed by
proclamation. In 1691 he formed a partnership with
John Allen, and seems to have set up a press of his own.
A year later he became " Printer to His Excellency the
Governor and Council ", and removed his business to a
" Shop, over against the Old-Meeting House ", making
another remove in 1694 to a place which he called " The
Sign of the Bible, over against the Blew-Anchor ", having
ended his relations with Allen.
In the meantime the English people had stood firm to
their religion and had rid themselves of their king, so that
1 Dunton's " Letters from New England," 144. * " Boston Town Records," 204.
Introduction 1 5
now Old England was once more safe to haters of popery.
Better still, King William, whose advent Harris hailed in a Returns to
Enpland and
poem beginning :
o & resumtspnnt-
" God SAVE THE KING, that King that savd inS
the land,
When JAMES your Martyr's Son, your LAWS
had shamm'd"1
had freed the press from the worst features of governmental
restraint. Accordingly, Harris returned to London towards
the end of 1695, and opened a new printing office at the
" Maiden-Head-Court in Great East Cheap", and later Dun-
ton writes that he " continu'd Ben Harris still ; and is now
both Bookseller and Printer, in Grace-church Street, as we
find by his London Post ; so that his conversation is general
(but never Impertinent) and his Wit pliable to all Inven-
tions. But yet his vanity (if he has any) gives no Alloy
to his Wit, and is no more than might justly Spring from
conscious Vertue; and I do him but Justice in this part of
his Character, for in once travelling with him from Bury
Fair, I found him to be the most Ingenious and Innocent
Companion that I had ever met with ". When Harris
died cannot be discovered, but it was after 1708.
BEFORE his flight in 1686 to Boston (according to
Dunton) " Mr. Harris I think also Printed the
Protestant Tutor, a Book not at all relish'd by the
Popish Party, because it is the design of that little Book Tutor
1 " Monthly Observations," Boston: 1692.
1 6 Introduction
to bring up Children in an Aversion to Popery 'V
No copy of this first English edition is known to exist,
but from a later edition* its character proves it to be the
legitimate predecessor of the New England Primer, for it
contains the Alphabet, followed by the Syllabarium, the "Al-
phabet of Lessons ", the Lord's Prayer, Creed, and Ten
Commandments, the Poem of John Rogers with the picture
of his burning, the " figures and numeral Letters ", and the
" Names of the Books of the Bible ", all of which were
embodied in the New England Primer.
On his arrival in Boston it was obviously the interest of
LsuestheNew Harris to get out a new edition of this little book, for its chance
England Qf success was even greater among the popery-hating New
Englanders, than that it had already met with in Old Eng-
land. The poverty of the people made prudent an abridge-
ment of the " Tutor " and thus it was reduced to smaller
bulk ; to make it the more saleable the school book char-
acter was increased, while to give it an even better chance
for success by an appeal to local pride, it was rechristened
and came forth under the now famous title.
No copy of this first edition of the New England
Date of pub- prjmer is known and thus the exact date of its appearance
"*.' a cannot be given. Harris did not arrive in Boston till near
of the second the end of 1686, and the only publication he issued in that
impression year was an almanac for 1687, which Sewall bought on
December 6, 1686. Between that time and Jan. 5, 1688,
Harris made a trip to England, and on Nov. 22, 1688, he
again sailed for London.5 It was between 1687 and 1690
1 Dunton's "Letters from New England," 144. " Edition of 1716.
3 Sewall's " Diary," I., 200, 237.
DECEMBER hath 3 1 D-ays
Laft quart, i day 2* mln. paft 4 morn.
New Moon 9 day 21 min. paft 9 raotn.
Firffc quart. 17 day 13 mm. paft 1 Afrern.
Full Moon 25 day 39 min palt 10 night.
Laft quart- 31 day 59 min. paft it morn
Of Stars vbicb baw appeared heretofore, and now
Time out of mind there has feven Stars bin
obferved in the pleiades, and at Prefent there {
is to be feen but fix, a yery probable fign thac
one of them is retired and become invifible*
One of thefeof the Conftellatipn of the Lir-
ttf £w, which was formerly vifible, doth not
now appear. Another alfo in the Confteilati*
on of Andromeda hath alfo dtfappeared.
Licensed According to Order.
There is now in the Prefs, and will fuddenty
be extant, a Second Imprefiion of The New-Eng-
Und Pnmer enlarge^ to which is added, more
Din ttiws for Spelling : the .Prayer of K Edward
the 6rb. and Vtrfa made by- Mr. Rogers 'be M*r»
••r^ hfe as a Legacy to his Children,
Sold by Benj&nin /&rr/V, at the London Cofet-
fioufcm Boflo* j
K».«jl •> . +• »• • " n.i I., . i" 'n ^r.i f!MS
From Ne--j;man s Ne<ws from the Stars. Boston: 1600
Introduction 1 7
therefore that the first edition of the Primer was issued. Its
success seems to have been immediate, for in Henry New-
man's almanac entitled "News from the Stars", "Printed
by R. Peirce for Benjamin Harris at the London
Coffee-House in Boston, 1691 " (and consequently printed
late in 1690) the last leaf advertised a "second Impression
of The New England Primer, Enlarged ".
A very essential piece of evidence in regard to the date
of the book is connected with the earliest (supposed) frag- The Bradford
ment of the Primer known. This consists of four leaves, frasment
and was found bound up as waste in the binding of a copy
of Daniel Leeds " Temple of Wisdom " as printed by
William Bradford at Philadelphia in 1688. From this it
has been argued that " these leaves probably came from
a Philadelphia reprint of a Boston edition of the Primer
which must have been published at least as early as 1687 ".
The evidence of this does not seem adequate. There is no
proof that the volume was bound in the year that it was
printed, nor can it be decided for certain that the fragments
are a reprint of the Primer, the chances being quite as favor-
able of their being part of an edition of the Protestant
Tutor. All that can be said of these leaves is that they are
the earliest known fragments of a book compiled by Benja-
min Harris, and that they were printed by William Brad-
ford either in Philadelphia or New York between 1687 and
1700. From other facts known of Bradford this was pre-
sumably a stealing of Harris's book and is therefore an early
American case of literary theft.
The book proved so great a success in New England
that when its compiler returned to Old England, he contin-
1 8 Introduction
ued to publish it. In a work1 printed by him in 1701 is
Harris issues advertised at the end, among other " Books Printed and
/^NewEng- Sold by E Harris ^ ^c Golden Boar's-Head in Grace-
WTheNew church St.", " The New England Primer Enlarged ; For
English Tu- the more easy attaining the true Reading of English. To
tor in London which is added Milk for Babes" He seems to have also
«-'xT*>»o published editions of it under a title which would make it
more attractive to the English public, for in the reign of
Queen Anne (1702-1714) he issued what is presumably the
same text as his New England Primer, under the title of
"The New English Tutor".1 But the other title proved
the more popular, and under it numerous editions were
printed in England and Scotland, even into the nineteenth
It was in New England, however, that its great success
Success of the was achieved. Primer to printer and people there soon
Pnmer m meant only the New England Primer, all other varieties
land being specially designated to show that they were not of the
popular kind. Copies of the little book were as much a
matter of " stock " in the bookshops of the towns and gen-
eral stores of the villages as the Bible itself. In the inven-
tory of Michael Perry, a Boston bookseller, filed in 1700,
is entered "28 Primmers" and "44 doz. Primmers ",J and
standard advertisements in newspapers and books announced
that such and such a printer has for sale " Bibles, Testa-
ments, Psalters, Psalm-Books, Primers, Account Books and
Books of Record ". Indeed it was so taken for granted that
1 Davenport's "Saints Anchor hold." London: 1701.
7 See Appendix I.
3 Dunton's "Letters from New England," 316, 318.
Introduction 1 9
copies were in stock, that many printers and booksellers did
not think the fact worth advertising.
Occasionally printers tried to better the sale by re-nam-
ing it, as when Thomas Green issued it in New London Changes of
with the title of " A Primer for the Colony of Connecticut ' Ml"
and Henry de Foreest printed it at New York as " The
New York Primer ". When the United States became a
fact, it was several times printed under the titles of " The
American Primer", or "The Columbian Primer". But the
variations were not popular, the ventures did not succeed
the better, and eventually the " New England Primer " be-
came the deservedly established title.
For one hundred years this Primer was the school-
book of the dissenters of America, and for another hundred, Magnitude of
it was frequently reprinted. In the unfavorable locality (in sale
a sectarian sense) of Philadelphia, the accounts of Benjamin
Franklin and David Hall show that between 1749 and
1766, or a period of seventeen years, that firm sold thirty-
seven thousand one hundred copies. Livermore stated in
1849 that within the last dozen years " 100,000 copies of
modern editions . . . have been circulated ". An over con-
servative claim for it is to estimate an annual average sale
of twenty thousand copies during a period of one hundred
and fifty years, or total sales of three million copies.
ESPITE this enormous number, early editions of Rarity of the
i Primer, and
the JNew tLngland Jrnmer are among the rarest the reasons
of school-books. Edward Coote, in his " Eng-
lish Schoole-Master " (London 1597) recommended to
purchasers of his book, that :
" If, notwithstanding any former reasons, thou doubtist that thy
little child will have spoyled this booke before it bee learned ; thou
maist fitly diuide it at the end of the second booke, or thou mayest
reserve faire the written copies, vntill he can read."
When to the destruction of the child, is added the slight
value set by adults on children's books of their own time, it
is not strange that works intended for the instruction or
amusement of the young should constitute one of the rarest
of all classes of literature.
This destruction and heedlessness has made a study of
Difficulty of the New England Primer an almost hopeless undertaking.
studying and Though eagerly searched for by many collectors in the last
fifty years, no copy of a seventeenth century edition of the
work has been discovered, and this search has brought to
light less than forty editions and less than fifty copies of
New England Primers printed in the eighteenth century.
Although as already noted Franklin and Hall printed over
thirty-seven thousand copies between 1749 and 1766 (and
as Franklin printed an edition as early as 1735 and Hall as
late as 1779 it is probable that they issued at least double
that number), but a single copy with their imprints is
known to exist. Thomas states that Fowle printed about
1757 one edition of 10,000 copies, but not a single primer
with his imprint is extant. This is typical of the majority
of the issues.
George Livermore, the first collector of the little book,
//^Primer wno began about 1840, only succeeded in getting two
eighteenth century editions : Providence, 1775, and Hart-
2 I
ford, 1777. George Brinley, enjoying equal advantage in
priority and eagerness of search, after forty years of collect-
ing, only obtained nine primers of that century, Boston,
1737, Boston, 1768, Boston, 1770, Concord, 1776, Boston,
1777, Boston, 1784, Newburyport [1795?], Philadelphia
1797, and Medford, 1798. An early collection of Primers
made by Ira Webster, who in 1 843 reprinted the earliest copy
then known (Boston 1777), later came into the hands of
Dr. Henry Barnard, whose notable work in the history and
development of American education interested him in this
book, and who after many years of faithful gathering, has
brought together editions as follows : Boston, [1738 ?]
(badly imperfect), Boston, 1770, Providence, 1775, Boston,
1781, Portsmouth, [1795?], Newburyport, [1795 ?], and
Philadelphia, 1797. A fourth collector, Mr. E. Dwight
Church, has succeeded in obtaining copies of editions :
Boston, 1738, and Boston, 1762, the first of which he
purchased of Messrs. Dodd Mead & Co., who had cata-
logued it at three hundred dollars, and the second was
bought for him at the Brayton Ives sale for one hundred and
five dollars. This latter, in condition, is the finest copy
extant. Bishop John F. Hurst has gathered copies of the
primer: Boston, 1771, [No place], 1782, Salem, 1784,
Boston, 1791, New York, 1794, and Boston, [1795 ?].
The latter collections above noted are still in existence,
but those of Mr. Livermore and Mr. Brinley were sold at Finest coliec-
the respective auction sales of their libraries, and have gone
to largely form the two finest collections of the Primer now
existing. The first of these in condition and completeness
is that owned by Mr. Cornelius Vanderbilt, which consists
of the six choicest specimens formerly owned by Mr. Brin-
ley, and were bought at the sale of his library for the sum
of six hundred and twelve dollars for the lot. Scarcely
less valuable is the series possessed by the Lenox Library.
This contains the earliest known edition in existence, un-
fortunately slightly imperfect, which was purchased at pri-
vate sale for the library in 1876 by Dr. George H. Moore
for the absurdly low price of five dollars. A copy of a
London, 1767, edition was added through the liberality of
Mr. Alexander Maitland who bought it for one hundred
dollars and presented it to the library. From the Livermore
sale copies of editions: Providence, 1775 and Hartford, 1777,
were obtained at the price of ninety dollars each. More
recently Boston editions of 1791 and 1795 were purchased.
Among the less important collections in public libraries,
Minor collec- is that of the American Antiquarian Society, which has
copies of editions: Boston, 1795, Newburyport, [1795 ?],
Newbury, [1795 ?],and Medford 1798. The Connecticut
Historical Society has a Primer, London 1771 ; Brown
University one, Boston, [1795 ?] and the Massachusetts
Historical Society one, Paisley, 1781. An edition printed
in Boston in 1770 is in the Woburn (Mass.) Public Li-
brary, and one printed in the same place a year later is
the property of the Sheldon Art Museum at Middlebury,
Vt. The British Museum has a Newburyport, [1795?],
edition, but far more interesting is its unique copy of the
" New English Tutor " reprinted in this volume. The
Historical Society of Pennsylvania possesses the four leaves
of the Bradford fragment, supposed to be a portion of the
earliest edition known.
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Introduction 2 3
To all these collectors and institutions the writer is un-
der the greatest obligation for their uniform courtesy and Obligation of
assistance. He must also add his especial indebtedness to tbe edltor
Mr. Wilberforce Eames, Librarian of the Lenox Library,
for constant aid in the preparation of this work and as well
for his kindness in overlooking the proof sheets.
ALTHOUGH each printer of the New England
Primer changed title and text to suit his taste or Variations of
business interests, certain unmistakable ear-marks, Pnmer
or what the naturalist would term " limit of organic varia- *^ ^^
tion ", serve to mark beyond question every edition of the
Primer, however titled or altered. The printers of other
school-books often inserted fragments of the more famous
Primer in their ventures, but this neither deceived the pub-
lic then or the book lover now, the true Primer being too
sharply differentiated from all others for there to be the
possibility of confusion.
Every New England Primer, like many others, began
with the letters of the alphabet, followed by various repeti- The alphabet
tions making clear the distinctions between vowels, conso- and sJllaba~
nants, double letters, italic and capitals. After this came
what was called " Easy Syllables for Children," or as it was
frequently termed, the " syllabarium," beginning with such
combinations as " ab, eb, ib, ob, ub," followed by words of
one syllable which lengthened by degrees to imposing voca-
bles of six syllables. It is to be noted however, that occa-
sionally when the printer was cramped for space, he limited
the ambition of the student by dropping out these polysyl-
The omission
of the ®
Alphabet of
labic words, and gave only the shorter ones. This whole
elementary section of the primer had been used in Coote's
"The English Schoolmaster " as early as 1596, and may
have been framed by him, but as the first part is practically
what went to make the Horn-Book of the period, its anti-
quity may be far greater than Coote's book.
One apparently trivial distinction in the text as given
in the New England Primer, yet which had a deep motive,
is the omission at the beginning of the alphabet of the ^
which otherwise was so almost invariably placed there, as to
give to the first line of the alphabet the name of " Christ's
Cross-Row " or as it was more commonly termed " the Cris
Cross Row." In Morton's " New English Canaan " he
speaks of " a silenced Minister " who came over to New
England and brought " a great Bundell of Home books
with him and careful hee was (good man) to blott out all the
crosses of them for feare least the people of the land should
become Idolaters." Of this Puritan dread of the cross, the
New England Primer always took heed, and no edition is
known, even in those prepared for Episcopalians, to contain
the oldest religious emblem now worshipped.
Usually following the syllabarium, was what was called
" An Alphabet of Lessons for Youth," being a series of
moral and instructive sentences taken from the Bible, so
worded and arranged as to begin each paragraph with a
successive capital letter of the alphabet, the sole exception
being in the case of X, for that letter proved beyond the
ability of the compiler to find a sentence beginning properly,
and he dodged the issue in the following manner :
" eXhort one another daily ".
Introduction 2 5
In every " New England Primer" the Lord's Prayer
and Apostles' Creed were included, and while their position ^ Lord's
was varied, they commonly followed the " Alphabet of ray*r a™
EXT in order of what went to make the Primer
famous were the twenty-four little pictures, with The Rhymed
alphabetical rhymes, commencing Alphabet
" In Adams Fall
We sinned All ".
— A description of the beginning of original sin which cer-
tainly did its best to balance our first forebears' very ungen-
erous version of the affair which to the Puritan was the
greatest event in history.
This method of teaching the alphabet by short poems
was of much older date. As early as 1552 there was printed Earlier
in England a little tract entitled " Alphabetum primum Be- Rbymed Al~
cardi," which consisted of rhymes to each of the letters, and aj^,
another work of this period of exactly the same character
was entitled " Finch his Alphabet". A little later a broad-
side was issued headed " All the Letters of the A.B.C. by
every sondrye Letter wherof ther is a good Document set
fourth and taught in Ryme. Translated out of Bas-Almaine
into English, anno 1575". An even further development
of this was contained in Wastell's " Microbiblion, or the
Bibles Epitome"1 (London 1629) containing the sum of
1 An edition with a different title was printed as early as 1623.
the whole, in verse so capitalized as to form successive
Who was the author of the New England Primer
alphabet verses is not known, no text of it before its
It could not
an ate of printjnp. m that work having been found.
Writing &
have been written long before the first appearance of that
book, for the rhyme :
" The Royal Oak
It was the Tree
That sav'd bis
Roval Majesty."
by its allusion to King Charles, clearly shows it to have
been composed after 1660. All this points to the compiler
of the Primer as its author, for in other poems he expresses
the greatest admiration for the Merrie Monarch, as already
noted, he was continually scribbling verse quite of the
character of the rhymed alphabet, and this gives a strong
suspicion that it is from the pen of Harris.
It is a curious fact that of all these twenty-four stanzas
only the first one, relating to Adam, was not at some time
varied or changed, and these variations give a curious illus-
tration of some very important alterations of public opinion.
Thus in the earliest text extant,1 at the letter J is given a
picture of the crucifixion, with the stanza
" Sweet Jesus he
Dy'd on a Tree"
And in an English school-book of other character than the
Primer, this was unchanged. The Puritan, however, would
1 " New English Tutor," infra.
tion in text
y IB
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Introduction 2 7
not tolerate even this use of the cross, and so very quickly
the picture was changed to one of Job, and the rhyme to
" 'Job feels the rod
Yet blesses God."
Perhaps the most curious change is that connected with
the letter K. Allusion has been made to Harris's admira- From KinS *°
tion for King Charles, and there is good evidence that for en'
this letter originally there was a picture of that monarch
and the stanza read
" King Charles the Good
No Man of Blood."1
Presently however the King was dead, and in a little time
another king in the form of William III. for whom Harris
also felt a strong admiration, was reigning over England.
Thereupon the portrait and stanza were presumably changed
by the insertion of one singing his praises. When William
died however Harris did not displace his portrait, but call-
ing into play his poetic fancy, he affixed to the old cut,
the lines
"K. William*! Dead
and left the throne
To Ann our Queen
of great Renown."*
This necessity of changing with each new reign seems to have
proved a nuisance, and so someone presently hit upon the
device of being always in date, by making the rhyme read
" Our King the good
No man of blood."*
1 See stanza as printed in " A Guide for the Child", infra. * "New English Tutor", infra.
3 See "New England Primer", Boston : 1727, infra.
2 8 Introduction
For many years this form was satisfactory, but finally the
Americans began to question if after all the King was good.
To meet this doubt, printers easily changed the praise into
admonition by printing
" Kings should be good
Not men of Blood"1
Finally washing their hands of monarchy, rhyme too was
abandoned, and the stanza became
" The British King
Lost States thirteen"*
varied occasionally by another form which announced that
" ghteens and Kings
Are gaudy things "*
Akin to this in both democratic sentiment and verse
The letter ^ were revised lines for Q, to the effect that
" Kings and Queens
Lie in the dust"*
In the same manner, the rhyme already quoted, about
From Royal the royal oak, became unfit poetry for young republicans,
and in attempts to vary it wide divergence crept in, resulting
in the following forms :
u The Royal Oak, " If you seek in the forest
our King did save The Oak you will see
From fatal Stroke Among all the rest
of Rebel Slave."* is the stateliest tree"6
1 See " New England Primer." Boston : 1791.
2 Ibid. Philadelphia : 1797.
3 Ibid. Brattleboro: 1825. B " A Guide for the Child", infra.
4 Ibid. New York : 1819. 6 " New England Primer." Albany: 1818.
Introduction 2 9
" Of sturdy Oak " The Charter Oak
That Stately tree it was the tree
The ships are made That saved to us
That sail the sea"1 our Liberty"*
" The Owl at night " The Oak for shade
Hoots out of sight"* & strength was made"*
Another injection of patriotism was made in the letter
W. Originally this was rhe Primer
" Inhales in the sea Washington
Gods voice obey" « — ""|T-NO
In some editions of the Primers printed after the American
revolution this somewhat difficult rhyme was omitted, and
in its place was one of the following
" Great Washington brave u By Washington
His country did save."* Great deeds were done"*
All the foregoing were haphazard changes by various
printers, but a more sweeping alteration was made between The Rhymed
1740 and 1760. As originally written6 many of the P a et
K A A 'A A\ I'* Ewangehxtd
verses had a decidedly mundane quality, and so some
New England writer or printer undertook within that
period, to evangelize7 those lines which had an earthly
tendency. What was accomplished, is shown in parallel
column :
" The Cat doth play, " Christ crucify' d
And after slay" For sinners dy'd"
1 "New England Primer." Walpole : 1806. * Ibid. Hartford: 18 — ?
3 Ibid. New York : 1819. * Ibid. Brattleboro : 1825.
5 Ibid. New York: 1794. 6 Ibid. Boston : 1727.
7 Ibid. Boston: 1762.
The Rhymed
44 The Dog will bite,
A Thief at Night."
44 An Eagle's flight,
Is out of Sight"
44 An idle Fool,
Is whipt at School"
44 Our King the good
No man of blood "
" The Lion bold,
The Lamb doth hold:
44 The moon gives Light,
In time of night "
44 Nightingales sing,
In time of Spring"
44 The Royal Oak,
it was the Tree,
That sav'd his
Royal Majesty"
44 Rachel doth mourn
For her first born"
44 Samuel anoints
IVhom God appoints"
" Time cuts down all,
Both great and small"
44 The Deluge drown* d
The Earth around"
44 Elijah hid
By ravens fed "
44 The judgement made
Felix afraid."
44 Proud Korah' ' s troop
swallowed up"
Lot fled to Zoar,
Saw fiery Shower,
On Sodom pour"
44 Moses was he
Who Israel's Host
Led thro' the Sea."
44 Noah did view
The old world £s? new"
44 Young Obadias,
David, Josias,
All were Pious"
44 Young Pious Ruth
Left all for Truth."
44 Young Sam1 1 dear
The Lord did fear."
44 Young Timothy
Learnt Sin to fly"
Vs0 -O
2 ^
Q C3
* s
It g
« Vi
« ^
K o
> -a
'73 JC
K 2
tj .2
Introduction 3 1
" Uriah's beauteous Wife, " Vashti for Pride
Made David seek bis life." Was set aside"
Much later, in the present century when children's books
began to cater to what a child would like, a reactionary The Rhymed
spirit reversed this evangelization and stanzas of worldly Alphabet
. 11-1-1 r i • modernized
tendency were actually inserted in place or them in some ^_.
* -^ T ">^- *
editions. These substitution verses were :
K. "'7w Youth's delight
To fly their kite"
H. " Wrote by the hand
Great works do stand"
R. " The Rose in bloom
Sheds sweet perfume"
U. " Urns hold, we see
Coffee and Tea."1
The Puritan however did not approve these changes, and
they were rarely used. Nor were the evangelized rhymes
ever adopted in Great Britain.
Other and less noticeable changes were made, of which
the following are the most important that have been found : Minor changes
in the Rhymed
" The Eagle's flight " The Egytian host Alphabet
Is out of sight." was in the red sea lost"*
" Thy life to mend " Heaven to find
This Book attend."* The Bible mind."*
1 "New England Primer." New York : 1819. a Ibid. Wilmington : 1812
3 "New English Tutor." 4U< New England Primer," 1762.
u tjhteen Esther came
in royal State,
To save the Jews
from dismal Fate"1
" Youth's forward slips,
Death soonest nips"1
" While youth do chear
Death may be near."4
" £)ueen Esther sues
And saves the Jews"*
" Youth onward slips
Death soonest nips"
11 No Youth we see
From death is free"*
" Xerxes the great did dye " Xerxes did die,
And so must you and 7."6 And so must I."7
There were some few other variations of wording, but of
such slight difference as not to need notice.
John Rogers*
unto his
VEN more famous than the rhymed alphabet, is the
poem of John Rogers, with the picture of the
martyr burning at the stake, and " his Wife, with
Nine small Children, and one at her Breast " looking on.
Much sadness this poem and print must have cost the
Puritan mind, and even now, it is capable of producing a
sigh, no longer because one feels so keenly for the man,
who regardless of wife and children, insisted on being burnt,
and really forced the court against its will to make a martyr
of him, but because a study of the facts shows that the use
1 "New English Tutor."
3 "New English Tutor."
6 "New England Primer.'
6 "New English Tutor."
1 "New England Primer", 1762.
4 "New England Primer", 1761.
Brattleboro : 1825.
7 "New England Primer", 1762.
Introduction 3 3
of this poem and story, was nothing but a piece of sectarian
garbling and falsehood, and that all the pity spent upon it
by millions of readers was no more deserved than that
lavished upon the unfortunate heroes and heroines of
The history of the poem so far as can be learned is as
follows. In the sixteenth century there lived a man of
whom Foxe, in his "Book of Martyrs," wrote:
" Robert Smith gave himself to service in the house of sir Thomas
Smith, knight, being then provost of Eaton : from thence he was Foxe' 's account
preferred to Windsor, having there in the college a clerkship of ten °f
pounds a year. Of stature he was tall and slender, active about mlt
many things, but chiefly delighting in the art of painting, which
many times rather for his mind's sake, than for any gain, he did
practice and exercise. In religion he was fervent, after he had
once tasted the truth ; wherein he was much confirmed by the
preaching of Mr. Turner, of Windsor, and others. Whereupon
at the coming of Queen Mary he was deprived of his clerkship by
her visitors ; and not long after he was apprehended, and brought
to examination before Bonner."
At this point Foxe inserts an account of the trial where
Smith :
" vailantly stood in defence of his master's cause : and as thou seest
him here boldly stand in examination before the bishop and doctors ; Trial and
so was he no less comfortable also in the prison among his com- Prison Life
panions : which also is to be observed no less in his other fellow-
prisoners, who being together in the outward room in Newgate,
had godly conference with themselves, with daily praying and public
reading, which they to their great comfort used in that room together;
Burning at
the Stake
Robert Smith
as a ^writer
Poetical Letter
to a Friend
amongst whom Smith was the chief; whose industry was always
solicitous, not only for them of his own company, but also his
diligence was careful for other prisoners, whom he ceased not to
dissuade from their old accustomed iniquity ; and many he converted
to his religion.
" The said Robert Smith, the valiant and constant martyr of
Christ, being thus replenished as ye have heard, with the fortitude
of God's Spirit, was condemned at London by Bonner their bishop,
on the 1 2th of July ; and suffered at Uxbridge the 8th day of
August ; who as he had been before a comfortable instrument of
Good to all them that were in prison with him : so now also
being at the stake, he did no less comfort the people, there stand-
ing about him, willing them to think well of his cause, and not to
doubt but that his body dying in the quarrel, should rise again to
life. And, said he, I doubt not but God will show you some
token thereof. At length he being well nigh half burnt, and all black
with fire, clustered together as in a lump like a black coal, all men
thinking him dead, suddenly rose upright before the people, lifting
up the stumps of his arms, and clapping the same together, declaring
a rejoicing heart unto them ; and so bending down again, and hang-
ing over the fire, slept in the Lord, and ended this mortal life."
To a skill in painting, Mr. Smith added one in letters,
and Foxe states that " while in prison he wrote several
letters to his friends, some in verse, and others in prose ".
These poetical letters were nearly all in the same metre,
part of one to a friend reading :
"And now became I know the goal
That thou dost most desire
I send thee here a paper full,
As fined in the fire
Introduction 3 5
In hope thou wilt accept it well
Although it be but small
Because I have no other good
To make amends withal"1
To his brother he also wrote, bespeaking his care for his
wife and
"Also my daughter dear
Whom I bequeath to thee Poetical Letter
To be brought up in fear to his Brother
And learn the ABC «--nr^J
That she may grow in grace
And ruled by the rod
To learn and lead her life
Within the fear of God."
Far surpassing these poems in popularity, however, was
the " Exhortation vnto his children " which he penned at Writing and
this same time. Written in the year in which he was burned Publ"btng°f
/ \ • 11 1 f bis Exhorta-
(i CCO, it seems to have been printed first in icco when t. ,.
\ JJJ/3 jjy tion unto his
the Stationers Company directed that " Owyn Rogers hath children
lycense to prynte the Instruction for Chyldren ".* It was ac-
cordingly issued in that year, in a little tract of Puritan
writings, on the title of which it was termed " An exhorta-
cion of Mathewe Rogers, vnto his children," in the body of
the work it was retitled " The instruction of a Father to his
Children, which he wrote a few days before his burnynge ",
and at the end it was signed "Finis quod Mathewe Rogers ".J
It apparently proved a work of some popularity for in 1577
1 Foxe's "Book of Martyrs."
2 Arber's "Stationers' Register", i., 96.
3 See Appendix II.
3 6 Introduction
the Stationers Company "Licensed vnto" John Arnold the
issuing of another edition of the tract.
Why the name of Mathewe Rogers was substituted for
Substitution of that of the true writer can not be discovered, unless, Rogers
Rogers' Name ^^g ^g earliest) and therefore the best known of the " re-
^"J formed " Martyrs, the printer reasoned that his name would
cause a greater sale. The change of his true cognomen John
to Mathew, is more easily explained, for under the pen name
of Thomas Mathew, Rogers had helped Tyndale in translat-
ing the scriptures, and thus he was often called Mathew
But this foisting of the poem of Smith on to Rogers by
NewEngland no means ended the garbling. In the New England Primer,
Primer ac- ^ snort sketch of Rogers was inserted, as follows :
count of John
Rogers " Mr. John Rogers Minister of the Gospel in London, was the
«-^"~"|T\3 First Martyr in Queen Mary's Reign, and was burnt in Smithfield,
February the 14-th, 1554. His Wife with nine small Children,
and one at her Breast, follow'd him to the Stake, with which sor-
rowful Sight, he was not in the least daunted, but with wonderful
Patience, Dyed couragiously for the Gospel of Jesus Christ."
This is more remarkable for misstatement than for fact.
True account ROgers was a priest sworn to celibacy, who becoming con-
verted, broke his vow and took unto himself a wife. When,
on the accession of Mary, he refused to put the woman
away, he was condemned to death, and was burned at the
stake on February 4th, 1555, ("old style" February the
14, 1554) being, as Foxe said "the first martyr of all the
blessed company that suffered in Queen Mary's time, that
gave the first adventure upon the fire 'V Furthermore, his
1 Foxe's "Book of Martyrs."
Introduction 3 7
wife and children did not see him burned, for Foxe merely
stated that : " His wife and children, being eleven in num-
ber, ten able to go, and one sucking at her breast, met him
by the way as he went towards Smithfield : this sorrowful
sight of his own flesh and blood could nothing move him,
but he constantly and cheerfully took his death with wonder-
ful patience, in the defence of the gospel of Christ ".
Worth noting in this connection is one question over
which there has been much controversy, being the exact num- The number
ber of children thus left fatherless. The Primer, as will be of John
seen, gave him " nine small children and one at the breast" ogers
... ,
but printers read this differently, sometimes giving nine, and
sometimes ten, in the picture. At his trial, Rogers said dis-
tinctly that he had ten children, while Foxe1 speaks of his
" children, being eleven in number, ten able to go, and one
sucking". The explanation of this discrepancy is probably
due to the fact that Rogers was held in prison for over a year,
and debarred during that period from all news of his wife, in
which time it is obvious the eleventh child was born, since at
the time of his burning it was still unweaned.
OF greater importance than the Roger verses but of
far less popularity was the Catechism, which us- The Cate-
ually followed close upon the poem. In all eight- cbismsaftbt
eenth century Primers examined this consisted of either the
J Primer
Westminster Assembly's "Shorter Catechism"or John Cot-
ton's " Spiritual Milk for Babes " and in a number of edi-
1 Foxe's "Book of Martyrs."
3 8 Introduction
tions both were included. Several nineteenth century edi-
tions of the New England Primer contained besides the
Assembly's Catechism, the Episcopal as well, but no early
edition found contains what was so alien to all the rest of
the work.
The Shorter Catechism was framed by the great West-
Historyofthe minster Assembly, which was called together by the Round-
ate- j-feacj Parliament and was composed of one hundred and
twenty-one clergymen or presbyters, thirty or the laity,
chiefly of the nobility, and five special commissioners from
Scotland, and Baxter claimed " that the Christian world, since
the days of the Apostles, never had a Synod of more excel-
lent divines". This assembly met first on July 10, 1643,
and dissolved itself on March 3, 1649, having held in the
six years no less than eleven hundred and sixty-three ses-
Compared to Herbert's catechism entitled " The Careful
Length and Father and Pious Child" (London, 1648) which contained
consequent over twelve hundred questions and answers, the as-
sembly's catechism might well be termed " shorter ". As a
fact however this title was given merely to distinguish it from
the larger catechism put forth by this Assembly, and its one
hundred and seven questions, the answers to which ranged
in length from eight to one hundred words, made it a night-
mare to children. Rev. Heman Humphreys, though a con-
gregational clergyman and the president of Amherst college,
acknowledged that his recollection " accords with the experi-
ence of thousands, who like myself, once loathed the As-
sembly's Catechism ",' and when it is considered that child-
1 "New England Primer", Worcester: [1850?]
Introduction 3 9
ren of four and five years of age were expected to repeat,
with absolute verbal correctness, the terrible answers defin-
ing "justification", "sanctification", and "glorification", or
stand disgraced in the eyes of the whole congregation, the
word seems by no means too strong. Another clergyman
acknowledged that "when the Venerable Assembly composed
this form of Instruction, it seems that few of themselves
tho't it design'd or fitted for Babes, some answers being so
long and so full of great sense that tho' they might recite the
Words, that can be of little Benefit, till they also apprehend
the meaning ".'
None the less the children were drilled in this catechism
unsparingly. In church and at school it was almost a daily A daily task
task. As if this were not sufficient Cotton Mather even ad- f°r CMdren
vised mothers to catechise their children "every day", *-*""**'^
adding " you may be continually dropping something of the
Catechism upon them : Some Honey out of the Rock /" and
he told parents that :
" The Souls of your Children made a Cry in your Ears, O Par-
ents; a cry enough to break an Heart of Adamant. They are Born Mr. Cotton
Children of Wrath; and when they grow up, you have no way to Mather: his
Save them from the dreadful Wrath of God, if you do not Catechise
them in the Way of Salvation. They cry to you ; O our dear Par-
ents; Acquaint us with the Great God, and His Glorious Christ, that
so Good may co?ne unto us ! Let us not go from your Tender Knees,
down to the Place of Dragons. Oh ! Not Parents, but Ostriches :
Not Parents, but Prodigies ! What, but more cruel than the Sea-
Monsters are the Parents, who will not be moved by such Thoughts
as these, to Draw out the Breasts of the Catechism, unto their Young
1 Noble's "Beginners' Catechism." London: 1707.
Ones ! One would think, Parents, Your own Bowels, if you have
not Monstrously lost them, would Suggest enough to persuade you
unto the Pleasant Labours of the Catechism"
Yet even Mather acknowledged that the Shorter Catechism
had difficulties for very young children, by preparing a
briefer and simpler one, that instead of taxing children of
the " Youngest and Lowest Capacities," with the catechism
of the Assembly, " This little Watering Pot may be quickly
so used upon the little Olive Plants about our tables, that,
not a drop of the heavenly dew contained in it shall escape
them 'V
Nor was the catechism used only for the catechising of
the younger generation, for it was frequently made the sub-
ject of sermons to the elder portions of the congregation,
Mather relating that Rev. John Fiske "chose the Assem-
bly's Catechism for his public expositions, wherewith he twice
went over it, in his discourses before his afternoon sermons."
The largest book printed in New England before the nine-
teenth century, was Samuel Willard's " Complete Body of
Divinity in Two Hundred and Fifty Expository Lectures
on the Assembly's Shorter Catechism " — a mammoth folio
of over nine hundred pages, of such popularity that before
publication more than five hundred subscribers were ob-
tained, many of whom bespoke more than one copy, and some
as many as sixteen.1
It has been questioned whether the Assembly's Catechism
appeared in the very earliest editions of the New England
of the Primer *\ J
and the Primer, but from the fact that Harris printed a separate
on the Cate-
See Appendix III.
See Appendix IV.
edition of the catechism in the same year that the second
impression of the Primer was issued, and from the fact that
it formed part of the Bradford edition, which is thought to
be the earliest Primer fragment known, the evidence seems
far more in favor of its inclusion than against it.
EQUALLY popular at first in America was John
Cotton's " Spiritual Milk for American Babes," cotton's
Mather being authority for the statement that in Spiritual Milk
1697 "the children of New England are to this day most for Babes
usually fed with this excellent catechism"1 and he called it
" peculiarly, The Catechism of New England."
Of the author Mather wrote :
" Were I master of the pen, wherewith Palladius embalmed his
Cbrysostom, the Greek patriark, or Posidonius eternized his Austin, .
the Latin oracle, among the ancients; or, were I owner of the quill Of Mr. Cotton
wherewith among the moderns, Beza celebrated his immortal Catvin,
or Fabius immortalized his venerable Beza ; the merits of John
Cotton would oblige me to employ it, in the preserving his famous
It is sufficient to say that he was born in 1585, went through
Cambridge University and became successively fellow of
Trinity College, Dean of Emmanuel College, and minister at
Boston in Lincolnshire. Becoming while there a non-con-
formist, he was " silenced " for a while, but eventually was
allowed once more to preach, and in his twenty years pas-
1 Mather's " Magnalia."
4 2 Introduction
torate at Boston " he thrice went over the body of divinity
in a catechistical way, and besides his 'Lord's day' sermons"
gave " his ordinary lecture every week, on the week days,
namely on Wednesdays and 'Thursdays, early in the morning,
and on Saturdays, at three in the afternoon ", with such re-
sults to Boston that " religion was embraced, and practiced
among the body of the people; yea the mayor, with most
part of the magistrates, were now called Puritans, and the
S at anical party was become insignificant".
Finally the High Commission Court, popularly known
Flies to Amer- as tne Star Chamber began proceedings against him, and
changing name and garb, Cotton took ship for New England
comes a , ° r & .
Leader with two other clergymen, the three lightening the tedium
of the passage by daily sermons " all the while they were
aboard, yea they had three sermons, or expositions, for the
most part every day : of Mr. Cotton in the morning, Mr.
Hooker in the afternoon, Mr. Stone after supper in the even-
ing ". Upon arriving at Boston he was promptly made
" teacher " of the first church there, and very quickly came
to wield a power in that theocratic settlement akin to that
now exercised by a political boss. He was invited to re-
turn to England when the Puritans gained the upper hand,
to take part in the "Westminister Assembly" but declined.
Nothing perhaps better typifies the man than when on "be-
ing asked why in his latter days he indulged in nocturnal
studies more than formerly, he pleasantly replied, Because I
love to sweeten my mouth with a piece of Calvin before I go
to sleep 'V
Cotton presumably prepared the Milk for Babes in 1641,
1 Mather's "Magnalia."
Introduction 4 3
at the time the "General Corte" asked the elders to prepare a
catechism, as already recorded, and probably it was printed at PreparesMllk
Cambridge by Daye, between 1641 and 1645. No copy of for Babes
this edition is known however, and the first edition of *"*"' ^°
which a copy is now extant is one printed in London in
1646. It was again printed there in 1648, and in 1668, and
in 1656 an edition was issued at Cambridge in New Eng-
land. After 1690 its inclusion in many editions of the New
England Primer somewhat checked the printing of separate
editions but an edition in the Indian tongue was printed at
Boston in 1691, and this was reprinted in 1720. In 1702
Mather abridged and combined it with the Assembly's
catechism and one of his own and issued it under the title
of " Maschil, or The Faithful Instructor",1 and other edi-
tions of this form of the work were issued with the title of
"The Man of God Furnished"1 and "The Way of Truth
laid out 'V In these, Mather asserted that Milk for Babes
"will be valued and studied and improved until New Eng-
land cease to be New England."
While by no means as popular as Mr. Cotton's meta-
phorical title would lead one to expect, it must be confessed Milk for
that it is a decided improvement on the Shorter Catechism, Babes com~
if not in soundness of doctrine, at least in length. In place '
of one hundred and seven questions, there were but sixty- Catechism
1 " Maschil, or The Faithful Instructor. Offering Memorials of Christianity in Twenty-
Six Exercises Upon the New English Catechism." Boston: 1702.
2 "The Man of God Furnished. The Way of Truth, Laid out, with a Threefold
Catechism." Boston: 1708.
3 "The Way of Truth, laid out. A Catechism which, as with Supplies from the
Tower of David, Arms Christians of all Ages to Refute the Errors which most commonly as-
sault the Cause of Christianity." Boston: 1721.
44 Introduction
four and instead of replies ranging in length from eight
to one hundred words, one answer was a single word, and
the longest only contained eighty-four.
f — •~-^HE last piece of any importance which can be con-
Dialogue be- sidered an integrant of the New England
tween Christ, JL Primer, is what was called "A Dialogue between
Christ, Youth and the Devil ", a poem relating to a tempted
youth, who despite the warning of his Redeemer succumbs
to the wiles of the horny footed tempter, and makes an
effective exit at the end of the dialogue without the assist-
ance of any stage directions, but with, it is presumable, the
glare of subterranean regions, in place of the more profes-
sional calcium light.
This dialogue form was a favorite medium of the seven-
Popularity of teenth century. In 1671 Thomas Sherman issued a tract
Dialogue called " Youth's Tragedy, drawn up by way of Dialogue be-
form tween Youth, the Devil, Wisdom, Time, Death, the Soul,
and the Nuncius ", which was many times reprinted. So
too, an anonymous poem entitled "An Excellent Example
to all young Men, being a Dialogue betwixt Youth and Con-
science and Satan" was issued in London in 1684. Still a
third, called " The Youth's Looking Glass, being a divine
Dialogue between a young Man, Satan, and our Saviour
Jesus Christ ", was printed without a date.
None of these were the same as the Dialogue used in
Authorship of ...... r .
Dialogue tne Pnmer, and as no printing of it can be found pre-datmg
its appearance in that publication, it seems probable that it
Introduction 45
was composed by the man whom Dunton described as " the
neat and poetical Ben Harris ". It is proper to note that un-
like the portions already described it was not always included
in the New England Primer, but as it is contained in the
Bradford fragment, and in Harris' " New English Tutor ",
as well as in nine editions of the Primer printed in the
eighteenth century, it has seemed best to treat it as one of
of the true pieces that went to mark the little book.
V©9¥©®¥®@9©®¥©^©® $©©$©© v^™®@
SUCH were the main contents of the Primer, but many
smaller pieces, in which far greater variation was Minor Varia-
shown, were used by the printers to fill in between
the more important portions, and to pad out at the end so
as to complete the last signature. Few of these minor
pieces can be positively identified, but as they go to make
a history of the book, and as their chronology is of some
value in settling the approximate decade of imperfect copies
of the Primer, they deserve some attention.1
In the second edition of the Primer, as the advertisement
states, the Prayer of Edward VI, taken from Foxe's "Book Prayer of
of Martyrs" was given, and this prayer appears in the "New Ed™ard VIth
English Tutor ", but no Primer extant contains it.
The New English Tutor, The Protestant Tutors of
1715, and 1716, and the New England Primer of 1727 Text of Ear-
contain the ten commandments, the " Names and Orders of hest Edltlons
the Books of the Old and New Testament" and "Numeral
Letters and Figures, which may serve for the ready finding
1 See Appendices VI. and VII.
46 Introduction
of any Chapter and Verse in the Bible ". None of these
were included in the later eighteenth century editions.
In the edition of 1737 a longish "Verses for Children"
Textof edition beginning " Though I am but a little one " appeared for
the first time, and was included in many subsequent editions.
This edition also gave a part of the "Duty of Children to-
wards their Parents" which had been given in the " New
English Tutor ". The only other edition with this was one
printed in London in 1781. Most remarkable of all in this
edition was its printing of the lines :
11 Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray the Lord my soul to keep
If I should die before I wake
I pray the Lord my soul to take"
The author of these famous lines is unknown, and this is
their first appearance in print, so far as can be discovered.
They were included in almost every subsequent edition of
the Primer.
With the evangelization of the Primer between 1740 and
Text of the 1760, besides the change in the rhymed alphabet other ma-
E<vangehzed terjaj alterations were introduced. In the earliest edition
extant so revised the chief variations are the introduction of
Watts' Divine Song for Children, his Cradle Hymn, and his
Morning and Evening Prayers, Rev. Nathaniel Clap's "Ad-
vice to his Children," "Agurs Prayer," (which had appeared
in the " New English Tutor ") and " Some Proper Names
of Men and Women." All these additions proved fairly pop-
ular, though the parts by Watts were the most so, and they
formed the text of most editions of the Primer issued between
Introduction 4.7
1762 and 1790. A minor addition was the insertion of a
short set of questions, beginning " Who was the first Man",
and all to be answered from the Bible. This was length-
ened or shortened at the will of each printer, and in the Sa-
lem edition of 1784 the printer so far departed from sacred
text, as to ask " Who saved America " and " Who betrayed
America," the answers being " George Washington " and
" Benedict Arnold."
About 1790 a very marked change was made by printers
taking some mundane rhymes from an English publication Text of the
entitled the "Royal Primer", describing various animals, with p°Pularized
c . Primert
pictures or them. .From this source were also taken a " De-
scription of a Good Boy," a " Description of a Bad Boy,"
and poems on " The Good Girl " and " The Naughty Girl."
Their insertion marked the beginning of the end, for no
longer salvation was promised to the good, and unending
fire to the bad, but " pert Miss Prat-a-pace " was to have
none of the " Oranges, Apples, Cakes, or Nuts " promised
to " pretty Miss Prudence," and the naughty urchin was only
threatened with beggary while the good boy was promised
" credit and reputation." Worst of all was the insertion of
a short poem which should have made the true Puritan turn
in his grave, for instead of teaching that letters were to
be learned, that the Bible might be read, and that the figures
were to be acquired for the purpose of finding chapter and
verse in that work, it said :
" He who ne'er learns bis A. B. C.
Forever will a blockhead be.
But he who learns his letters fair
Shall have a coach to take the air"
The change, nevertheless proved popular, alas, and quite a
number of editions between 1790 and 1800 contain more or
less of these worldly additions.
Of these successive variations in the American primer,
Unvarying- British editions took no heed, and they constitute a class by
ness oj ng is (-nemse}veSi Although Harris' issue of the Primer in Old
England contained Cotton's " Milk for Babes," later Eng-
lish editions did not include it. But aside from the standard
contents of the Primer, there were added " The History of
the Creation," a poetical " Advice to Children," a " Collec-
tion of the best English Proverbs," and a number of shorter
The English
'O account of the Primer would be complete without
some notice of the illustrations, which alone of all
its contents bid for popular favor from the children.
In the Protestant Tutor as printed by Harris in 1716,
is a frontispiece type-metal cut of George I. and from the
fact that the New English Tutor and the 1727 edition of the
Primer both lack the preliminary leaf of the first signature
it is a safe assumption that these two books each began with
a portrait of the Royal personage reigning at the time of
their issue. The Primer of 1737 gives a very fairly executed
portrait of George II. In 1762, though news of the death
of this monarch had reached Boston, yet in an edition of the
book printed there in that year, there either was too little
time, or the printer was too economical, to prepare a new
cut, so an additional stroke of the burin changed a II., into a
Introduction 49
III., and thus a portrait of George III. was improvised,
which in its striking likeness to his father clearly shows the
wonderful influence of heredity.
The Primer of 1770 was more historically correct, giving
a genuine though very crude portrait of George III. Again His American
however, the printer was called upon, by the American Revo- Successors
lution, to change his frontispiece, and in 1776 the portrait *-x> "s°
of the Royal George was merely relabelled, and came forth
as the republican "John Hancock," the likeness between
these two, being it is needless to say, very extraordinary con-
sidering that they were representatives of such opposite
parties. In the Boston edition of 1777 a correct portrait of
Hancock was achieved, and in an edition printed in Hart-
ford in the same year a portrait of Samuel Adams, another
hero of the hour, was given. At the end of the revolution,
the standard portrait became that of Washington, and the
only exception to the use of his features, when any portrait
was given in subsequent editions, is one of Isaac Watts
printed in a Worcester edition issued about 1850.
The change in the rhymed alphabet cuts have already
been described. One important fact however, is the use of The Rhymed
some of the little pictures in a work written by Harris en- AlPha^tCuts
titled " The Holy Bible In Verse." Harris advertised this
book as early as 1701, and in an edition printed in 1717 all
of the cuts are clearly taken from his edition of the New Eng-
land Primer.1
The print of John Rogers at the stake has also been
mentioned. There is a picture of the scene in Foxe's " Book The Prints of
of Martyrs," but this departs from the standard of the Pri-
1 See Appendix V.
5 o Introduction
mer cuts, by not having wife and children present. The
earliest cut found to include them is contained in the " New
English Tutor," and the identical block used in that work
is also used in Harris' edition of the " Protestant Tutor" of
1716. As fair samples of the style of prints, two eighteenth
century cuts are given in the present work, taken from the
editions of 1762 and 1770 respectively. Probably the most
curious of all is that contained in the Albany edition of 1 8 1 8,
in which the guards are costumed in the local militia uniform
of the day, with great plumes in their shakos, but scarcely
less odd is that in the Lansingburg, 1810 edition, in which
the executioner is given a continental cocked hat.
In the " New English Tutor " a print is given of " The
The Pope, or pOpe or Man of Sin " which was originally beyond question
a cut used to illustrate the signs of the zodiac in an almanac,
for it is exactly like them with the exception of the addition
of a tiara to the otherwise naked figure. To utilize the zo-
diacal lines and letters radiating from the body, Harris added
a key or explanation which replaced Aries, Taurus, Cancer,
Scorpion, etc., with Heresy, Disorder, Malice, Murder and
Treachery, etc., and which called on the " Child " to " be-
hold that Man of Sin, the Pope, worthy thy utmost Hat-
red." This print was reproduced in the Primer of 1737, but
no key was added, so that the " Child " must have been not
a little puzzled to know what the rays and letters meant.
There was a worse lapse however, in this edition of 1737,
The Devil's for the last leaf prints an engraving which certainly was no-
Ptcture Card tjimg jess tjlan tjle block of the queen in playing cards, for
contemporary packs have just such queens. To find such
a print in the godly New England Primer is perhaps the
From the Ne-iu England Primer. Boston : /7J~
Introduction 5 1
most curious fact yet known, and can only be accounted for
by the probability that its purchasers were so ignorant of the
appearance of the " Devil's picture cards " that they did not
recognize its prototype.
The " New English Tutor " contained pictures of Death,
Judgment, Heaven, and Hell, but these do not seem to have Biblical and
been repeated in the Primer. Kindred illustrations however, Worldly illus-
of "Adam and Eve ", the " Nativity and the Passion ",
" Christ's Death", and " The Assension " were given in the
Salem edition of 1784, and some of these prints were used
in other issues printed in the decade 1790—1 800. This Salem
edition contained pictures of " a little boy and girl bestow-
ing charity " and "a good Boy and Girl at their Books."
More important still was its inclusion of certain prints of
animals taken from the " Royal Primer," which, with the al-
ready described poems, was the first true bid for popularity
the Primer had ever made. Some other worldly prints were
included, among them two designed to teach the alphabet,
no longer by Bible extracts, but by pictures of playthings,
animals, etc.
This secularizing was an attack by its friends from which
the book never quite recovered, for the printers having Extinction of
once found how much more saleable such primers were, and
parents having found how much more readily their children
learned, both united in encouraging more popular school-
books, and very quickly illustrated primers, which aimed to
please rather than to torture, were multiplied. The New
England Primer made a brave fight, but it was a hopeless
battle. Slowly printer after printer abandoned the printing
of editions of the little work, in favor of some more popular
5 2 Introduction
compilation. It was driven from the cities, then from the
villages, and finally from the farm houses. Editions were
constantly printed, but steadily it lost its place as a book of
instruction. In the schools it was replaced by other and bet-
ter books, and though an edition was printed as recently as
1886, it is to be questioned if an American child of to-day
is being taught by the famous little manual.
IT is impossible to measure the work the Primer accom-
plished. If the Puritan exodus is viewed with the eyes
of the Hon. William Stoughton, who asserted that
" God sifted a whole nation that he might send choice
grain into this wilderness," is accepted there was little left
for the Primer to do. This however is a public speaker's
view, and therefore probably approximated more to what
would please his audience, than to the truth. Certainly
the court records of early New England reveal a condition
akin to all frontier settlements in lawlessness and immorality,
and in proportion to population show a greater percentage
of all crimes than would be found even in our large cities
of to-day, bearing out the statement of the Rev. John White,
— a leading Puritan — that a large part of the first settlers
of New England were " a multitude of rude ungovernable
persons, the very scum of the land." It is related that a
newly installed New England pastor said to a spinster parish-
ioner "I hope, madam, you believe in total depravity," and
received the prompt response: "Oh, parson, what a fine
doctrine it would be, if folks only lived up to it." There
GEORGE the Second
From the Ne-iv England Primer. Boston :
Introduction 5 3
was far more living up to total depravity in early New Eng-
land than most people suspect, and when one reads the ^he Work °f
charges brought against them by their own ministers, it is not
difficult to realize why the New England clergy dwelt so
much on the terrors of hell ; one even becomes sympathetic
with the Presbyterian clergyman who said with disgust that
" the Universalists believe that all men will be saved, but
we hope for better things." Whatever the first years of New
England may have been, however, the church and the school
were at work, and what they did needs no other monument
than the history of the last two hundred years. The New
England Primer is dead, but it died on a victorious battle
field, and its epitaph may well be that written of Noah
Webster's Spelling Book :
"It taught millions to read, and not one to sin."
tjWVS/ (.'?) f+i \!w (*; (*i \&J (* ) f*J
THE following is a facsimile of the earliest known edition of the New England Primer,
taken from the unique copy in the Lenox Library. From its lacking one leaf in the
first signature, it is presumed that a portrait of the reigning King of Great Britain
preceded the title page. Part of pages 21-2, and all of pages 23-4 are lacking, but the prob-
able text is restored in this reprint. The last leaf is also wanting, the text of which is sup-
plied so far as possible.
3 Enlarged.
nFor the more eafy attalniit
• thetiueReadingoi'ENGUS.J?
To which is added,
The AfTembly of Divines
0 STO If.- Printed byS Kneetan<lf&
by the Boofefcll«s» 1717
O» r»»jm/"»3/'^£7i'" «*•£«'*< £?Vlirri'>'i
:*&& j£^ fisw sai iS3vA\>
• A bt &
<. ue. win nor acpart jrcm if.
Chap.2;. 17,18. Let not thy bf art
tnvyfinnersjiut be tbou in the f fir
of the Lord all the day long.
For Jure ly tbere is an end, and
thy cxpt flat ion Jk&ll not be eut oj}t
Epb. i, I* Qfildrtn obey your Pa-
rents in the Lord, for this is rigbt*
^Of Serving GOD.
1. God wi II b&vt no time tofavf
us, if we find, n-o day toftrve Him.
2. Shall we have fix days in
fevent and God not one *
I Chron.-28s9,Myfan,fcnw] tbau
theGodofibyFa'tber&ferve Him with
aptrfetfbetirtgfwitb a willing mind,
for tbf Lordjearcbetb all beans.
abcdcfghijklm ^
• Vowels.
AEIOUY aeiou
i1<JmnPq rftvw
Double Letters,
//' Kk LI Mm Nn Oo P
It a Ink Double Letters
The Great Englifh Letters,
31 & € 2D e 5P 45
The Small Englifh Letters.
Greac Letters.
£tf/?^ Sy It ablet for Children.
ab eb ib ob ub
ta te ti to tu
Words of one Syllable.
Words of two Syllables.
Ab-fent Abfent
Bold-ly Boldly
Con-ftant Conftant
De-pend Depend
En-clofe Enclofe
Fa-thet Father
Glory Glory
Hus-band Husband
Words of three Syllables,
A-bu-fing Abufing
Be- witch- ing Bewitching
Con-found'ed Confounded
Drun-fcen-nefs Drunkennefs
E-raf-mus Erafmus
Fa«cul-ty Faculty
God-li-nefs Godlinefs
Ho-li-nefs Holinefs
Jm-pu-denr Impudent
Ka*len-dei Kalender.
Words of four Syllable?.
Ac-corn pa-ny Accompany
Be-ne vo-lence Benevolence
Ce-re-mo ny Ceremony
Difcon-tent-ed Dlfcontented
E-ver-laft-ing Everlafting
Fi-deli-ty Fidelity
Glo-ri-fy-ing Glorifying
Hu-mi-li ty Humility
In-fir-mi-ty Infirmity.
Words of five Syllables.
Ad mi-ra-ti-on Admiration
Be-ne-fi-ci al Beneficial
Con-lb'la ti-on Confoiation
De cla ra ti on Declaration
Ex hor-ta- ti-on Exhortation«ti on Fornication ti-on Generation
Ha-bi'ta-ti-on Habitation
In-vi-tation Invitauon
In Adam's Fall
We Siuned ail.
Thy Life to Mend
This Beck Attend.
The Cat doth play
And after flay.
A Dog will bite
A Thief at night.
An Eagle* flight
Is out of fight.
The Idle Fool
Is whjpc at School,
As runs the C/ap
Mans life doth pafs.
My BooS and Heart
Shall never pwt.
feels the Rod
Yet bicfles GOD.
Our KJNG the
No man of blood.
The Lion bold
The Lamb doth hold.
In Time of Spring,
The Royal Oak
it was the Tree
That fav'd His
Peter denies
His Lord and cries
Queen Efbtr cotncs
in Royal State
To Save the JEWS
•from difmal Fate
Rachel dothtnour,
For her firft born.
Samuel anoints
Whom Cod appoint!:
Time cuts down aSJ
Boch great and foul!.
ITriflJWwa ureous W ife
Made David leek his
in the Sea
God's Voice obey.
Xerxes the great did
And (o mult you & I,
Tontb forward (lips
Death fooneJt -nips,
Zacbtus fie
Did climb the Tree
Lord to fee,
Now tbe Cbild being entrtd in his
Letters end Spelling, let him
team tbefe and fucb like Sen*
lewes by Heart, whereby be wt/J
le both inflrutied in bis Duty,
<wd encouraged in bis Learning,
Tbe Dutiful a/ATr Promifct,
Will fear GOD,and. honour the KINC5.
I will honour my Father & Mother.
I will obty my Soperiours.
1 will Submfl to my Eldcr$»
I will Love my Friends,
1 will hate no Man.
I will forgive my Enemies, and ptay to
f God for {hem.
* will a $ much as in me lies Xc«iftH God'*
I will learn my Gatechifrfi.
I will k«p the Lord's Day Holy;
I will Keverence God's Santfuary,
For our GOD is a. con fuming
An Alphabet ofLe/wsfor Youth.
A Wife Son mates a glad Fathcr.bat
a fooHfo Son is the heavtoefs of
his Matter.
BEtter as a little with the fear of the
Lord, than great fcreafure and trou-
ble therewith,
COme unro CHRIST ai! ye that la.
bour and are heavy laden, and He
will give you relt.
not the abominable thing which
\ hate, faith the Lord.
kXcept a Man be born again, he cait-
not fee the Kingdom of God.
'Oolilhnefs is bound up in the heart of
a Child, but the rod of CoT
fiwll drive it far from him.
Kieve, not the Holy Spirit.
HOIinels becomes God's Houfe for
TTT Is good for me to draw near unto
lepthy Heart with allDiligcnee, tot
out of it are the iflues of Lifr.
lars (hall have their part in the hire
r which burns with fire and brimltone.
MAny are the Afflictions of the
Righteous, but the Lord delivers
«ncjn out of
NOW is the acc<?pte<* time, now is
the (Uy of &ivacion.
OTjt of tnc abundance of the bearc
the mou^h fpeakecr:.
PRay to thv Father which is in fecret,
^od thy father which iites in fccrot,
lhall reward thee openly.
Hit you like Men, be ftrong, ftand.
lait in the Faitb.
fmeinber rhy Creator in the days
of thy Youth.
[ivation bclongeih to the Lord,
B Truft
TFufl in God at ill times y« peopK
pout out your hearts before him.
UPon the wicked God fhall rain an
horribje T empeft.
O to the wicked, it flull be 10
with him, for the feward of .his
fball be given hin.
ort onc a»otber da]|y wHle |s
is ailed to day, Jdt any of you
entd through the deceitjulnds of
YOung Men ye have overcome ibe
wicked one.
ZEil hath confumed me, bfcaufe thy
enemies have forgotten the word1?
of God. Choice Sentences.
i. Praying will make thee leave fin
,. or finning will make ihce leave
a. o'ur Wea'<nef$ and Inabilities break
no? the bond of our Dmie5.
3 Whac we are a{raJd to fpcalc before
Men, we (hould be alrsid to thinic btfoic
The LORD's Trayer.
OUR ?»• ther which art in H«a.v?n,
Hil-low-ed be thy Name. Thy
Kingdom come. Thy Will be done on
Eirtb as it is in He* yen. Give ui this
day our dai-!y Bread, And for-give u<S
our Debts as we for-give our Deb-tor?.
And lead us not in. to Temp-ta-ti'On! but
dHi-ver us from e«vil| for thine is the
Kingdom, the Power and the Glo.ry, for
ever, A-MEN.
Be-H«ve in GOD the Fa-ther Almigh-
ty, Ma-ker of Hea.ven and Eaftn, And
in Je-fus Ghrill his on.Iy Son our Lord,
which was con-ceiv-ed by the
Ghoft, Born of the Vir.gin ]ftaryt Siif-
fer-ed un-derPo«-//*z/j Pi-late, wascru^ci-
fi.ed, Dead and BiHri-ed, He de.fcen.ded
in-to HeU. The third D«.y he- a.rofe
a.gain from the Dfld ; and af.feen-ded
in-to Hea.«n» and fit^teth on the Right.
Hand of God the Fa-ther
From thence he (tall come
the quick and the dead. I be-Iieve in the
Ho-fy Ghott, the Ho-Jy Ca-tho-lick
Church, the u-ni- on ofSaims,the
Fof-givf-nefs of Sins, the Re-fur.rec.ti.on
of the Body, and the Life E-vcr-fcif-ing
Tin Ten Commandments. Exod. XX.
GOD fpAlte all tli efeWorjj. faying,
am fbe Lord thy God, vbicb bavs
brought tbee out of the Land of j£gyftt
cut cf the Houfe of Bondage.
I. TChou (hiit have no other go3s
before me.
II. Thou (halt not make unto thee any
graven Image, or any likenefs o{ any
thing that i$ in Heaven above, cr lhat u
in the Earth beneath, or that is in the
Water under the Earth $ thou net
bow down thy felf to them, nor ferve
them, for I the Lord thy God am a jea.
us Gqd, yifiting the iniquity of the F«^
lersupon the Children, unto the third
and fourth* ~ - ' "\
we, aijd the \
of them ttt
will DC
it bo. 1
(halt IK i
nor thy
nor thy
'ct thy
ior hij
tng, Ho«
- and
and fourth Generation of them that hate
me and {hewing Mercy unto thoufands
of them that love Me and keep my Com-
III. Thou fhalt not take the Name of
the Lord thy God in vain, for the Lord
will not hold him guiltlefs that taketh his
Name in vain.
IV. Remember the Sabbath Day and keep
it holy, fix Days (halt thou labor and do
all thy Work, but the feventh day is the
Sabbath of the Lord thy God, in it thou
(halt not do any work, thou nor thy Son,
nor thy Daughter, nor thy Man Servant,
nor thy Maid Servant, nor thy Cattle, nor
the Stranger that is within thy Gates, for
in fix Days the Lord made Heaven and
Earth, the Sea,and all that in them is,and
refted the feventh Day, wherefore the Lord
blefsed the Sabbath Day and hallowed it.
V. Honor thy Father and thy Mother,
that thy Days may be long upon the Land
which the Lord thy God giveth thee.
VI. Thou fhalt not Kill.
[Restoration of lacking text]
VII. Thou (halt not commit Adultery.
VIII. Thou (halt not Steal.
IX. Thou (halt not bear falfe Witnefs
againit thy Neighbor.
X. Thou (halt not covet thy Neigh-
bor's Houfe, thou (halt not covet thy
Neighbor's Wife, nor his Man Servant,
nor his Maid Servant, nor his Ox, nor
his Afs, nor anything that is thy Neigh-
These Words which I command thee this
Day shall be in thy Heart.
God hath commanded faying, Ho-
nour thy Father and Mother, and
whofo curfeth Father or Mother, let him
die the Death. Mat. 15. 4.
Children obey your Parents in the
Lord, for this is right.
2. Honour thy Father and Mother,
(which is the firft Commandment with
[Restoration of lacking 1ext~\
r*u~&&aRGE tlfc Third,
•fd *&&£& 22d J7-
From the Ne<w England Primer. Boston : 1762
3. That it may be well with thee,
and that thou mayft live long on the
Children, obey your Parents in all
Things, for that is well pleafing unto the
Lord. Col. 3, 20.
The Eye that mocketh his Father,
and defpifeth the Inftruction of his
Mother, let the Ravens of the Valley
pluck it out, and the young Eagles eat
Father, I have finned againft Heaven,
and before thee. Luke 15, 10.
19. I am no more worthy to be called
thy Son.
No man ever hated his own flefh, but
nourifheth and cherifheth it. Ephes.
5> 19-
I pray thee let my Father and Mother
come and abide with you, till I know
what God will do for me. i Sam.
22, 3.
My Son, help thy Father in his Age,
and grieve him not as long as he liveth.
[Restoration of lacking text]
12. And if his Underftanding fail,
have patience with him, and defpife him
not when them art in thy full Strength.
Whofo curfeth his Father or his Moth-
er, his Lamp {hall be put out in obfcure
Darknefs. Prov. 20, 20.
I in the Burying Place may fee
Graves fhorter there than I ;
From Death's Arreft no Age is free,
Young Children too may die ;
My God, may fuch an awful Sight,
Awakening be to me !
Oh ! that by early Grace I might
For Death prepared be.
Firft in the Morning when thou doft
To God for his Grace thy Petition make,
Some Heavenly Petition ufe daily to fay,
That the God of Heaven may blefs
thee alway.
[Restoration of lacking text~\
Good Children tnufl
Fear Gad all Day, Love*
Parents obeyy In Secrtt Pray,
tfofatfetltingfay, Mind little flay,
By no Sinfflay) Make no delay t
in daing Good.
Awake, arife, bebold thou baft
Tbj life a Leaf, tby Breath a BtaR-,
At Ntgbt Ijc down prepaid to htvf
TbyJJftp,tbydeatbttby ltd,tby grave.
Learn thefe four Lines by Heart-
Have Communion with few*
Be Intimate with ONE.
Deal jttflly with all.
Speak Evil of none.
TheNamesandOrder of theBooks
f rheOld andNew-Teitamenr.
J. Samuel
II. Samuel
I. Kings
11 Kings
I. Chronicles
II. ChronUies
Solomons Song
The Afts
I. Corinthians
II- Corinthians
I. ThefTalonians
H- Theffalonians
1 Timothy.
II. Timothy
I Peter
II. Pefer
I- John
II John
III John
The numeral Letters and Fignrts,
which ferve for tie ready finding of arty
Chapter, Pfalm, and Verje in tbetiille.
ao twenty
50d ai twenty one
sxii z» twenty two
x&iii *J twenty three
xxfa *4 twenty four
yyv ai twenty five
3BVi 16 twenty fix
xxvli 17 twenty fevco
twenty tight
79 twenty nine
xxx 30 thirty
xxxi ^t tl^irry one
«v^u 31. thirty two
xxx ii 33 thirty three
xxxiv 34 thirty four
xxxv 35 thirty five
xxxvi 36 thirty fix
37 thirty fevci»
38 thirty ejghc
39 thirty nittc
xi q* forty
xli 41 forty ons
xlii 41 forty two
u 43 forty three
44 forty fout
«f5 forty fivs
4^ forty iiK
47 forty frvefl
48 forty eight
49 forty, niuc
5^> fifcy
5i fcfry one
5*1 fifty two
J? fifry tbice
54 pftV fout
Iv 55 fifty five
Ivi 56 fi^y KX
Ivii 57 fifty fevrn
IV! ii 58 fifty eight
|ix 59 fifrY ninc
lx 60 fixty ,
ixi <5i li«y one
1-xii 61 fixtytwo
Ixv 5
7° fewncy.
7£ feventy one
;* . ^ feventy two
7 five
78 icvcmy eight
hxijt 79 fwnry nine
Jxxx 80 eighty
Ixxxi 8 1 eighty one
)xx*i» 81 eighty two
Ixxxiii 83 eighty three
htxxiv 84 e'ghty f°ur
ixvxv 85 eighty five
Ixxxvi 8<5 eighty fix
hmcvii 87 eighty feve.i
hxxviii 88 eighty eight
Ixxxix 89 eighty nine
xc 90 r.inety
xci 91 ninety one
xcii 9% ninety two
xciii 93 ninety three
xci\7 y4 ninety four
xcv 95 ninety five
xcvi 9<* nmcty fix
^cvi» 97 ninety fcven
xcviii 98 ninety eJght
Kcix 99 ninety nme
? 10° an hundred
R, Jdn Rogen, Minitfer of
and was burnt
tfnythe fourteenth, 1^54-HjsWjfe,
with nine faiaUChildien,and one
at herBreaft,followingMm to the
Stake,wSth which forrowful fight
he was no; in the leaft daunted.
tut with wonderful Patience died
couragioufly for the Golpel of
tw Days before fas
writ tbe following Exhortation
to bis Children.
Q ear my Children fo my
whom God hath dearly bought,
up his Laws within yoor heart,
and print them In. your thought
1 leave you hem a little Book,
for you to look
and to Pain.
my Iron
the darL
Not many diys before my Death-
I did compere this Work.
And for Example to your Youth,
to whom I wifh ali good }
I fend you here God's perfefl Truth,'
and feel it with my Bfood
To you my Heirs of earthly Things;
which I do leave behind.
That you may read and undertone4,
and keep it in your mind.
That as you have been Heirs of thet
which once fhaJI wear away,
You alfo may poffefs that part,
which never ihall decay.
Keep always GOD before your cyery
with all your whole intent ;
Commit no Sin in any wife,
Veep his Command erne nt.
Abhor that arrant Whore of Rome,
and all her Biafphemie? ;
And drink not of her cursed Cup,
obey not her decrw.
Give honour to your Mother dear,
remember well her pa to 5
An3 recompenfe fcer In fcer Age
with the like love again.
Be always ready for her twlp>
and let her not decay }
Remember well your Fathc rail .
that (hould have been your flay.
Give of your Portion to ihePoor,
as Riches do arife ;
And from -the needy naked Soul
turn not away your eyej.
For he that doth not hear the cry
of thofe that ftand in need>
Shall cry himfclf and not be heard,
when he does hope to fpeed.
If GOD hath given you increafe
and bleUed well your {fore,
Remember you are put in truft,
and ftiould relieve the poor.
Beware of feul and filthy Lufo,
let fuoh things have no place,
Keep clean your Veflefs in the Lord,
thai he may you embrace.
Ye are the Temples of the Lord,
for you are dearly bougbt ,
And they that do defile the fame
{toll furely come to nought.
Be nevpr Proud by my mean?,
build not thy houfe too higlj,
But always have before yeur cye?;
that -you are born to die.
Defraud not him that hired is,
your labour to fuftaUi;
And pay him ftill without delay,
his wages for bis pain.
And as you wouU another Man
ogairiH you ffoould procec(S,
Do you the fame to them again.
if they do (land in need.
Impart your Fortion to the Poor,
in Money and in Meat,
And fend the feeble fainting Soul
of that which you do eat.
Ask Counfel always of the wile,
oive ear unto the end,
And ne'r refute the fweet rebufce
' of him that is thy Friend.
Be always thankful to the Lord,
wHh Prayer and with mile,
Begging of him to blefs your work
and to direct your ways,
Seekfitftl fay the living GOD,
and always "him adore j
And then be -fure that he will bjcfs
your basket and your flore.
And J befecch AlroJglny GOD,
replenifh you with Grace,
That I may meet you in the Hca/rs,
and fee you face to face.
And tlio' the Fire my Body burns
contrary to my kind ;
That I cannot enjoy your love,
according to my mind.
Yet 1 60 bope that when the Heav'ns
fhaij vanjft like a fcrowl,
1 1hall fee you in perfe^ fhipe,
in Body and in $ouj,
And that I miy enjoy your love
and you enjoy the land
I do befcech the living LORD
ko hold you in his hand.
Though here my Body be adjudg*4
in flaming Fire to fry,
My Soul I trull will ftraight afcend,
to live with GOD on high.
"What though this Catc^ft (mart a
vvhat though this Life decay,
My Soul I trull will be with GOD,
and live with him for aye.
X know I am a Sinner born,
from the Original ;
that I do delerve to die,
by my Fore-Fathers lafl.
ut by our Saviour's precious Bloo3^
which on the Croft was ipilr,
Who freely offer'd up his Lifr,
to fave our Souls from Guilr,
I hope Redemption I fhall havr,
and ail that in him trull ;
When I fliall fee him face to face,
and live Among the Jult.
Why then fliould I fear Deaths grim loolf,
fjnce Chriil for me did die ? ,
For King and Csfar, Rich and Poor,
the force of Death, mutt trie.
When I am chained to the Stake,
and Faggots girt me round,
Then pray the Lord my Soul Jn
may be with Glory crown'd.
Come welcome Death, the end of fears,
lam prepar'd to die j
Ttofe earthly Flames will fend my Soul,
np to the Lord OR high.
Earewel my Children to the World*
where you mutt y«t remain*
The Lord of.Hoft be your defrncfr
til) we do meet again.
Farcwel my true and Joving1Wjre?
my ChjJdren sod my Friends,
I hope in Heaven to fee you ail,
when all tbinos have their end*
If you go on toierve ttie Lord,
as you have now begun,
You fhall walk fafely all your dayi
until your life be done.
COD grant you fo to end your days.
as he /hall think ir belt,
That I may meet you in the Heav'fls.
where I do hope to reft.
Agreed upon by the Reverend
Afftmbly of D i v i n es at
Qu eft T 71 7 Hat t* tbf chief End
VV of Man ?
Anfjff. Man's chief End is to
Glorify God, and to Em'oy Him
for ever,
Q. What Rxk batb God given to
dire ft us how we may glorify and
enjoy Him ?
A. The Word of God which is
contained in the Scriptures of the
Old and New Tefhment, is th
only Rule to dirett us how we
roay glorify and enjoy him*
Q What do the Scriptures prin-
cipally teacb ?
A. The Scriptures principally
teacb,what Man is to believe con-
cerning God, and what duty God
reqoireth of Man.
Q; Wbat it God >
A God is a Spirit, Infinite, E-
terr.a], and Unchangeable, in His
JBeing, Wifdom, Power, Holinefs,
Juftice, Goodnefs and Truth.
Q. Are ihert mortGcds than Ons ?
A, There is bat ONE only,
the livings/id true God.
Q. How ma Tij Ptrfotis are iliere
in the Gcd-foad f
'A. There areThree Peifofls in
the God-Head, the Father, the
Son, and the Holy Ghoft,* tliefe
Three are One GOD the ftme in
SuUtance.equal in Power 8crilory.
n mat are tbtDecrces c] QodJ
A The Decrees of God are his
eternal Purpofe, according to the
Counfel of his own Will T/^;eoy
for his own Glory, he hath tore- to ™1s
Q. Hew dpth God execute Vis
A. God cxecuifth M* Decrees
ia the V/orks of Creation a Pro-
0 fcrtx if
A The Work of Creation is
God;s MaV/ ari things o No-
in the fpacc of fi» dsys, it all cs
ry good.
•Q. How did God a ecu A\.*n ?
A. God created Man Male and
Fern ile, nfrcr liis own Image, in
Knowledge, Rigbfeoufncfs, and
Holinefs. 'r/nh Dominion over
the u/sajuicj.
Ql f 71>st<srt Gfds WrrksoJPrcvidwe?
A. Cod's Woiks of" Providence
sic his molt holy.ivife & power-
ful preferring & gcverir,g-ail his
dearies andall their
&b*t fitch! Affe
tjtatt vtottein }:c was created ?
A. WhenGod had createdMao,
neentrea into a CovensnrofLife
6 lde7C5 fo
of the Tree of knowledge of gooc!
and evil upon pain of Death.
Q. Did 'our frftPdrt 'Jits continue in
the eflate wbertin ihey were creatsA >
A. Our fiiftParents .being lefc to
the freedom of their ownWUJ,f€l!
from theeffafe wherein they wers
created, by finning again® God,
Q. Wh*t ii Sin !
A. Sin is any want of Confor-
mity onto, or Tfanfgfeffion of the
Law of God,
Q. What was thg Sin wherfly our
fall Part ms fell from ibe eflatc
wherein tfay were create! ?
A. The Sin whereby our fuit
Parents fell from the eftate where-
in they were created, was their
eating the forbidden fraik
Q. Did
Q. bidallMtntinlftttin A«
m'j/i'ff tronfgrcffion ?
A. The Covenant being made
wifh Adam, not only forhimfelf
but for his Pofterity, all Mankind
defcending from him by ordinary
Generation, finned in mm,8c fell
with him in his firft tranfgreflion.
Q; Into v&at cflate did lit Fall
bring Mankind ?
A* The Fall brought Mankind
into an eftate of Sin and Mifery,
Q. Wbfrein cenffts ibc fmfulntft
of that ejlate wbereinto Man fell $
A. The finfulnefs of that eftate
whereintoMan fell, confiftsinthe
Guilt of Adam's firft Sin,the want
orOriginalRightecufnefs,and the
Corruption of his whole Nature,
which is commonly calledOriginal
Sin,rogether wirhall
greffions which proceed from it.
Qi Wbafts the Mtftry erf that
eftate whertlnto Man fell ?
^ A. AiiMankind bycheirfall,lolt
Communion with God, are undei
his Wrath 8c Curfe, and fo mads
liable to all Miferiesln thisLife,
to Death it felf, and to the pains
of H«ll for ever.
Qj Did God leave all Man kind to
fgr'tjb in ibg €%ateoj Sin tfMifery >
A. God having out of his meet
good pleafure from all £lern.Ur»
Elefted fome to evetlafting Life,
did eniejintoaCovenant of Grace,
to deliver them out of the Hare of
Sin 8c Mifery, and to being them
into a Hate of Salvation by a Re
QWbo is
A* The onlyRedeemcr ofGoda
Eleft,is the Lord JefusChtift, who
being the eternal Son of God,be-
came Man,and fo was, and conti-
nues to be God and Man in two
diftinft Natures, and one Perfon
for ever.
Q; Hew did Gbrifl being the Sen
of God become Man ?
A. Chrift the Son of God be-
came taking to himfelf a
true Body and a reafonable Soul,
being conceived by the power of
the Holy Ghoft, in the Womb of
theVirgin Mary, and born of her,
and yet without Sin.
Q. Wb*t Offices doth Grift exe-
cute as our Redeemer ?
A. Chrift
A. Chrift as our Redeemer exe-
cutes theOffice of a Prophet,of a
Prieft, and of a King, both in his
eftate ofHumfliation&Exaltation,
Q; How doib Ojrifl execute tie
Office of a Profhec ?
^.Chrift executeth theOffice of
a Prophet, in revealing to ITS "by
his Word and Spirit, the Will of
God for our Salvation.
Q. Ho® dotb Cbrift execute line
Office of <iPri&~
A Chtift executeth the Office
of a Prieft,in his once offering up
himfelf aSacrifice tofatisfy Divir.e
Juftice,8treconcile us toGod,8>c in
Q. How dotb Cbrift txfcutt the
Office oj a King ?
^.Chriftexecuierh theOffice of
From the New England Primer. Providence-,
a King, in fubduing us tohimfelF
in ruling and defendingus, and in
retraining and conquering all his
and OUT Enemies.
Q. Wbertin did Cbrifls HuMifr
crion covfifl ?
A Chrift'sHumiliation coniifted
in His being bora, and that in a
low condition0madeunder thela w
undergoing the miferieso'T^/s life
the wrath of God, and the cuffed
Death of the Crofs, in being bu-
ried and continuing under the
power of Death for a time.
QWhcrfin confi(l<CbnJh Exaltation
A. Chriit's Exalration confiiteth
in his rifing again from theDead
on the third day, in afcendingup
into Heaven,&htting at thtRight
D Hand
Hand of God the Father, and in
coming to judge the World at
the lalt Day.
Q; How are we madePartaktn of
tbe Redemption pur cbafed by Qbrifl*
A, We are madePanakers of the
Redemption purcbafed byChrift,
by the effectual Application of
it to us by his Holy Spirit.
Q, How doib tbe Spirit apply to us
tbe Redemption purebafed by Cbrifl)
A. The Spirit applieth to us the
Redemption purcliafed by Chrifl",
by working Faith in us, Si there-'
by uniting us to Chrilt in our
effectual Calling.
Q. IV bar it tffctiual Calling ?
^.EffeaunlCailing is theWork
oFGod's Spirit, whereby convinc-
ing us of our Siu 8c Mifery, en-
lightning ourMinds in theKnow-
ledge of Chrilr, fit renewing out
Willsjbe doth peifwade tenable
us ro embrace Jefus Chiift, free-
ly offered to us in theGofpsi
QWbatBcneftsdotbey that are iff ec-
tttafy called partake of in ib/sLift *
A. They that areEfFeQually cai-
led,do in thisLife partake of Juf.
ufication, Adoption, SanQificati-
on, & the fevcral Benefits which
in this Life do either accompany
or flow horn them.
n is an afct of God'«
FreeGrace,wherein he pardoneth
»U our Sins, a.nd accepteth us as
righteous in his
and receded by Faith alone,
Wbtt if Adoption ?
A. Adoption is an Act of Goers
TreeGrace,whereby we are receiv-
ed into the Numoer, and have
Right to all the Priviledges of
the Sons of God
Q. What it Santfijuarion f
A. Sanftification is theWotk of
God's freeGrace,whereby we are
renewed in the whole Man,after
the Image of God, & are enabled
more 8t more to die unto Sin, &
live unto Righteoufnefs.
What are ibe Benefits wbtcb in
tfaarion.AdoptionV banttiication
A. The Benefits which in this
Life do accompany or flow from
JulUrKation,Adoption orSanftifi-
cation,areaffurance ofGod's love,
peace of Conference, joy in the
Holy Ghoft, increafe of Grace, S£
perleverance therein to the end.
Q. What bcnrjiis do Bdievcrs re-
ceive from Cbrijl at tbtir Death ?
A TheSouls of Believers are at
thekDeath made perfect inHoli-
neis, &do immediately pafs into
Glory, a their Bodies being (till
united to Chrift, do reft in their
Graves till the RefurreEUon.
Q. What bentjns do Believers re-
cc'ivefromCbriJi at tbeRefur region ?
A. Acvhe Refurre£lionBelievers
being raifed up :oG'oiy, fliall be
openly acknowledged & acquit-
ted in the Day of Judgment, gc
made perfeQJy blefled in full en-
joying of God, to all Eternity.
if tbe Duty wb'icb God
requires of Man ?
-A. The Duty which God re.
quires of Man, is Obedience to
his revealed will.
Q; What did God at frtl reveal to
Mtflfor the Rule oj bis Obedience ?
A, TheRule which God at fir ft
revealed toMan for hisObedience
was the Moral Law.
Q. Where is the Mcral Law
fummarHy comprehended ?
A. TheMoralLaw isfummart-
ly comprehended in the Ten
Q. Wbat is ibe Sum cf the Ten
Commandments ?
A. The Sum of the Ten Com-
mandments is, To love the lord
outGod with all our Heait, with
all our Souls, and with all our
I 10
Strength, and with all our Mind,
and our Neighbour as ourfelves.
^ Qi What K the Preface lo ib*
Ten Commandments ?
A. The Preface to the Ten
Commandments isin thefeWords,
f am the Lord thy God, ud)icb bsvc
brought ibce out <ifihcLandofE§y pr,
out of tbe Ho ^fe of Bondage.
^ <i Wbat doth tbe Preface to tbc
Ten Commandments teach ta ?
A. The Preface ta (heTenCom-
mandments teacheth us, that t>c-
caufc God is the Lord, 8£ our God
and Redeemer, therefore we are
bound to keep all his Command-
Q; Which is ibffrfl Comm^ndmfm?
-d.The firttCommandmcnt is.Thou
(halt have no othtrgods brfore Me.
Q What & rcquirtd in the
Commandment f
A. The fif ft Commandment re-
quired: us to know and acknow-
ledge Gsd to be rhe only tnseGod
and our God, and to woifhip and
glorify him accordingly.
Q. Whet is forbidden in tbefsft
Commandment ?
A. The 6r ft Commandment for-
biddeih the denying, or not wot*
(hipping and glorifying the true
God, as God and our God, & the
giving that Woifhip andGlory to
any ot he I which isdue to him alone
What art (he fpecialfy taught by
A. Thefe Words (Before we) in
the firli CommandiTjenr,teach us,
I 12
ThatGod who Teeth all things,ta-
keth notice of, and is much dif-
pJeafed with the Sin of having
any other god.
Qwbicb is ihcfccondCommandmcni ?
A. The fecond Commandment
\S>TbouJ}M/t not make unto thee any
GTaLrcnlmo&e.or any iikcncjs of any
tiling that is inlieavcn abov.e, or ihat
it in the Earth ben father that is in
tbcWatcr under ibe Earth: Tboujhall
not bow down tbyft/fto ihtm, nor
ferve ibemjor I tbcLord thyG'od am
affffhusGod, vijiiingibe Iniquities
of tbf Fathers upon ihcCbildrert.untd
the third and fourth Genera? ion oj
them that hare me j& faring n,ercy
unto thffufands of them that lovt me.
aud keep my Commandments.
CL Wfat is
Commandment ?
A. The fecond Commandment
&: keeping pure 8c entire all fuch
religious Worfhip & Ordinances,
asGod hath appointed in hisWord
Q_ What ii forbidden in tbe fecond
Commandment ?
A The fecond Commandment
forbiddeth the worfhipping of
God by Images,or any other way,
nor appointed in his Word-
Q. What are tbe Reafcns annexed
to tbe fecond Commandment ?
A. The Reafons annexed to the
fecond Commandment, are God's
Sovereignty over us.hisPropriety
in us, and the Zeal he hath to
his own Worfhip-
'Q Wbicb istbt tbirdCommandtnenrt
A. The third Commandment is,
Tboufhalt not take tbt Name of tbt
Lord tby God in vain \for the Lord
will not bold him guiltlcfs that ta-
kttb bis Name in vain.
Wbat is required in tbf tbird
A. The thirdCommandiTient re-
quireth the holy &: reverend ufe
of God 'sN a me.Tirles. Attributes,
Ordinances, Word and Works.
Q^ Wbat is j or 'bidden in tbt ibird
Commandment ?
A. The third Commandment
forbjddeth all prophaning or a-
bufingofany thing whereby God
maketh himfelf known.
CX What is tbc Reafon annexed
to we tbird Commandment ?
-d. The Reafon annexed to the
Third Commandment is. That
mandment may efcape Punifh-
ment from Men yet the Lord our
God will not fuffer them to efcape
liis righteous Judgment.
A» The fourth Commandment
\sficmembcr tbf Sabbath- Day tokeep
it Holy fix Daysfidt tbou labour &
d0aUtbyWork,buttbefcventbDay is
thcSabfatb of tbe Lord tby Godjn it
tboufoalt nol do any work-, tbou nor
tbySontnor tbyDaugbtfrjbyM.<utfer'
vdntjtor tby Maidftrvant, nor tby
Catlt,nor tbe Stranger that is with-
in tbyGates -,for mfixDays tbcLord
mtdeHeaven & Earth, tbe Sfa,
alltbatin ibem is,
thtSabbath Day, en & hallowed if.
Q. What is rcquirtd in the fourth
Commandment ?
A. The fourth Commandment
requireth the keeping holy to
God fuch fet times as he hath ap-
pointed in his Word, expreily
one whole Day in feven to be an
holy Sabbath to Himfelf.
QWbicb day of the from bathGed
appointed to bttbf weekly Sabbath*
A. From the beginning of the
World totheRefurreaion ofcbrift
God appointed the feventh Day
of the Week to be the weekly
Sabbath, and thefirft Day of the
Week ever fince, ro continue to
the end of the World, which is
the Chriftian Sabbath..
A. The Saibath is to be fanftified
by an holy yeftingall thatDay,^
veji from fuch worldly Employ-
mems&rRecreaiions,as ate lawful
on other Days, & fpending the
whole time in publickSt private
exercifes ofGod sWorfhip, except
fo much as is to betaken, up in
the Works of Necefl/tyfe Mercy.
What is for bidden in tbe fourth
A The -fourth Commandment
forbiddeth trie Omiffian orcate-
lefs Performance of the Dories
required, 8c ihe prophaning t^e
Day by idlenefs, or doing that
which is in it felf finful, or by
anneceflTary Thoughrs, Words or
Works, about worldly Employ-
ments or Recreations*
What are tfo*Rcaf on s annex-
ed to tbe founb Commandment &
A. TheReafons annexed to the
fourth Commandment, are God's
allowing us fix Days of theWeek
for our own Employments, His
challenging a fpecial Propriety in
the feventb,1iis oWnExample,and
his blefling the Sabbath Day.
QWbicbis tbe fifth Comman imnt ?
A. The fifthCommandment is,
Honour tbyFatbtrtftby Mother, tbo>t
tby Days may be hx? upon thr tend.
fob/cb fbf Lord tby Qodg\v&ib tb<ft.
Q; Wbat is required in tbrjijtb
Commandment ?
A. The fiftbCommandmeufr re-
quirefhfhe preferving theHonour
8c performing the Dutiesbelong
ing to every one in their fevers!
Places and^ Relations, as Superi-
ours, Inferipurs, or Equals.
Q. What is forbidden In tbtfftb
Commandment ?
A. The fifth Commandment
forbiddeth the neglefting ordoing
any thing againlt the Honour and
Duty which belongerh to every
one in their feveral Places 8c Re-
Q. Wbat is tbe Reafon annexed
10 tbefiftb Commandment ?
A. The Rcafon annexed to the
fifth Commandment, is a proroife
of long Life be Profperity,(as far-
as it (hall ferve for God's Glory
and their own good; to all fuch
as keep this Commandment.
frWbieb h tbtfxlbCommandmcriT*
A. Thefixtb Commandment is.
Thou fait not Kill.
Q. What tf r (quired In tbefixt b
Commandment t
A. The fixth Commandment
requireth all lawful Endeavours
to preferve our ownLife,and the
Life of others.
Q.. What if forbidden in tbffixtb
ComHianftment ?
A. The fixth Commandment
forbiddeth the taking away of
our own Life, or the Life of our
Neighbour unjultly, and whatfo-
everfendeth thereunto.
is, 'TbouJJjaft notcommii.Aftultery,
Q. What it required in tbc ft-
venw Commandment ?
E ^1
AThe feventhComrnandment
requirethlhe prefervation of out
own, and oarNeighbour'sChalti-
ty, in Hearr,Speech& Behaviour,
Q. What if forbidden in tbffe*
Vtntb Commandment ?
AThe fevetnhCommandment
forViddeth all unchaftThoughts,
Words and A&ions.
QWbicb it tfo ei$rfbCommanAment\
A. The eight hCommandment
is, Tbou [h< not Steal,
Q_ What is required in the tightb
Commandment f
A The eighth Commandment
Tequireth the lawful procuf ingK
Eftate of our felves and others.
QWbrt if forbidden in tbe ek '
C&mmandment ?
A. TheelghthComTnandfpenfc
foibiddeth whatfoever doth, or
may unjuftly hinder our own,or
OUT Neighbours Wealth or out-
ward Ejtate.
i4 the ninthCommandment
The ninth Commandment
not bear faJfeWitnefs
again fltby Neighbour.
Q; What it required in the ninth
Commandment ?
A. The ninth Commandment
requireth the maintaining and
promoting oFTruth betweenMan
and Man, and of our own, & our
ly in Witnefs bearing.
Q, What i$ jorbidden m the
nintb Commandment ?
-d-The mnthCommandmentfbr-
bjddeth whatsoever is prejudici-
al toTruthjOrinjurious to ourown
orour Neighbours good Name,
QWbkJ) is tbcTentbCotnmandmcnt$
A. TheTenth Commandment
is, Thoujhalt fi 'et covet thy Neigh-
bour's Hcufe, tboufkatt not covet
fbyJNttgJjhw't Wife, ncf^iis Msn
fcrvanr, r or bis Maid ftrvant^nor
bif OA-, nor his Aff^ r.or any thing
tbat is tby Neighbour f,
Q. What if required in the tenth
Commandment $
A. The tendi Commandment
reqaireth fuUCofitentment with
chariraMeffameofSpirir towards
oar Neighbour,& all that is his.
Ct What is forbidden in ibc
tenth Commandment $
ATheTenthCommandment fbr-
biddeth allDifcontenrment with
our own eftate^en vying or griev-
ing at the good ©four/Neighbour,
and all inordinate motions & af-
feftions to any thing that is his,
O h any Mart able pcrjttlty to
Rtep the Commandments of God *
A> NomcermanfincetheFall
is able in this Life peffe^ly to
keep theCommandmenis ofGod
but darly doth break them in
Thought, Word and Deed.
A. SomeSins in themfelves Sc
by reafon offeveral Aggr a vat tons
are more heinous in the fight of
God than others.
Q, What dotb cvtryftn dtferve ?
A. Every Sin deferveth God's
Wrath and Curfe, both in this
Life,and that which is tocome*
Q; What dotb God require of
t/s, that we may efcapebisW rath and
Curfc^ due u» to us for Sin ?
yi,To efcape theWrath & Curfe
of God due to us for Sin, God re*
quiretb of usFajth inTefusChrift,
Repentance unto Lire, with the
diligent ufeofalloutwardMeans
whereby Chrilt communicateth
to us the benefits ofRedemption,
Q^ What is Faith infe/usChfift?
A. Faith in Jefus Chrittis a
favingGrace,whereby we receive
and reft upon him alonefor Sal-
vation, as He is offered to us in
the Gofpel
'A. Repentance unto Life, is a
faving Grace, whereby a Sinner
out of a truefenfe of hisSin,and.
apprehenfion of theMercy ofGod
5n Chrift, doth wixh grief & ha
tred of his Sin,turn from ir unto
GodjWith full purpofe of, & en-
deavour afrer new Obedience.
QWbot are the outward® ordina-
ry means wbcrcbyChriflcommunion-
t fib fa us the benefits of Redemption*
A, The oinwafd and ordinary
means wherebyChrift communi-
carelrMo us the benefits of Re-
demption are hisOrdinances, e£
pecially theWord.Sacraments &
Prayer 5 all which are made ef-
feftual to theEieaforSalvatiorr,
Q; How it the word made
*9 Selvation ?
A. The Spirit of God maketh
file Reading, but efpecially »he
Preachingof theWord^aneffeflu-
al Means of Convincing & Con-
verting Sinners, and of building
them up in Holinefs Sc Comfort,
through Faith unto Salvation.
Q^Hcw is tbtWord to be Rfrd and
heard that tt may become effectual
to Salvation ?
ThattheWord may become
effectual toSalvation,wemuft at-
tend thereunto with diligence,
Preparation & Prayer, receive it
wit hFaith&Love,lay it op in our
Hearts,&praaice it in our Lives.
Q; Horn doth :bt Sacraments^ be-
come fffeffuat means of Salvation?
A. TheSacraments become et-
Means of Salvation, not
from anyvertue iivthem,orinhjm
that dotk adminiftet them, but
only by the b-leffingofChrii^gnd
the working of theSpirit in theja
that by Faith receive them,
Q^ Wbai is a Sacrament ?
A. A Sacrament is'ah holy Or-
dinance inftituted by Chiilt,
wherein by fenfihleSigns,Ctuiit
3nd t he benefits of jheNewCove-
nanr are ieprefented,fealed,and
applied to Btficvers.
Q. Wfotbare tfo Sicrcments of
ibe "New Tcflament ?
A. TheSacjamentsoftheMcw
Teftament, are Baptifm, and tfie
Lord's Supper.
Q. Wbai is Bapiifm?
-d.Baptifm isaSacrament,where-
in by wafhiog withWatei in the
Name of th either, 8c oFrheSon,
and of the H^X Ghoft* d.°^ fig-
nUy and feat our ingrafting into
our Engagement to be rheLord's.
O. ft wW^ i*B*ftif!» to be ad*
• * /t >3
, . .
A Baptifr^snottobeadmim.
ftred to anv that are ouc of the
^fible Church rill they profefs
vinoi.v Vjiiui, ^ ... j/^v^j:
their 'Faith fnChnandObedt-
Church ;«> be B^tifed
jl TheLorA'5 SuPPer is » *!5W'
menT wherein by giving and re-
"f.n:r!^. id & Wine according
tt'SST AWdaimttt, His
Death is fhewed forth, and the
worthy Receivers are not after a
corporal and carnal Manner, but
by Faith made Panakers of His
Body & Blood, with all bishene-
firs, to their Spiritual Nourifh*
mentand growth in Grace.
Q^ What is required in ibe uoor»
tby receiving of tbtLcrfs Supper?
A. It is required of them that
would worthily partake of the
Lotd'sSupper,that they examine
themfelvesof theirKnowledge to
difcern the Lord'sBody, of their
Faith ro feed upon Hiin,of their
Repentance,Love,8Cnew Obedi-
eat and drink judgment to them-
Wbat is Praytr ?.
A Prayer is an offering up of
our Defircs to God.for Things a-
greeable to HisWillJn theName
ofChrilt,with Confeflion of our
Sins, and thankful Acknowledg-
ment of his Mercies.
Q. Wbat^ Raff httbGod given for
our DireQwn in Praytr t
A The wholeWord of God is
of ufe to direct us in Prayer,but
the fpecfal Rule of Direction is
that form of Prayer whichChnfc
taught His Difciples, commojily
called, Thf Lord's Praytr.
.Q. What doth ibeVrtfacf oftbt
Lord's Trover teach as ?
A. The Preface of the Lord's
Prayet.whkh \$tOurFatbcrv3bitb
*rf //jtffdvr/veaclieth us tod raw
Dear to God with ail holy Reve-
to a Fatli€T,ab!e & ready to
us,and that we fhouid pray \
and for others.
QWhat do Defray for in tbtfirJlPeti
A. InthefirftPetition,wMch
Ktlloiocd bt thy Name, we pu
4hat God would enable us and
thers, to glorify Him in all t
whereby lie mafceshiinfelfkn*
and that He would difpofe
things to His own Glory.
QJi'bat do Tsepretyfor in tbs ind Psitt
A. In the fscond Petltion,whicn
i$tTby Kingdom come, we pray that
Satan'sKingdcmmay bedcltroy-
ed,thcKiflgdom of Grace may be
ad vancedtourTe;ves Mothers brit
Into it, & kept in ir, 8c that the
Kingdom of Glory may be haltned.
Wlat do we fray for in tbc
Petition ?
In the thudpetition,which
<y Will be dene onEarth at it is
(tven^wG pray, that God by
Gc ace, would make us able 8c
ling,to know, obey & fubmit
his Will in all things, as the
els do in Heaven.
at do we pray for inthtqtbPetidori
a the fourth Petition, which
vf us tbisDayour daily Bread,
pray, that of God s free Gift
wemay lece.veacompetemPorti-
on of the good things of tbisLife,
and enjoy his blefling with them.
Q What do we pray for in fbff $tb Petition
AIn the fifthPethioa,which is,
And forgive us our Dfbt^ as we
forgive our Dsbtonwe pr*y,that
God, for Chrift's fake, would freely
pardon all our fins, which we are
rather encouraged to afk, becaufe
by his grace we are enabled from the
heart to forgive others.
Q. What do we pray for in the £tk petition?
A. In the fixth petition, which is,
And lead us not into temptation, but
deliver us from evil, we pray, that
God would either keep us from
being tempted to fin, or fupport and
deliver us when we are tempted.
Q. What doth the conclusion of the
Lord's prayer teach us ?
A. The conclufion of the Lord's
prayer, which is, For thine is the
kingdom, and the power ', and the glory
forever, Amen, teacheth us to make
our encouragement in prayer from
God only, and in our prayers to
[Restoration of lacking text']
praife him, afcribing kingdom, pow-
er and glory to him, and in tefti-
mony of our defires, and afsurance
to be heard, we fay, Amen.
[Restoration of lacking text]
Inside Binding of New England Primer, Boston : 1762
P rot eft ant Tutor,
Youtli and Others,
la the complsat Metfiod of
Spelling, T3ie<tiLmg, and Writin
DJfcbvering to tfiem the Notorious ERROKS.
Paranabte DOCTRINES, and Cruel MASSA
CRES of the Bloody PAPISTS. wEck Eng-
land. may expe£t front a
Pppifli SliCCESSOE
To wHch is
,A Timely MB M O R ! A L
ro ALL
Demonftrating t^»e Certainty of a horrid and
dimnable Poplfh PLOT now carrying on fa
Great-Britain, in order to":DeRroy His Majefty
King, GEORGE, and Royal Family, Introduce
a Popith Succefibr? and involve their Kingdoms
in Blood and "Fire.
The Moft Gracuws Declaration,
Liberty of Confcience,
PabliQied by Order ot theTUNG and COUNCIL
-Q8 0 O N : Printed and Sold by E. Harris, af fhe Golden,'
BoatV-Head So Ocatc Church S.lrec*. i7»6»
IN Clavel's Catalogue ( 1680) a title is given of " The English Tutor ; or, plain path-Way
to the English Tongue. Printed by Ben Billingsley, and Sam. Crouch." The same
list also records the " English Tutor, a spelling book," which possibly is the same work.
The continuation of Clavel's list, under 1698, records the former work more fully as : " The
English Tutor ; or the plain Path-way to the English Tongue, being a most plain and familiar
Method for the teaching of Children to spell and read exactly, with Examples of most Words
from one to six Syllables, both in whole words and divided $ the Rules how to spell them by
way of Question and Answers ; together with Hymns and Proverbs prepared and methodized
for the Use of English Schools. The fourth Edition, corrected. Printed for B. Billingsley
at the Printing Press under the Royal Exchange, and S. Crouch at the corner of Pope's head
Alley in Cornhill." Of neither of these " Tutors " can a copy be traced.
As already noted in the introduction, John Dunton, writing in 1686, states that "Mr.
Harris I think also Printed the Protestant Tutor, a Book not at all relish'd by the Popish
Party, because it is the design of that little Book to bring up Children in an Aversion to
Popery." No copy of this early edition is known.
The American Antiquarian Society has a very imperfect copy of " The Protestant
T [utor] / for / Childr [en.] / The Doner there on v [...]/ Health and Preserv
[ . .] / the Gospel on Jesu [s C] hrist [-••]/ To which is Added Verses made by Mr.
John/Rogers a Martyr in Queen Maries Reign. / [Quotation from I Kings 18. 21, five
lines.] / Boston in New-England, Printed by Samuel/Green, And are to be Sold by John
Griffin / in Boston i6[8]5."/ This fragment consists of only the Rogers' Verses, without
a cut, and a part of an unknown catechism. How far it otherwise resembled the later edi-
tions of the " Protestant Tutor" cannot therefore be known, but the probabilities are that it
was a pretty close reprint of the first edition of Harris's compilation.
Under the pseudonym of "A Lover of Learning," with a preface dated 1687 and
signed " R. W.," "The English Tutor : Or, Compendious School-Master: Teaching the
English-Tongue," was issued with the imprint of "London: Printed and Sold by Tho.
Leigh and Dan. Midwinter at the Rose and Crown in St. Paul's Church-Yard. 1701."
The first edition of this was styled "The Compendious School-Master," and was printed at
London in 1688 by Samuel Lowndes. It contains the "Capital letters," etc., the syllaba-
rium, very much lengthened, the Lord's Prayer and Creed, the ten commandments, and a
number of prayers and graces. Otherwise it differs radically from the New England Primer.
Next in sequence follows the " New English Tutor," here reprinted, which was issued
in Queen Anne's Reign (1702-14) if the poem in the rhymed alphabet is accepted as evi-
dence. Though there is no imprint, it was obviously printed by Harris, or with his author-
ity, for a comparison of the John Rogers print with that used in Harris's edition of the Prot-
estant Tutor of 1716 (a reproduction of which forms the frontispiece of this volume) shows
them to be from the same block.
In 1715 Norris issued an edition of the Protestant Tutor, and a year later Harris issued
another. These are the earliest editions extant, and while they differ slightly in contents, and
are quite distinct from the "New English Tutor", they both contain the alphabet and
syllabarium, the Lord's Prayer and Creed, the Rogers verses and print, with certain other
matter used as well in the New England Primer and its prototypes. Copies of the two editions
are in the British Museum, and the title page of the Harris edition is reproduced in this volume.
In the Advocates' Library at Edinburgh there is a copy of " The English Tutor "
printed at London in 1747, but the work bears no resemblance to either of Harris's publica-
tions, being merely a school book. It is noticed here, therefore, only to avoid possible
T H E.
Enlarged ;
For the more eafy
attaining the True
Reading of
To which is added
Milk for Babes
Proverbs XXII. VI. Train up a
Child in the way he Jkould go^ & rchex
he js old he will not depart from if
Cbap. XXIII. 17 1 8. Let not thy
Heart en vy finners, but be, thott in the
Fear of the Lord all the day long.
For fardy there is an End, and thy
Expectation ft all not be cut off".
Epb. I. I. Children^ obey your Pa-
rents in the Lord* for it is
Of Serving GOD.
T, Cod will have no time to
It wefihd no cUy toferve hi
2, Shall we haveji.? Days- in Seven 9
and COD not One ?
t Chron. 28, s>- My Son,
the God of fhy "Father s^
•baperfih Heart , and with &
for tbe. Lord
a b c d e f gjujklm
AEIOU Y aeiony.
d f g ji j k I m
r f t v w x 2f
Dauble Lftrtrf.
Ualick double Letters
reat Letters
Eefy Syt/ablfj for Children,
Ab cb
ad ed
sf ef
ag eg
aK ex
al el
am em
au ea
ap «J?
Tutor Cfrifotgefr
Words of One fyliabfet
Are be Ear fifb
Off Cf
V ^J
Tutor qfcnlargea. 7
had knee meek nofe
hand kneel mice not
hat knight milk
hath knit mock Oak
he known mole of
health moon odd
heal lace more old
fiowl lafs moth once
hide laugh muft one
hire land ought
horns large Name our
law naught cwn
Ice leara nay ox
'ight neck oyl
Kid life nefb
kind Iwe new Falm
Kill long nigh pafs
kjck nine path
kifs Maid no peace
* i t
Tutor (titlarsto.
dt off wo Syllables:
Bold ly
Con feat
De cent
En clofe
Fa ther
In fane
La bour
Mer cy
» •
Na ture
Par don
Quick ly
Rera naat
Sil rcr
Words of Three SytUblcs
Abufiog abuflng
Be witch ing bewitching
Confounded confounded
Drun ken nels drunkennefs
Erafmus erafmus
Faculty faculty
Cod It nels godlincfs
Ho li nefs
Im pu dent
Ka leadar
Li ber ty
Memo ry
Na tu ral
O ver fight
Pa nifh ment
Re deem er
Jk-W ViVVIll VI |V\lVVIiil%l
Sa era ment facrament
Tutor enlarged. 11
Temporal temporal
Vi clo ry victory
Unity unity
Wick ed nefs/ wickednete
Youth fuUy youahfally
Words of Four SylUblgs.
Ac com pa ny accompany
Be ne vo lence benevolence
Ce re mo ny ceremony
Difcon ten ted difcontented
Ever laft ing everla fling
Fidelity fidelity
Glorifying glorifying
Humility humility
In fir mi ty infirmity
La bo ri ous laborious
Morta lity mortality
No bi li ty nobility
O be di cnce obedience
Qua li ft ed
BJ? demp ti on
Sal Ya,ti on
Temp ta ti on
Un der
Woa dei fully
Words o
Ad mtra'ti QJI
JBe ne ft ci 4:
Con fo ia ti on
Ex honiaiti oa exhortation
For ni ca tt oa fonnkatioa
Ge ne ra ti on
In vl ta/ti on . iavicaton
La mentation
di fea tf on meditation,
con for mi ty nonconformity
Op por to ni ty opportunity
Pro tl on provocation
Re pu ta ti on reputation
Sa In ta tl on falutadoa
Tri bii la ti on tribulation
Visitation vi/Itation
A Do mi na ti on Ma ni fefta t5 on
Be ne fi ci al ly Ne go ci a ti on
Con fi de ra ti onOc ca C o nal ly
Ds ge nera lion Pro portidnabie
E ja cu la to ry Qua li ft ct ti on
For ti 6 ca ti on Re ge ne ra ti on
Gio rifi cat! on Sig ni fi ca ti on
«y po cri ti cal ly Tra di 11,0 nal I y
In ter pre ta u oisUn clrcnra dJioa
ti ma 1 1 oa V ai ?er fa lj ty
We toed all
Tliy Lifetorcend
This £c04 attend.
And after flay.
A Dog will Bite
A Thief at Night.
An £*£/<'$ Flight
Is out of Sight.
An idle Fool
Is whipt at School*
Tutor (Enlarged. 15
Man's life doth pafs
My Sort and Heart
SHall never part.
Sweet Jefu He
Dy'd on a Tree.
and Jefe the Throne
To 4nn our Qjiecn
of great ReoowH.
docs hold
Moon gives light
la timt of Night
in-time of Spring*
It was the Tree
That fav d his
Royal Majefty-
Pttef Denies
Hh Lord and cryes
Queen Etthcr came
in Roysl State,
To Cave the jews
from difmal Fate.
fotcbd doth mourn
fot .herfirft-born,
Samuel anoints
Time cuts down all
both great.and fraall
V*ldf* beautious
Made Z>«Wfeefc
his Life.
Whales in the S«,
God's Voice obey,
Xerxes the Great did
And fo mult you
Text fa forward flips
Death Ibonelt nips.
Ztfchetu be
did climb the Tree,
his Lord
Tow the Child being emrtdwhit Let-
ters and Sfttting, let him le*rn thtfc
and fitch tike Sentences by Heart ,
whereby he WiJlbe b&thinftruRedinhis
Dut^ and enceurag'd in Learning
Tie Dutiful Child's Promtff.
Will fear God, and Honour, the
Queen. I will honour rny Fa*
thcr and Mother.
I will obey my Superiors.
I will iubmit to my Elders.
I will lovemy Friends.
I will hate flo Man.
1 will forgive mine Enemies, and
pray to GOD for them.
I will (as much as in me lyts) keep
all God's Holy Commandments.
I will Jearti my Catechifm.
I will keep the Lord's Da> Holy
I will reverence God's Sanctuary,
for our GOD is a confuroing Fire.
An Mf>lna&et ofLejfons for Youth.
A Wife Son makes a Glad Father
•** but a foolifh Son is the Heavi-
nefsof his Mother.
BEtter b a little with the Fear of
the Lord, than great Treafure
and Trouble therewith,
COme unto Chrift all ye that La-
bour andare heavy laden, and
he will give you reft.
DO not the Abominable Thing,
which I hate, faith the Lord.
EXcept a Man be born again, he
can't fee the Kingdom of GOD
FOollihnefs is bound in tie Heart
of a Child, bnt the Rod of Cor-
re&ion will drive it far from him.
not the Holy Spirit.
HEarken unto me, all ye that for-
get GOD, left I tear you in pie-
ces and there be none to deliver.
IT is good for me 10 draw near to
KEep thy Heart with all diligence
for out of it are the Iffues of
Liar* fiiall have their part in the
Lake which burneth witli Fire
and Brimftone.
M Any are the A<fliitions of the
Righteous, but the Lordde-
livers them out of them all
NOw is the Accepted Time, now
is the Day of Salvation.
OU T of the Abundance of the
Heart, the Mouth fpeaketh.
PRay to thy Father which is in Se-
cret, and thy Father which feeth
in fecret, fhall reward thee openly.
QU IT you like Mea be jfroDg,
ftandfaft in the Faith.
R Em ember thy Creator in the
Days of thy Youth.
SAlvation belongeth only unto the
TRuft in God at all times, ye peo-
ple , pour out your Hearts be
fore him
UPcn the Wicked Godfliall rain
an horrible Temped,
\/lK>eto the Wicked it fhall be ill
with him, for che Reward of
bis Hands /hall be given him.
£ XT' Hort one another daily, while
-A. it is called today, left any of
you be hardened through the Deceit*
(blnefs of Sin.
YOung-nien, y.e nave overcome
the wicked One.
ZEal hath confumed me, becaufe
thine Enemies have forgotten
the Word of God.
Choice Sentence?
i. Praying will make thee leave
sinning, or finning Praying.
z. Our Weaknefs and I nabilities
break not the Bonds of bur Duties.
3. What we are afraid to fpeak
oefore Men, we (ho'uld be afraid to
faiflk before God.
Tutor <£nlarcreft
Our Lor<Ts Prayer.
OUr Father which art in Heaven,
Hallowed be thy Name. TfiY
Kingdom come Thy Will be done
in Earth, as it is in Heaven : Give us
this Day our daily Bread,1 And for-
give us our: Trefpafies, as we forgive
themthatcrefpafs againft us, And
lead us not into Temptation, but de-
liver us from Evil. For thine is the
Kingdom, the Power and theGiory,
forever. Amm.
The Crted
J Believe in God, the Father Al-
mighty, Maker, of Heaven and
Earth, And in Jefus Chrift his only
Son our Lord. Which was Concei-
ved by the Holy Ghoft, Born of the
Virgin A/*ry. Suffered under /W^
Jto*', was Crucified, Dead and Bur
ried, He Defccnded into Hell. The
Third Day he arofe again from ihe
Dead. He Afcended up into Heaven,
and fitteth on the right Hand of God
the Father Almighty. From whence
he Qiall come to jud&e the Quick and
the Dead.
I believe in theHoly Ghoft *, The
Holy Catholtck Church, The Com-
munion of Saints, The FoTgivenert
of Sins, The Fcferrcctlon of the bo-
dy, and ths Life everlafting, Amtn.
Ten Commandments. Exod. XX
/7 O Dfpale dtbWorifs, and f aid,
V am ikt LorJtty Cod, w
the Hotife of Bondage.
I. Thou ftalt have ao other Gods
before Me,
II. Thon (halt not make unto thee
any graven Image, nor any likeneis
of any thing that is in Heaven above,
or that is in the Earth beneath, or
that is in the Water under the earth,
thou (halt not bow down thy fejf to
Them, norfenre them, for I the Lord
Vhy God» am a jealous God, Vifitio^
the Inquiries of the Fjthersujxurt he
Children, to the Third and Fourth
Generation of them that have roe and
ftew IWercyuntoThomaads of them
that Fovemeand keep my CoiDrao.'nd.
HI. Thou Dialt not take rfic Name
of the Lord thy God m vain, for the
Lord witt not hold him guildefs that
taketb his Name in vain.
IV. Remember the Sabbath day to
keep it holy, fix dajs fhalt thou la-
bour, and do all thy Work, but the
Seventh Day is the Sabath of the
Lord cliy God, io it thou (halt not da
any Work, thon nor thy Son nor thy
Daughter, thy Msn-fervant, nor thy
Maid-fervant, nor thv cattle, nor the
Stranger that is within thy Gates/or
in fix days the Lord made Heaven
and Earth, the Sea, sod al] that in
them is, and relted the feventh day,
wherefore the LordbleflTed theSe-
rccth Day and Hallowed it.
V. Honour thy Father and Mother
that thy Days may belongontfce
land which the Lord thy God givecfc
VI. Thou fhalt do no Murder.
VII. Tfaob fljalt not commit Adul-
VIII. Thou fhalt not fteal.
IX. Thots fhalt not bsarfalfe wit*
nefs againft thy Neighbour.
X. Thou foaitbot Co?et thy neigh-
bour's Houfe, Thou fhalt nor Covet
thy Neighbour's Wife, nor his Man-
iervant, nor Ms Maid-fervant, nor
his Ox, nor his Afs, nor any thine:
rhat is thy Neighbour's.
Wn&wbicb 1 cammwet
m$ DtyfuiH be fa thy Heart.
R. John Rogers Mimfter
of the Gofpel in LotiJov,
was the Firft Martyr in Queen
Af^r/s Reign, and was burnt in
Smtthfcld. February the itfhi
1554. His Wifej with Nine
fmall Children, and one at her
Breaft, follow'd him to the Stake,
•with which forrowful Sight, he
was not in the Jeaft daunted,, but
with wonderful Patience, Dyed
couragioufiy for tbe Gofpel of
Jefus Chriil,
Some few Days before his
Death, he Writ the following
Exhortation to his Children.
Ehildrentc* my words
whom God bath dearly bought,
up his Laws within your Hearts,'
aud Print them 'in your Thoughts.
I leave yon here a little "Book,
for you to look upon,
That you insy fee your Fathers Face,
when he is Dead and gone.
Who for the hope of heavenly things3
white I did here remain,
Gave om all rny GoJden Years,
to Prifon and to Pain.
Where I among my Iron Bands
cnclofed in the dark,
Not many Days before my Death
I di&compofe this Work.
And for Example to your Youth,
To whom I wifh all good,
I fend you here God's perfeft Truth,
and feal it with my Blood.
To yoU my Heirs of tarthly things,
which 1 do leave behind,
That yoa may read and underftandj
and beat it in your Mind.
That as you have been Heirs of that
which once fhatl yvear away.
You a If o may pofTefe that part,
which ntver (hall decay,
Tutor JMarffeb. at
Keep always God before your Eyes
With all your whole Intent,
Commit no Sin in any wife
keep his commandement.
Abhor that arrant Whore of Rome
and all her Blafphemies j
And drink not of her curled cup.
obey not her decrees.
Give honour to your Mother dear
remember well her pain,
And recompence-her in her Aee,
With the like Love again.
Be always ready for her help,
and let her not decay,
Remcinber Well your Father, All
which ftiould have bee^ your fhv
Give of your Portion to the Poor
as Riches do arife,
Arjd from the needy, naked Soul
turn not ay/ay your Eves
ror he that doth not hear the cry
of tho(e that fland in ncccf,
Shall ciy himfdf and not be heard;
when he dors hope toTpeed.
Jf God balh given you Increafe,
and blcfled well yoyr {lore,
Remember you arc put in trutt,
and ftiould relieve the poor.
Be ware of foul and filthy Lulls,
let fucb things h'atfe no place,
Keep clean your Vcfiels in the Lordf,
that He may you embrace.
Ye are the Temples of the Lord,
for yc are deafly bought,
And thofe that do defile the fame
will furely come to nought.
Be nev«t proud by any means,
build not thy houk ioo high,
But always have before your Eyes,
tbat you are torn to die
Tutor 3rtfat?]jetr. 33
Defraod not him that hired is,
your Labour to fuflurn ,
Eat pay him foil without delay,
his Wages for his pain.
And as you would another Man
againft you fhould proceed,
Do you the fame ro them again,
when they do fUnd in need.
Impart your Portion to the Poor,
in Money and in Mat,
AnJ. fold the feeble, fainting Soul
of that which you do ear.
Ash counfcl always of the Wife,
give car onto the end,
And ne'er refute the fweet Rebate
oF him that is thy Friend.
Be.atways thankful to the Lord.
with Prayer and with Praife,
Begging of him to blete your Work,
and to direct your Ways
C 2
Seek fuft. 1 fay, the living God,
and always biro adore ;
And then befure (hat he will blefs
your Basket, and your Store :
And 1 befeecb Almighty God
tYeplcnifh you wiUi Grace,
That 1 may meet you in the Heav'ns,
and fee you Face to Face.
And though the Fire my Body burns,
contrary to ray kind,-
That 1 cannot eri/oy your Love
according to my mmd ;
Yet do 1 hope, that when the Heav'ns
(hall vamfh.ltke-a ScrowJ,
J (hall you fee in perfect ihape,
in Body and in Soul.
And that Lmiy enjoy your Love,
and yoU en;oy the Land,
(do befeech the living Lord,
to hold you in bis Hand.
Tutor Jntacgtzr. 35
Though tiere my Body be adjudg'd
in (laming Fire to fry,
My Soul, I croft, will rtrait afccnd
to live with God on high.
What tho' this Carcafs (mart awhile,
what though this Life decay,
My Soul, I hope, will be with God,
and live with him for aye*
I know I am a Sinner born
from the Original,
And that I do deferve to dte^
by our Fore fathers Fall :
And by our Saviour's preciousBfood,
which on the Crofs was fpliL
Who freely ohVd up fcis Life,
to fave our Soblsfrotn guilt ;
I hope Redemption 1 (ball have*
artd all that in Wrrt truft,
When I hall fee him Face to Face,
live among the Juft.
"Why then fhould I fear Death's grim
fince Chrift for me did die ? (look,
For King and Ctjar, Rich and Poor,
the force of Death -miift try.
When I am chained to the Stake,
and Faggots girt me ronnd,
Thenpny the 1 ord, ray Soul infte^^a
ma^ be with Glory crown'd.
Cotne,welcomeDeatf)?the end of Fears,
1 am prepar'd to die.
Thofe earthly Flames will fend my Soul
op to the Lord on high.
Farewell, my Children, to the World,
where you rauft yet rcraa n,
The Lord ol Hotts be your defence
tiQ \^t do meet again.
Parewel, -my true and Icvlng Wife,
my Children, and my Friends.
I hope in Heav'n to fee you: aU,
when all things have their Ends.
inror gfnargt* 37
K you go'on tofewe the Lcra,
35 you have now begun,
You (hall walk fafely all your dayp,
until your Life be done*
God grant you fo to end your Day?,
as he Ihall think it bed ;
That I may meet you in the Heav'ns,
where I do bope to reft.
Tlte ?r#yer of King Edward
LOrd God, deliver me oat of this mife
rable and wretched Life, take me
amongthyCHofei^howbeit notmy Will,
but thy Will be done. Lord, Icoramftmy-
Spirit to thee : O Lord, then kfiowefthoi*-
happy it were for me to be with thee> yef
for chy Chofcn's fake, if it be ihy Will,
fend me Life and Health » that 1 may traly
fervethee. Diary Lord blefs^hy People,
and faveNthnre Inheritance • O Lord God
fave thy chofen People of 'England . O my
Loid God, defend this Realm fromPapiflry,
3$ Ct* JlrtD
and maintain thy tone Religion, fhat I 2nd
thy People may praife thy hpljr Name
And therewithal he laid, I am faint,
Lord have roerey apon me,, and take my.
Spirit. And- fo he yielded op to God his
J A/4 4 »r »• » a /"" *".»
BLeffed ts the Man that walketh not
in tbe cooufel of the Ungodly, nor
flandetbinthtfway of Sinners, ndrfit-
ceth in the Sea: of the Scornful.
2. Bur his Delight is in the Law of
the Lord, and in bis Law doth he me-
ditafe Day and Night.'
a. And he (hall be lite a Tree plan-
,ted by the Riversof Waters, thatbrine-
cth f«3rth his Fruit in his Seafon, his.
Leaf alfo fball not wither, and what-
focver he doth, it (hail profper.
4 TheUngodty are not (o, butare
tke the Cbiff, which the Wind dnvcth
f ~KAre.
away. >
The* Preftfatt df t&9
From the Ne-iv England Primer. Boston : J. White, n. d.
Tutor JnlarffeU. 39
5. Therefore the Uugodiy ftall not
ffand in the Judgment, nor Sinners iu
the Congregation of the Righteous.
6. For the Lord Knowetb the way
of the Righteous. .But the way of the
Ungodly {hall paifh.
/I frayer for ChiUrtn in the Morning.
A/f O(\ migthy and gracious God, L
-1 * humbly thank thee for all thy.
Mercies, for the good Reft Ihou haft
been pleafed to vouchfafe unto me this
Night paR. I pray thce continue thy
Favour unto me \ forgive roe my Sins,
guide me this day in thy Fear, and to before thef, and under thy Pro-
re dion. as it becomes thy Child, for
Chrift Jcfus his fake. Atnen*
A Prayer at Nigbt.
T Humbly thank thee, O God, my Io-
A ving Father in Jefus Cbrift, for thy
mercifol guiding and keeping me this
Day* I pray tlice forgive me all my
Sins therein committed, and be with
me this Night, teep me in tiie Anns-of
thy tove and Fear, that I nay re(t un-
derttefhadowofthy Wings, my mer-
ciful God in Jefus Chrift. sJrit n.
A BUffing before Mtat.
SAnflify, O lord, unto me, tse ufe
of thcfe thy Creatures, of which,
by my Sins, I have made my fclf un-
worthy, make me a fober and thankful
Partaker of tliem, grant that the end
of my eating and drinking may be to
be better inablfrd to fcrve thee, in mj
feversl Relations, thro' Jeius Cbriii
~d.Thattkfgiving afar Meat.
TOLefled be thy Name, O Lord, for
•** all thy Mercie^ for the comforta-
ble rcfrefl?ing{h'"»u hdft now vouchfafed
ine. Feed my Soul I befccch thfe
with the Bread of Life, and make me
Tutor Jiilargrti*' 41
careful to evidence Che TYuth of my
Thankfulmfs in an Obedience to thy
hoty Will. Grant free paflase to the
Gotpel, and difappomtall its Enemies,
for the fcke of Jefus Chrifl, Amen,
Children! Duty to their Parents.
T? OR God commanded, faying, Ho
A nour thy Father and Mother, and
he that curleth Father or Mother, ict
him die tb? Death, AJetib* 15.4,
Children obey yew Parents in the
Lord, for this is right, Eph. 6. i.
Honour thy Father and thy Mather,
(which is the firit Commandment with
Promifcr) thit it may be well with thee,
acd thou mayft Jive long on the Earth.
Pw. 30. 17. The Eye that mock-
eth at thcf athert and defpifeth to obey
Jus Mother, the Ravens of the Valley
in? II pick ic cut* and the young Hades
cat it.
Cfea?- 23. 22. Hearken unto
Father that begat thee? and defpifc not
thy Mather when fhe is old.
£afcr 1 5. iS, 19. Father I have Ga-
ncd agdinfi Heaven, ;rod before thee,
I am no more worthy co be called thy
Gsn. 37. 2. Aod ^/rpfc brousht ua-
to him theit evil Report.
Hsb. 12. 9. Furthermore we have bad
Fathee* of our Fiefh, which correO^d
us. and we ^ve Cbem Reverence, t Savt.
21. 3» Let my Father and Mother, I
pray thee, corns forth and be with you
till I know what God will do for one.
L#ks i. «?i. And he went down
with them, and came to N*x#nW>
and was fubje& unto them.
Prw. 20. 20. Whofp c««fietft.fas
Fate or his Mother,
be pat outira obfeaie
Tutor 3ttterffefc. 43
Parents Duty to Children.
T^Hcfc Words which I commanded
-1 thee this Day flial) be in thy
Heart. Dent . 6. 6. And ttoou fhaJt teach
them diligently unto thy Children,
and (halt talk of them when tbou fit-
reft in thy Hoafr, and when tnou lieft
down, and when thou rifeft up.
Come, ye Children, and hearken
umo me, and 1 will teach you the fear
of the Lord.
Hear, O yc Children, (he
on of a Faiher, and girt car to
Underftandiog, Prov. 4. r.
For I nive you a good Doclrine,
therefore for&kc ye not my Liw.
Hear iny Son, and r ceive my words,
and the yeirs of thy life £hallbe many*
Tell you your Children, and let your
Children ftm to theur Children, to
another Generation, Jo<l J. 3.
You Faihc;rs provoke not yourChilt
tlrtn to Wrath, but bring them up in
the Inflru&ion and Information olcbe
Lotd. Eph. 6. 4,
Chaften thy Son while there is hope,
and l«t not thy Soul fparc for his cry-
ing. If you which are evil can give to
ycur Cliildren good Gifts, how much
more (hall your Father, which is in
Heaven, give good things to them that
a^k biro ? //tr ifc. 7.
The Duty of young Folks.
TyH-rewithal fha!) a Young Mar
cfcanfe his way : by taking heed
thereunto, according to thy Word,
Rcjoycc,O Yoongman, in thy Youthj
and let thy heart chcar thec in the dayj
of thy Youth, and in the flght of thin*
.Eyes., but know, that for all thefe things
Got wilt bring thee to judgment) EC 1 1.9.
*Tit,2.6 Exhort Young-men that .they
Ixj Sober-minded.
Tutor 3uIar(jeB. 45
2 Pet. 5. 5. Likewife ye Younger,
fubmit youritlves to the Elder, and
fubimt yourfelves one to another, deck
yourfch'cs inwardly with Holincfs of
Mind, for God refifteth the proud,
and giveth Grace to the humble.
Tit. 2, 4. Let the cider Women m-
Rrud the younger Women to be fobcr-
minded,that ihey lovcthtirHtisbinds,
that they love their Children, that they
he temperate, charts, keeping at home,
good, obedient to their Hu&and?, that
the word of God be not tvil fpoken of.
i John 2. 14. 1 have written to you,
Young men, becaufe ye are ftrong, and
the word of God abideth in you, and
ye bavc overcome rhc wicked one.
Thou fiiak rife up before the hoary
Head, and honour the Peifon of the
Old man.
2 Tim
2 Tin. $. f$. Know the Scriptures
even from thy Childhood.
The Duty of Servant/.
Pjdm AS the Eyes of Servants look
X2J.2/1- unto the Hands of their
Matters, and* as the Eyes of a Maiden
unto the Hand of ber Mlftrefs, fo our
Eyes wait upon the Lord.
Eyb. 6.5, Servants be obedient
onto them that are your Mafters accor-
ding to the Fefli, wrth Pear and trem-
bling, in (inglenefs of your Hearts, as
unto Chrift
k Not with Eys fervicc, as Man-piled -
f«rs,-but as the Servants of Chrift,
doing the Will of G O D from the
7 With good Will, doing Service
as to the Lord, and not to Men.
i 71m. 6. f. Let as many Servants
as are under the Yofce, count their
own MatfeK worthy of aH Honour,
that the Name of Cod and his Doc-
trine be jiot blafphemed,
Th. z. 9 Exhort Servants to be o-
bed ient unto their own Matters, and
to pleafc them well in all things, ~noc
anfwering again.
Jo. Not Purfoming, but (hewing
gi? n • rity> thar the<y ^/ adorn
the Doctrine of God our Saviour in All
i Pet. 2. 18 Servants be fub;*e$tO
your Marten, with all Fear, notonly
to the good and gentle, but alfo to the
The Duty of Maptn.
IF any provide not for his own, and
efpccially thofe of his own Houfe,
he hath denied tf* Faith, and is worfe
than an Infidel.
|.j, A vertuous Woman
E> rifefh
tjfcth while it is yet Night, and giv-
<th Meat unto her HoufholJ, and a
Portion to her Maids,
Jcfaa 24. i. I and my Houfc will,
ierve the Lord.
Epb. 6. 9. Ye Matters, put away
thrcatniug, knowing that }cur Ma-
tlet allo is in Heaven, neither is there
of Per few wtth him.
Milk for Babes, drAtrn OKI of
the Pveafts of both Teftantents for
their Swlt Noun foment. By John
Cotton, B. D.
QucHion J& 'H*t h^:h Cod done for
•dnfmr. God hoth made me, hi
keeps nie, and he can fave me.
CL, Who it GOD *
4. G O D is a Spirit of Himfctf,
and for Hjiniclf. Q. Hat
f, u Tutor . 47
VJ. * riow many Gtdt \>e Mfc f
A "^, in Three
Ho» did God make you. ?
A. No : My firft Parents finned,
and I in them.
oj-/r <? Sinner >
. A. I was conceived in Sin, and born
J/i Iniquity.
Q., W/M> //»«r Birth-Sin .'
A. ^w s Sm imputed unto mc.and
'S,0^ Nature dvveilmg in me.
-1 What isjeur corrupt Nature ?
m .
gwce, bent unto Sin, and only unto
^m, and that continually
Q^VW/s^? .
A. Sm is theTranfgr»ffion of f be Law.
Q. Horn many Commandments of the
LM be there '
A, Ten.
Q What if tkefrfl Commandment ?
A. Thou fhalt have no other Gods
before Me.
Q Whet u the meaning of this Com-
mandment ?
A. That we fhould worfhip the on-
ly true God, and no other befide him-
Q. What it tbt fecond Commandment ?
A. Thou (hale not make to thy felf
any graven Image, &e.
Q. What is the meaning of this Com-
mandment ?
A. That we (feouldwodni p the on-
ly true God, with true Worihp, fuch
as he hath ordained, not foch as Mao
hath invenud.
Q. What it the third Commandmenti
A The
Tutor 3ntatgea. 53
A. Thou fli-It not take tl« Name of
the Lord thy God in vain, <3^c
Q What is here meant by the Name
of God?
A. God himfc!f,and the good things
of God, whereby he is known as a Man
by Ms Name, and his Attributes.
WorfHp, Word and Works,
B Q. lf^4f w if not to fake his Name
in Vain ?
A. To make ufe of God, and the
good things of Goi, to his Glory and
our own good, not vainly, unrevercnt-
ly, not unj)rofitabiy.
Q What is the fourth Commandment*
A. Remember that thou keeo holv
the Sabbath-Day.
Q. What is the meaning of this Com-
mandment ?
A.Thatwe/Ik>uld reft from labour,
and much more frcm PJay on tli? Lord's
Day, that we may draw nigh to God
in Holy Duties.
Q. What is the fifth Commandment?
A. Honour thy father and thy Mother
that thy Days may be long in the Land
which the Lord thy God giveth thee.
Q. Who are here meant ly Father or
Mother *
A All our Superiors, whether in Fami-
ly.School, Church,or Commonwealth,
Q. WhAt Is the Honeur due to them /
A. Rcvercncf,Obedience,and (when
1 am able) Recompence:
Q, What MtbefixthConanAndmcnti
A. Thou (hah do no Murder.
Q. Whs it the meaning of ibis Com-
mandment i
A That we (hould not (horten the
Life or Health of our felves or others,
but preferve both.
Q. What is the ftvtnih Commandment?
A. Thoa
Tutor 3nlar£c&. 51
A, Thou (halt not commit Adultery.
Q. What ftf the Sin here forbidden ?
A. To defile our felves, or others,
wi'th unclean Lulls.
Q. What 14 the Duly here commanded?
A. Chaftityj to poffefs our Ve/Tds
in Holi'nefs and Honour.
Q What if the eighth Commandment?
A Thou (halt not Steal.
Q What u the Stealth here forlidden ?
A. To take away another Mans goods
without hi* leave, or to fpe ncl our otvn
withou benefit to our felves or others.
Q. Whtt if the Dtrty here commanded*
A. To get our Goods honefr!y,tokeep
them fafely,and to fpend them thriftily
Q^ Whit tithe ninlh Commandment f
A. Thou (halt not bear falfe Wit-
nefs again (I ihy Neighbour.
CX What if fhe Sin here forbidden f
A. To Lye falsely, to tMnk or fpcak
untruly of our felves or others, O
Q. Whdt is t be Duty here required ?
A. Trath aud Rihbfnlnefs.
Q. What U the tenth CommaKd/nent ?
A. Tlion flialt not covet, We.
Q. What w theCovetinghtre forbidden ?
A. Lu/t afcer the things of other Mens
and want of Contentment of ourown.
Qftaveyqu, kept thefe Commandments?
A^No : I and all Men are Sinners.
Q_ What is the Wagis of Sin ?
A. Death and Damnation.
Q. lE6n> look you then to befaved ?
A. Only by Jefus Chrift.
Q. Who it Je'fns Chrifl ? .
A. The eternal Son of Go4t wlio;
for our lake?, bfc-ime Man, that he
might redeem and lave us.
Q^ H<w dcthGjrifl redeem and fave te#
A By hisrightcousiiieandbitterdeath
and glorious refurndion to Life again.
(£ tim <to we come to have a part
1 92
Tutor ^nlar&eO, 57
piip'9itbCkrijl*» bis Death
and Rtfurrcflion I
A. By the Power of Ms Word and
Spirit, which brings us to Chrift, and
Jteeps us in him.
A. The Holy Scripture of the Pro-
pliets and Apoftfes, the Old and New
Tcihmcnt, the Law and Gofpel.
Q. How doth the Mini fry ofthgLaw
bring you towards Chritt f
A. By bringing me to know my Sin,
and the wrath of God agiinft me for it.
O . Whut are you thereby the nearer to
Cknfl ?
A. So I come to feel my curfcd E«
ftate, and need of a Saviour.
Q. How doth the Miniftry of the GoJ-
pel help you in this turfed Effate ?
A. By humbling me yet more, ^ad
then raifing me out of this.Effate.
O Hm
Q., How dotk the M'mRry of the CoJ-
pel hnmble you yet more and more ?
A. By revealing the Grace of our
lord Jetus in dying to lave Sinners,
and yet convincing me of my Sin, in
not believing on him, and of my ut-
jer Iflfiiffioiciicy to come to him, and
fo I f el my felf utterly loft.
Q. &9jf<l<>th the Mimftry of the Cof-
yel raifeym out of this loft Eft aft, to
come tfnto Ckyift ?
A. By teaching me the Value ana
Virtue of the Death of Chr'ft,and the
Riches of his Grace to loft Smners,
by revealing the Promite r f Grace ro
iuch, and by MVmftring the Spirit of
Grace to apply Chrift.and his Promife
of Grace onto my felf,and to keep me
in him.
Q. Ho* doth the Spirit of Gttce apply
Cbrifl.and his Prowifes of Grace wiroyo*
u In him f A. By
Tutor Jjnlato;^ 55
A. By getting in me Faith to re*
ceive him j Prayer to call upon him ?
Repentance to mourn after him ; and
TUW Obedience to ferve him.
Q What if Faith *
A. Faith is the Grace, of the Spirif,
whereby I deny my felf,and believe oa
Chrift for Righreoufaefs and Salvation
Q.. \Vhtn is Prayer ?
A. It is a'c tiling upon God in the
Name of Chrilt, by the help of the Ho-
lyGkoft, according to the Will of God.
Q What if Repentance *
A. Repentance is a Grace of the Spi-
rit, whereby I loath my Sins, and my
lelf' for them, and confefs them before
the Lord, and mourn after Chrift fer
the Pardon of them, and for Grace to
ferre him in Newnefs of Life.
Q- What is Newnefsof Ltfet or
Obedience /
A. Newiiefs of Life is a Grace of the
Spirit, whereby I forfake my former
Lufts and vain Company,and walk be-
fore the Lord in the fight of his Word,
arid in the Communion o-f Saints.
Q.- What M the Communion of Saints ?
A It is the Fellowship of the Church
in the Biddings of the Covenant of
Grace, and the Seals thereof.
Q. Wkal is the Church ?
A- It is a Congregation of Saints,
join'd together in the bond of theCovc-
nant,to worfliip the Lord, and to edify
one another in all his holy Ordinances.
Q. What is the Bond of the Covenant
fy which the Church if join d together ?
A, It is rhe Profeflion of that Cove-
nant which God hath made with his
faithful People, to be a God unto
them and to their Seed.
CL What doth the Lord bind his People
to In this Covenant ?
Tutor 3Jnlare;*a. 6r
A To gtvrup ihejmfcires and their
Srcd, hrft to the I ord, to be his People
and t ten to the Elders and Brethren o£
theCWA, to fet forward the Worship
of CW, and their animal Edification!
Q. Ho* & they rive up themfelvtrl
and their Seed to the Lord ?
Aj By receiving, through Faith, the
tord, and his Covenant totbeiifelycs
and to their Seed^nd accordingly v/a Ik-
ing themfelves, and training np their
Cluldren in the Ways of the Covenant
Q, Hwdotheyttoe uo tbentfehes,
and their Seed, to tee Eiders ^d 3re-
tkren of the Church ?
A. By Confeffion of their Sins, and
Profeffion of theh: Faith, and oF their
Subici^ion to the Gofpel of Chrift
and fo they and their Seed are recci^d
into the Feliow/hip of the ,Churcht
and the Seals thereof.
Q. Wita/ art the Seals eft he GttMAM
w in the Days of tkt Gofptl i
A. Baptiim and the Lord's-Supper,
Q. What is done for in Eaftifm f
A. In Baptiftn, th« wafhing with
Water, is a Sign and S«1 of my wafli-
ing in the Blood and Spirit of Chritf,
and thereby of my ingrafting into
Cbrift, of the pardon and cJeanfing
of my Sins, of my /ifing up out ot
Affliaicn, and alib my Rcmrredion
from the Dead at the Jaft Day.
Q.U^vrr is done for yon in theL<>rdiSnppcr*
A, In the Lord's Supper, the receiv-
ing of the Bread brokcn,and the, Wine
poured out, js a Sign and Seal of my
tcceivingthc Communion of the Body
of Chrift broken for me, and of his
BJocd fhed f r me, and thereby of my
growth in Chriit, and the pardon and
healing c{ my Sin?, and the Fellowflu'p
of his Spirit, of my Hrcngtftnine and
quickning in Grace, and of my fitting'
together with Chrift on his Throne of
Glory, at the la(t Judgment.
Q. what U the Refitrr&fonfrtm the
Dctdpbich vtMjeafj, up to you in lUpriJm
A, When Chrift foal! come to his
!aft Judgment, all that are in their
Graves /nail rife again, both the Tuft
and the Unjuft.
Q. Wh* is the l*p Judgment vkicb is
fcal'd Kf to you in the Lord's Suffer t
A. At the Inft Day we (hall appear
before the Judgment Seat of ChrilK to
give an account of our Works, and to
receive our Reward according to them
Q What is th* Reward tfatfatttkt*
ve given $
A. The Righteous fliall go into Life
eternal, and (he Wicked fljall I* caft
into ey.rlaft ing Fire, with the Devil
and his An«ls. Cn
is before tt>tne Zye.
tk OD art ior» «o <iy
t^ way come before;
Tbtrtf fl)g(t,ehyty me 'M'witf Plffifure more ;
Wbznthcu wibtXeavetKsWorld entail behind,
Tbbewtlh WonrK,in fome Churcbt yard confindt
^Ind.asfr<mallthyfritndfgTim death fa
•SoGotLwillfindtfiee whenthe. tT
Tutor ImaraeO.
,TT On Judgment
yy Hen at- the Throne of God
and af thoSrtfwd, fo
T/'S* *
* Cr***ur(>> fa ««>
On Heaven.
I £7 rftav'n abevt, vfhert ri$ttota Swh
Lrernal Praiftt to their bttrv'nlj Kinry
Tbirt It no fiar, no Care, no- eauft ef/trife,
N»r Want mr ftttntft to dtprive (fLife-
Wetuxiout divefrhts abtvt a future flattf
Sttt t \iert ttxy find it v/th * Joj cempleat.
rfarhigtMft Pulht of Bit ft lohofi w<t)i tirt ryrt,
Thii and ttn thoitfand timu were dltjt it Heaven
On __..
J tia'Mmtyty't
, ,n
«tl ttn
timtj mm VXT& is Bttl
, Chapter XII.
Befeech you, therefore, Brethren, by
the Mercies of God, that ye prefer*
your Bodies a living Sacrifice, holy,
acceptable unto God, which is your
reafonable Service.
2. And be not conformed to this
World, but be ye transformed by tne
renewing of your Mind, that ye may
prove what is that good, and accepta-
We, andperfeaWillofGod
3, For I fay, through the Grace g -
ven unto roe, -to every Man that is
among you, not to think of himldl
more highly than he ought to think,
but to think foberly, according as
God hath dealt to every Man the mta-
fure of Faith. ~
Tutor 3Jn!argeb. 51
4. For as we have man^ Mcm.bers
in one Body, and all Members 'have
net the fame Office.
5. So we being many, are one Body
in Chritt, and every one Member t one
of another*
6. Having then Gifts differing, ac-
cording to the Grace that is given t(5
us, whether Prophecy, let as Prophe-
cy according to the Proportion cf
7. Or Minifiry, let us wait on our
Mimfaing, or he that teacheth on
8. Or he that exhofteth, on Exhor-
tation. .He that giveth, Jet him do it
with Simplicity, he that rulctb with
Diligence, he that fiiewcth Mercy with
9. Let Love be without Dilfimulaii-
on ^ abhor that which is evil, cleave
to that which is good. i o. Be
' 10. Be kindly affeaionatcd one to
another, with brotherly Love, in Ho-
nour preferring one another.
1 1. Not flothful in. Bufmefs, fervent
InSpirit, fearing the Lord.
12. Rtjoycing in Hope, patient m
Tribulation, continuing iniunt in
Prayer. „.. t
I*, pifhibuting to the ritcemty of
Saints, given to Hofpitality.
14. Blefs them which perfccute you,
Blcfs, andCurfenot.
!«>. Reloyce with them that do rc-
joyce, and weep with them that weep
16. Be of thcfamcmmd onetowards
another : Mind not high things, but
condefccnd to Men of low Eftatf i CC
not wife m your own Conceits.
17. Reco.mpence to no Man cviHof
evil. Provide things honsa mthc light
gf all Men. jg ,f
Tutor . 53
1 8. If it be pofuble, as much as U
eth ia you, Jive peaceably with all
19, Dearly Beloved, avenge not
your felvcs ; but rather give place uii
to wrath, for it is written, Vengeance
is mine, I will repay, faith the Lord.
20. Therefore, if thine Enemy him.
g*r feed him, if he thirft, aive him
iriT» t°S-In fo doin^ tho« < heap
Coals of Fite on his Head.
21. Be not overcome of eviL but
overcome evil with good.
The Ftrfi Chapter of John.
N the . Begtnning was the Word,
wifh G .
j. All
3 3. Afl things were made by him,
and without him was not any thing
made that was made.
4. in him was Life, and the Luc
was the Light of Man.,
5. And the Light fluneth in Dark-
pels, and the Darknefs comprehended
it not,
6. There was a Man lent from uod,
whofe Name was John.
7. The fame came for a witness ; to
beat witnefs of the Light, that all Men
throufch him might believe
' 8. He was not that Light, but was
fent to bear Witoefs of that Light. t
o. That was the true Light which
iigjtcth every Man that cometh into
-ia Hewas in the World, and the
World was made by him, and tns
W orld knew him net. H
' '
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American Primer. Boston:
n. He came unto his own, and fits
own received him not,
12. But as radny as received him.
to them gave he power to become the
SODS of God even to them that be-
lieve on his Name.
13. Which were born not of Blood,
nor of the will cftheFldh, nor of foe
will of Man. but of God.
14. Aad the Word was made FJefh,
and dwelt among us (and we beheld
ius Glory, the Glory u of the only be-
gotten of the Father) full of Grace and
if, John, bare witnefe of him, and
oyed, faying, This was he cf whom I
y*5 ^ /hat comcth after roe. is pre-
wrcd before me, for he was before
and Once for Grace :
17. For
17, For the Law was given by Mb-
fts, but Grace and Troth came by Je-
fus Chrift.
18. No man hath fccn God at any
time, the only begotten Son, which is
in the Bofom of the Father, he hath
declared him,
47. Jefus favv NatJiAniel coming to
him, and faith of him, Behold an If-
rAelilt indeed, in whom is no guile.
48. NathAnid faith unto him,
Whence knoweft thou me ? Jefusfaid
unto him, Before that Philip called
thee, when thou wcrt under the Fte-
tree, I fa w thee.
4p, Nathaniel anfwcred and faid
onto him, Rabbi, thpu art the Son of
God, thou ait the King of IfraeJ.
53. Jefus anfwercd and faid unto
hhn, Becaufe I faid unto thee, J faw
thee under the Fig-tree, believed
thou !
Tutor Jniarart, 57
tbotj ! Thou flnlt fa greater things
than thefe,
51. And he faid unto him, verily
Tcrify, I fay unto you, hereafter you
fliaJl lee Heaven open, and the Angels
of Ged afccnding and descending upon
the Son of Man.
Ckriftan Obfervalions.
he daily draw rear to G&d in
/oJemn Prayer and Supplication
for his Grace, and lift Up his Heart to
him in Thaokfgiving for Mercies re-
That he keep a narrow Watch over
his Heart, Words and Deeds, conti-
That he ftir up him fdf to Liberality
towards Gods poor Saints.
Th it he keep a ftria Watch over his
wandnog Lufts and Affe&ions.
That he prepare hicnfelf to bear the
Crofs, by what means foever it pleale
God to exercife him.
That he look daily for the : coming
of our Loxd Ictus Chrift, for his deli-
verance out ot this Life.
That he read fomethmg daily, of the
Holy Saipture, for the further maeafi
of Knowledge.
JUarn thcfe few Lines by Hearth
The Names and Order of the JSaoks of
the Old <
I Samuel
II Samuel
I Kings
H Kings
I Chronicles
II Chronicles
The Ads
I Corinthians
il Corinthians
I Thefialomans
II ThcHalonians
I Timothy
!1 Timothy
I Peter
II Peter
I John
II John
UJ John
Numeral Letters and Figures, which
fcve for tie nady finding Of
itr and f^erjc in the Eft ft.
^i. J2 twelve
13 thirteen
Bv 14 fourteen
sr. 15 fifteen
xv«. Jd fececn
17 Seventeen
xyiii 1 8 eighteen
six 19 nineteen
xx4 20 twenty
xxi si twenty one
xxi'i 22 twenty two
xxiti 23 twenty three
xsiv 24 twenty four
xxv 25 twenty five
xxvi 26 twenty fix
xxvii 27 twenty feren
xxviii 28 twenty eight
xxis 2p twenty nine
xxx 50 thirty
xxxi 31 thirty one
xxxii 3 a thirty two
sxxjH 33 thirty three
sxxiv 34 thirty four
xxxv^ 3? thirty five
xxxv^ 36 thirty fix
xxxvii 37 thirty fcvcn
xxxviii 38 thirty eight
Tutor 3fnfar0efc,
*»«* 3P thirty ninine
8l. 40 forty
*V. 41 forty one
x'!?. 42 forty two
"I11 43 forty three
x.nv' 44 forty four
*fr <« forty five
xv?. 46 forty Hx
x v!!. 47 foriy fevcn
x*»' 48 forty eight
.XIIX 49 forty nine
50 fifty
5* fifty one
'.!. S2 nfty two
S3 ^y three
£ 54 fi/ryfour
fc 55 fifty five
^ 56 fifty fa
S7 fifty fcvcn
59 fifty nine
IK 60 fixty
Ixt 61 fixty one
Ixii 62 fixty two
Ixiii 63 fixty three
Ixfv 64 fixty four
Ixv 65 frxty five
Ixvi 66 fixty fix
Ixvii 6*j fixty (even
Ixyiii 68 fmy eight
Ixix 6p fixty nine
Ixx 70 fcventy
Jxxi 71 fcventy one
Jxxii 72 feventy two
Jjfxui 73 feventy three
Ixxiv 74 feventy four
Ixxv 75 fcvcnty five
Ixxvi 76 feventy fix
Ixxvii 77 feventy fere
hcxviii 78 feventy eight
Irxis 7i? fcventy nine
So tighty
Tutor 3)nliat£e&
8« eighty one
Si eighty two
83 eighty three
84 eighty four
85 eighty 6(7e
86 eighty fix
87 eighty feren
88 eighty eight
Sp eighty nice
po ninecy
pi ninety one
92 ninety two
93 ninety three
£4 ninety four
95 ninety five
9<) ninety fix
97 ninety fcven
9% ninety eight
99 ninety nine
loo hundred
no hundred and ten
65 'flE&e jReto Cngfiffj
cxx 120 hundred twenty
CXXjc 130 hundred thirty
cxl 140 hundred forty
cl 150 hundred fifty
Points and flops obfervcd'in Reading:
Comina >
Parenthefis ( )
Semicolon j
Crotchets 1 3
Colon i
Full Point
Interrogation ^
Admira ion
Obelisk t
Paragraph ^
Sedfon S
c, n D ' * ludwenn on Di^edieui
upon a Mule, and the Mule
the thick Boughs, of a great Oak,
Tutor .
and he was taken up between the Hea
ven and the Earth, and the Mule that
was under him went away.
JO- A "d a certain Man Taw it, and
told Joab, and fa id, hehold 1 faw Jb-
Jalom handed in an Oak.
. 14 Then faid J0*b, I may not
tarry thus with thee. And he took
three Darts in his Hand, and thruft
them through the Heart of AbjaAom
while he was yet alive in the rmdft o£
the Oak.
i.<. And ten Young-men tbat bare
Joabs Armour compa (Ted about, and
Imote dbfaloto, and flew him.
Upon faffing Children.
2 TCifigt r? Ltjk* went o from thence
2. 23. JL^ unto ^«^4 and as he
was going jp by the Way, there
68 'Sfjc &&&<„
came forth Si tie Children out of the
City, and mock d him, and fatd unto
him, Co up, thou Htld-bead, Co tip,
thou Biild mad.
24, And he turned back and look-
ed on them, and curfed them in the
name of the Lord, and there came
forth two She-Bears out of the Wood,
and tore forty and two Children of
"Upon Lying Children.
Ltike TN Hell he lift up his Eyes,
1 6. 23. * being in Torments, and
fcgth Abraham afar off, and LAZATU*
in his B.oibai.
24. And he cried, and faid, Father
<$3rahmn* have mercy on me. and
-**1 * **
lend Lazjsrw, that he may dip the tip
of his Finger in Water, and cool my
AND while th- Children
r u°f //r4f/ wcre in the
f'-rey found a M»n 4»t
gathered Sticks upon the
3?. And they that found him ga-
thenng of Sticks, brought him umo
M&* and Arw. and Unto all the
34- And tbcy put him in Ward-
rh , fafd to '^
the Man fhal! be ftrefy put to Death,
•A I Congregation ftalj Oonc him
with Stones without tiieCamp.
35. And
36. And all the Congregation
brought him without the Camp, and
ffoned him with Stones, and he died
as the Lord had commanded Moftt.
Encouragement for ferlouj Children.
HPHey brought young Chil-
10- 13. A dren to Jefus, that he
flioujd touch (hem, and his Ditciples
rebuked thofe that brought them.
14, But when Jefus Caw if, he was
much jdifpleafed and faid unto them,
Suffer the little Children to come unto
me, and forbid them not, fot of fuch
is the Kingdom of God.
Our Days begin w th trouble here,
our Life fa but a fpan \
And cruzl Death is atwajs near^
fo frail a thing it Man.
•n. r r
Then fvw the fgedsof Grace whilfl
M0f ifer f J706 <W/2 d<? ^iV,
Thm mey'&fagfarth that triumph f0ns
Death, Where'5
The Ten Commandments.
make to thet.
L c' £ ^B^»V MWA
fcf babcwib flfe wt thouprofkane
Tteld to thy Parents Honour due
J»dfee that thou no Murder do.
Commit than no Adufrcry.
Moreover from all Stealing fly.
MFdfe thing of thy Neighbour/^.
•^W Covet not in any ypay.
between Chrift, Youth,
and the Devil.
ays which God to me does fend
In Pieafure I refolve to /pend,
as the Birds i'th' lovdy Spring,
Sit'chirping on the Boughs and Sing,
H/i^o Rraining forth their war b ling not«
Do make fwect Mufick in their throan:
So I relolve, in this my Prime,
In Sports and Plays to fpend my time.
Sorrow, and Grief I'll put away,
Such things agree not with my Day.
From clouds my morning (hall be iree,
And nought on Earth (hall trouble rae(
I will embrace each fweet delight
The Earth affords me Day and Slight.
Though Parents grieve and me correct
Yet I their Counfel will reject.
From the Neiv England Primer. Hartford : 7777
Tutor Jnlac^B. 73
^ Refolution which you take,
Sweet Youth, it doth me merry make,
Jf thou my Counfel wilt. embrace,
And Gum the waysof Truth and Grace}
And learn to lie, to curfe and (wear,
And be as Proud as any are,
And with thy Brothers will fall out,
And Sifters with vile Language flout ;
Tea, fight and fcratch, and aifo bite,
Then 1 in tbee will take Delight.
If thou. unit but be rul'd by me,
An Anift f hou ihalt quickly be,
In all my Ways, which lovely are,
There's/e^ with (hec who /hall compare,1
Thy Paffnts always difobey,
Don*c mind at all what they do fay ;
And aifo pout and fulleri be,
And thou flute be a Child forme,
When others Read, be thou at Play,
Think not on God, don't figh nor pray ;
Nor be thoti fuch a filly Fool,
To mind thy Book, or go to School ;
But play the Truant, fear not, I
Will help thee ftraightway to a lie,
Which wi!! excule thee for the fame,
From being whipt, and from all blamr.
Come, bow tome, uphold my Crown,
And I'll thee raife to high Renown,
Thefe Motions I wilt, cleave unto,
And let all other Counfel go.
My H«rt againft my Parents now
Shall hardned be : I will not bow,
No, nor fubmit at all to them,
But all good Counfef will contemn,
And what I lift, to do wilt!,
And irubborn be continuaHy.
Wilt thou, OTonth9 make fucri a choice,
And thus obey the Devil's Voice ?
Curft finftil Ways wilt thou embrace,
And hate my Ways of Fear and Grace,
Wih ihou a Rebel prove,
And from thy Parents quite remove
Thy Heart alfo ? Then thou wilt fee
What will e're long become of rhcc !
Come think on God vvho did thee make
And at his Presence dread and quake.
Remember him now in thy Youth,
And let thy Soul take hold of Truth.
The Devil and his Ways defy,
Believe him not, he doth but lie .
His ways feem fvveef, but Youth beware,
He for thy Soul hath laid a Snare :
His Tweet will into foure turn,
If in tbefe Ways thou ftill wilt run ;
He will thee into pieces rare,
Like Lions which mod hungry are.
Grant me thy Hear:, thy Folly leave,
And from the Lion i'l! thee fave ;
And thou fhak have fweet Joy from me.-
Which will hft to Eternity.
My Heart {hall chear me in my youth,
I'll have nwFrolicks in good truth
Whate'er (eems lovely in mine Eye,
My fclf of if I cann't deny.
In mine own Ways I ftill will wallr,
And fake delight among young Folk,
Who fpend their days in Joy and Mirth,
Nothing like tlut I'm fur e on Earth.
Thy Ways O Chrfft, are not for me,
They with my Age do hot agree.
If I unto Ihy Ways fhouli cleave,
No more good days then (ball i have.
Woqldft thou live long and 'good etaj tfef9
Refrain from all Iniquity.
True Good alone from me doth flow,
It onn't be had In things bdowr.
Are not my Ways, O Toutbt for thee ?
Then thou (halt never happy be ;
KOI ever fhall thy Soul obtain
True goodj whilft here it doth remain.
Tutor 3nlac&e&. 77
Tothre, O Chrift, I'll not adhere,
What thou fpeak'ft of doth notapptai
Lovely to me, I cannot find
Tis good to fee or place my mind
On Wayt from whenccmy Sorrows faring,
And to the Flefo fuch Croffes hiing.
Don't trouble me, 1 muft fulfil
My flefhly Mind, and have my Will*
Unto thy felf then I'll thee leave,
That Satan may tbee wholly ha?e.
Thy Heart in bin fhall hardned be,
And blinded in Iniquity.
And then in Ire I'll cut thee flown,
Like as the Grafs and Flowers mown*
And to thy Woe thou (halt cfpy
Qrildb od and Youth is Vanity :
Tor all fuch things 1*11 make thee know
To Judgment thou flwlt come alfo.
€5? $rto
In Hell at la ft tHy Soul mufl burn.
When thou thy finful Race- haft ron.
Confider this, think on thine end,
Lc/t God do thee to pieces rend.
Amazed, Lord, 1 now begin,
Q help ITU 1 and I'll kav? my sin:
1 Uemble, and do greatly Fear,
TothmKupon what I do hear.
Lord ! I Religious now will be,
And I'll from Satan ti^rn to thee.
Nay,fWr//j L^^doo't change thy mind,
Un to fuch Thoughts be not incJin'd :
Cortie e^wr thy heart, roufe op, he glad,
There is no Hell, Why art Jo fad ?
Kat, drink, be flnerry with thy "Friend,
Pot when thoody'ft, that'sthy lafl encL,
as thefe I can't receive,
Becaufe God's Woid I do believe :
Tutor jmaugiB, 47
None (hall in this deftroy my Faith,
Nor do I mind what Satan faith.
Although to thee herein I yield.
Yet I e'er long fliall win the Field.
Hiat there's a Heav'n, I can'c deny •
Vea, and a Hell of Mifery :
I can t deny, 'tis a clear Cafe •
i hat Heaven is a lovely place.
And cafie 'tis for to come there,
Therefore take thou no farther Care
All human I aws do thou obferve
And /rom old Cuftoms never fwerve ;
And thou flialt never go aftrav ^
rhoumay'ft bedroflk, ^fwear ftcurfe,
And Sinners like thee ne'er the worfe
At any time thoumay'fl repent,
Twill ferve when all thy days are f pent
Take heed, or elfe thou art Undone,
Thefc thoughts are from the wicked one
Narrow's the Way Chat leads to Life,
Who walks therein do meet with flrife
Few fhall be faved. Young man, know,
Moft do unto Deftru&ion go :
If righteous Ones fcarce faved be,
What will at laft become of th*e ?
O don't rejed my gracious Call,
Left fuddenly in Hell you fa!!.
Unlefs'tbat you converted be,
God's Kingdom you (hall never fee.
Lord, I am now at a great ftand,
If I fhoald yield at thy Command,
My Confcience will me much deride,
And never more will me abide.
Moreover, this I alfo know,
Thou canft at laft great Mercy Ihow :
When I am Old, and PJcafures gone.
Tutor 3nlatffe&. 49
; VMnTwth, thy Tint? is fart;
I'll haye thy Breathil'll end thy Sport ;
Thou fheclt not live 'till (hou art Old,
Since thou in Sin art grown fo bold,
I in thy Youth grim Death will fend,
And all thy Sports fliall have an end.
I am too Youne, alas ! to dye,
Let Death fomc old Grey head efpy ;
0 fpare me, and I will amend,
And with thy Grace my Soul befriend;
Or elfc 1 am undone, alas !
For I am in a woful Cafe.
When 1 AH catt, thou itwlJft not betr,
But did ft to me turn a deaf Ear :
And now in thy Calamity,
1 -will not mind, nor hear thy Cry,
Thy Day is pafL be gone from me,
Thou which doft Jove Iniquity
Above thy Soul, or Saviour
Who on the Crofs great Pain did bear."
My Mercy tliou cidlt much abufe,
And all good Coonfel didft refcfc;
Jiiftice will therefore Vengeance take,
And theeafed Example make.
If thru feme loE^ger time flsould have,
Thda rcoclri/t again to Folly cleave r
ThercJfbic to thce I will not gi\ e
Onel)ay on Es«h longct to
3,ifa'G$fne to fetch thy
ta tlf Shfidrs irf Dcnth.
on,il& J c&t-Jfa&j
hxft tfy Gei ogtakd fo j
*pyt HTM Body fti divide,,
BKty In the Grave P8 m&£ ,
And thy dter Soul in Hull nut ft be
With Df&iJt fo Etertiity :
Tfav tMSZkt Dajs nl ysftdfwtk*
Who jpo«t dV»f wf mindm Tank.
Tutor 3Jnlatst& 51
Nor hearken to what Preachers fty,
But do their freachers.difvbtiy ;
The]/ w their Youth go down to ?/?//,
Vndor ttvrnal Wrath to droe/1.
Aftny don't live out half their
unto faful Ww>
Words fitly Spoken ? Or, Apples of
Gold, in PiftHres of Silver.
IT -is PC fhame to be poofj Mature
frougHc us (b Into the World, and
fo iV€ do return.
;2, Doft thou m/4nt things neceiunfr
gr amble: ufit, perhaps tt was necef-
Tarv thou mould*ft wafif howler,
(etk a lawful Rerrtedy, if Obd bUft
Twt thy Endeavour . olefe htm that
Knowehwhat isfictcfl for tKce; thou
art God's Patiem, prefcribe not to
thy Phyfldan.
3. He that is flow to ang^r, is bet-
ter than the Mighty, and he that ru
Jech Ms Spiri^ thin he that UKeth a
4 Art thou falfely Slandered, ex-
amine thy Conference ; if Guilty^
ihou haft a juft Corredion ; if not,
a fair Inftrudion j Jfe both, fo fhalt
thou diftil- Honey oat of Gal), and
make to rhy felf a fecret Friend of an
open Enemy.
5. Pride goeth before Deduction,
and an haugfity spir'^ before a Fall.
6. U ts a difhcult Thing in thi5
World to be Rich and Honourable
and not wounded with the Darts <rff
Pride and Vaiu-£lory.
7. Wrath.
Tutor ,3
7. Wrath is cruel, and Afi e'er \s
otitragious} bat who is able toTUnd
before Envy.
8. That Man is a Conqueror m
deed, that can fubdue his own Paffb
9. Faithful are the Words of a
Friend ,. but the Kiffes of an Enemy
are dece'itful.
to, Open Rebuke is better than fe-
cret Love.
r r . The Touch Rone tries Gold
and Gold tries Men.
12. Jt is better to live where nothing
is lawful, than where all things are
i ?. The Wicked tfee when no Man
purfueHi, but the Righteous Are boldi
3.S a Lyon.
$4 lje $cto-(i£njjltto
14". The beft Way to k?ep good
Acts m Memory, is to refrcfh them
with new.
15. Errors by Miftakes are pardon
*b)e ; but wilful Ones are to be pu-
1 6. Beware of Drink; where Drun-
kennefs teign?, Reafon is in Exile,
Vertue a Stranger, and God an Ene-
my ; Biafpliemy is Wit, Oaths are
RtetoricJc. and Secrets arc .Procliina-
17. Nod being Drunk, in one
Hour d»Tcover«l that which he hid
concealed Six hundred Years.
1 8. A wicked Man is a Blackfmith
of Hell, that forget h Work for ;h:
Tutor 3nlat#tk 55
id Sentences, to be learned by
A Woman Conceals what Hie knows
A Proud Wife, and a Back-Door,
oft<n makes a rich Man Poor.
Better be Envied than Pitiied.
Better fay, here it is, than here it
A Horfe einnol evacuate Oats, that
never eat them.
Death keeps uo Kalendar.
Drawn W«lis Ha?e the fweeteft
Water, and are frldom dr7.
Drink not others Healths, and for-
get thine own.
Drinking, Drabbing and DuelJin
kill Men.
He that (peaks what he fhould nor,
hears what he woald not
He calks much, but Tpeaks little.
He that is Welcome, fares wed.
He that comes uncal I'd, fits unferv'd
He is meek that was never moved.
Grace will laft, but Favour will
He wants nctrouch, that is conten-
ted with little.
It's a running Plague to a Horfc,
when a hafiy Afs rides him.
Keep thy Tongue in Prifcn, to have
thy Heels at Liberty
Need makes the old Wife Trot, and
the young Man Gallop.
Play, Women and Winf, undo
Men Laugning.
Briars have Eyes% and VValh have
Tutor JnlarffeD, 57
The Life of a Man is & Winter's
Day, and a Winter's Way,
The old Man's Stall is a Rapper at
Death's Door
War makes Thieves, and Peace
hangs em.
Young Lamb-skins go as foon to
the Mark* u as old Sheep.
Youth rides well, when Age holds
the Reins
YoungMen may dye, old Men muft
AguiV Prayer.
T> Emove far from roe Vanity and
•**• Lyes ; give me neither Poverty
oor Riches, feed me with F™xi con-
venient for me.
Left I be full, and deny thee, and
fay, Who is the Lord? Or, at leaft
Tbe poor and ft«l, and take ihe
Name of my God in vain.
s4dvice to Children.
Hildren, confider -that you may
Dye, as Young as you arc ; you
fee Graves in the Field ftiorter
than tbc fmalUft of you all. Confide?,
that you may Periftv as young as you
are there are frnaH Chips, as wcu as
great Legs, in the Fire of HeiL COQ-
lider, that it is wonderful pi eaGng to
the Lord Jefus Chrift, for iuch as you
are to feek unto him; he hath (aid,
They that feel me earlyjhall find me ?
Well' Ihcn, Children, hearken unto
the good Inftru<5Uori$ of your Parents.
If you would keep out of untimely
MiTery* you moft honour them •, and
•when they bid you to ftudy your Ca-
tcchifm, and to order your Conver-
fation aright, be not Jikc the Children
of Eli, of whom 'tis faid, Theykeark-
ned not unto the Voitttf ihtir Fathtr
letAufc the Lord wwldjliy tbfW,
Be Counfellfd, Childroj, not only
to Learn well, but to Live well.
Be Counfelled to flnmSin, cfpctial-
ly faun the Sin of evil Speaking A
Child that fhall call «vil Names, or
ufe curled Oaths, or utter filthy
Words, is in a vyorfe Condition than
one of the Chiidrcti .10 theGofpef, pof-
fcfs'd by the Devil.
Shun the Sin of Sabbath-bracing
The Devil is the Play-Mate of the
Child that will Play on the Sabbath-
Shun the Sin of Lymge.Tbe Child
that will tell a Lye, muft one Day toar
in Hell, O for a Drop of Watet toeool
my Tongue 1 And keep dear of bad
I f you fee a prop liane Child be not
intimate with that Child-. of Belial:
You had as good fell into the Power of-
the Bears, which devoured the Chil-
dren that mocked the Minifier of God,
as fall into the Hands of bad Compa-
Be alfo Counfelled to Pray much •
When Children were brought unto Je-
fus Chrift, heblefled them : How much
more will he blefs you if you go your
felf unto him?
O go alone every Day, and Pray
hard : Pray for a new Hcan, for the
Pardon of your Sins, and for an Inte-
teft in jefus Chrifo Let this Thought
encourage you : Tbereare more Chit-*
drenin Heaven than of any other Age.
Chi!d» behold that Man of Sin, the
fi worthy thy otmoft Hatred.
Thou (halt find in his Head,>(A)
In hft Shoulders, (B) The Suppor-
ter i oj Dif order.
In his Heart, (C) Malice, A4«rder,
and Treachery-
In his Arms, (D) Cruelty,
In bis Knees, (E) Falfe Wcrfkip and
In his Feet, (F) Smftnefs to fhed
In his Stomach, (G) Infatfable Co*
In his Lovns, (H) Tfoworft
The POPE, or Man of Sins
The POPE, or Man of SIN.
Ne-iv England Primer. Boston : 1737
THE history of this poem has already been given in the introduction (pages 32-3?) and
therefore need not be retold here. Of the edition of 1559, from which the following
title-page and Exhortation are excerpted, but two copies are known, one being in the
Huth Library and the other in Bodleian. In Ritson's Bibliographica Poetica (page 334) it
is stated "This piece, commonly call'd 'John Rogerses primmer,' was printed, with other
things, under the title of ' An exhortation of Mathewe Rogers vnto his children,' 1559, 8vo
(Herbert, 1600); and enter'd to John Arnold, I3th October 1577. Bale, among the
English works of Johannes Rogers, enumerates 'Ad filios ex carcere, Lib. I.' A copy, in
the library of Emanuel-college, bears the name of Thomas Mathew, which was assume d by
Rogers in his translation of the bible ; and hence, it may be, he obtain'd the name of Mathew
Rogers, unless it were, more likely, a mistake of M. (i. e. master) Rogers. He, too, was
a Martyr in the same year with Smith, to whom Foxe, a diligent collector, and good author-
ity, ascribes the poem in question.
There was a second edition of the tract, leave to print which was granted to John Arnold,
in 1577, and recorded on the Stationer's Register in the words "Licensed vnto him a litle
booke Conteyninge theis matters viz the complainte of veritye made by John Bradforde, An
exhortacon of Mathewe Rogers to his Children " etc. No copy of this edition is known.
The poem is not in the three first editions of Foxe's Actes and Monuments— the true
title of the work popularly known as the Book of Martyrs — and the earliest edition in which
the editor has found it is in the seventh (London : 1632) where it is printed in volume 1 1 1,
page 405, as "The exhortation of Robert Smith unto his children, commonly set out in the
name of Master Rogers." An interesting change in this text is the addition of marginal
references to various parts of the scriptures.
It was from Foxe apparently that Harris took it for insertion in the Protestant Tutor,
the New England Primer and the New English Tutor. No edition of any one of those books
is known which does not contain the poem, and the editor has seen but two editions of the
New England Primer which does not contain also a cut of the burning. As already stated
the illustration in the Book of Martyrs differs radically from those in the Primers, in omit-
ting the " wife with nine small children, and one at her Breast " from the scene. It is to be
noted, too, that the text in the New England Primer is materially abridged from the original.
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England Primer. Boston :
3(n crftoztaeion of
nt o Ijis
complaint of Kaufe
lertonanti otl>«rs,beitt3 pzifo
nets in iLolcts toUier,
C3 fonge of Caine anD SfteH.
tirfte rateng of maiftet ^onptr ,
tooretljemglbt before I/e fuferet),
pbn a toali ^itl) a colc,in tf;e netoe 3ln,
at <25loceter3
fnftruction of a father to
)IjetD^ote a feto
mp C^ID^n to mp
^oD Imtfte Deatelpc
airt p^int tft cm tn ^our t bought
f o?3 rout fatftet fmue fojefene,
I I)e fraple an& fpltf# toap :
mtytl) fleflj $ bloufc toouia foloto fame
curn to tfjet'r otoneDecap*
f o? ail anti euerp ifupngbeaff,
tftetr cribbc t)0 fenotoe full i»elk
a3ut miam0 fcepje$ aboue t^c reft,
are rcaUp to rebel!.
3nti all tfee creatures of tfce eartlj,
full toell Do feepe tijef r Uoa? :
f o?eartt)atiuaae]6f feftfe ftrengflj,
a(nU into afte^ at tl?e Ungt!;,
^e ©all returne againe, *
f o^ flefte tiotft florae l^fee a flcure,
anD grotoe fcp Iifee a graffe:
%iti fe confuineD in an toure,
a# it income to paffe.
f outlier mage of ?our peare«i>
pour treafure anD pour f ruft :
m noloe Dpeng before pour fa«>
jfoj as pou fee your f at&erg flcflJe,
ronfumefcinto clap:
Cuen fo (Bailee mp dnltyen Deare,
confume anti toeare atoap*
tftat ferue tljc Dap anD ntgbt :
Cfte cart!) anD euerp cartW^ tfttnge,
that ftatft btnefjearD o? fene:
felial clean cofume f turne to nought
'Cfterfo^e fee tftat pe folotoe me,
pour father anfrpout frenDe :
gnD enter tnto tlje fame lanfce,
"i^Mtlj neuer tyall Ija tie enDe.
J leaue pou fyere a little boo^e,
tip)atpoumapfee,pourfatl)erg face
toljen ^e fe DeaD anti gon.
t»ftfle ^e Dft ft ere remapne :
(^aue oner all fn# golDen pear e?,
tobete 3 among mine iron banbe&
jnrtofeDmtbe Darker
3 fetoe trape0 before mp Deatf;,
3nD in example of pour poutb*
to tobome 3 toiflje all gooD:
3 pjecbe pou ftere a perfect troutfc,
anD feale it tentl) mp b! ouD.
UDo pou mine ^eire0 of ertijlp t^urgg
toicl) 31 Do leaue befttnDe:
Cbat pou map reaDe ei tjnberftanUe,
anD feee pe it in pour minDe.
i:bat asr pe bane bene I;eire0 of tbat
tobicbe once 8)ali toeare a toap:
c^uen fo pe mape poffc (Te tbat parte,
tobicb neuer (ball Decap.
31n folotomge of pour fatljer^ feete^
pe map be alfo bates toitb bim
i^aue goU altoapeg before pout tft$
ttntbal pour U>bole intentr :
Commit not finne in anp toife,
fceke Iji.s comma unDemcnt.
3£bl)02rc that arrant boote of ftome
ant! all Vr blafpljettue#
3fnD tytnfce not of fyer fcecretaleg,
nojpct of ijer Decreed
d5cue bonour to pour mother Deare
remember toell ber patne :
3ta& recompence ^er in fter age,
m Ipfec txuti) loue agatne.
litemember loell j>our farter^ fall*
i»ljo OjotilU l^aue bene !)er (lap.
<^eue of pour portion to t^e poo?e,
^nt) from tfjc neeDp nafeeti foule,
eurne not atoap pour cpe^
$®l \)t ttyat totll not ftere t^e crpe,
of tt^cm t^at ftanD in neefce :
^)l)al crpe bimfelfe ant) not be ftarue,
toljcn be tooulD Ijope to fpeetie,
3f (5oU baue geuen pou fncreafe.
an& bletTeli toell pour fto^e ;
iScmember pe are put in truft
Betoare of fotile anD filtfjp lull*
let fucbe t binges tjaue no place:
&epe cleane pour fcellelg in
tbat he map pou embrace.
peace tije temples oftbe lojD,
foi pe are tit arlp bougtjt:
3nD tbep tljat Do Defile ttjc fnme»
Qiall furelp come to nought.
^odeffe not p;iDe in anp tuifei
bialDenot pour Imufe to t)ie:
But l)aae altoaie0 befou pour eic0
tbat pe be bo?ne to Dpe.
BefrauDe l)im not tbat biteD ^
pour labour to (Maine:
againft pou ftoulD pzoceDe:
^oo poirtlie fame to tl^tn agauie
t9ben tt?cp Do (lanD in neeDeu
3nD part pour potion to
fti monep anD in meate:
3toD feeDe tbe faintcD ff able fotue
toith tbat t»^cb^ pc foouU) eate.
Cbat toben pout memberetflacfcetfi
ana dotting to ttmr bacfce: (meate
ma? tbe better tbmfce on tljem,
a&ffce cotinfeple all»afe# at tije U}ire
Befufe not pen tl)e ftoete rebti^e^
of bim tbat 10 rour frenBe*
23e tljanhefull altxiaie^ to tfte lo$,
loitb pjaier anjO toit^j^aife:
^firing fyim in all potn: too?fce#,
^nU ftnne not Ufee % ffcn'n?® fo^te
txjtiofe belliejB? beingfefc:
Confwme t^icr pere^ upon tlje earft,
from bellp l)nto be&
^cKe fir ft 31 fap ttje Ipti^ng 6oUt
3nt) tljen be fure tl?at Ije totll bleflfe>
j>o«r baf bet anD pour ftoje.
3nD tliu^f if you Birect pour &ape#,
fc^ ^ ^_ f * « V
fap t bat fe i>our
3M)fc$enpottl)aue ttyg perfectly,
opon pour fingerg enfteff:
IBodclfet) all Mlliin tl)t£ bcofee,
tljen geue tt to pour frenfceg.
replenie poutoitl) grace:
^Tftat 3 ma?) ^aue pou (n ft e ^eauens?
atiD fee you face to face.
^nDtfjotigfjtfjeOBOzbefcauecut me of
contrary to mptiptffle:
fOulDnottniop^our loue,
3 ftal tecef tie pou in perfect ftape,
and pou in tope ti?e lantie :
3 fcoo befec^e tfte itupnge <5oU,
#ar eUiel mp cfttlD^en from tfje too^tlt)
toljcrc pe muft pet remapne :
*€& &o#) of ^o(le0 be pour Defence,
tfaretoai! mp true anti loupttg
mp CWtyen anD nip frenDes :
3 ijope in <&>oD to baue ?t)u all
3infc if you Doe abiHe.m <5oD,
a# pott ftaue ttola begonne :
j>out courfe31 toarrant Qjalbe ffiojte,
yott fjaue not ionge to ronne»
raut pou fo to enUe pour
'Ctjat 31 map tyatte pou tn tlje •tytimcn*
cf inte qtion Spatl>et»e Eoger^.
Out of the Breads of both
Chiefiy,for thefpiricuallnourifliment
of Lofton Babes in either Zngltnd:
But may be of like ufe for any
**d Tf Acker to the Chterch flfBcfion
ir. New-England-
Printed by ^, Coe,t<x Hear} Overt6tsf
and arc to be fold at his Shop* ia
*Pefes-liftid Alley,
THE following article forms the preface to Cotton Mather's "Man of God Furnished,"
(already mentioned in the introduction, page 43) which consisted of abridgements of
Cotton's " Spiritual Milk for Babes" and of the Assembly's "Shorter Catechism."
Concerning this work Mather in his advertisement wrote : "Be assured, Reader, the only
Reason, why it has been thought Adviseable, a little to Shorten those passages in, THE MILK
FOR BABES, which refer to the Different Ministry ^f the Laiu and of the Gospel, and to
the, Constitution of the particular Church-State, is this. We do by long experience find, that
those Questions have proved a great Encumbrance to our Babes, in their learning of the Cate-
chism : And the Excellent Author himself had not been so large upon them, if he had not
had an Eye, to certain Special Exercises upon the minds of the faithful AT THAT TIME,
in the land. The Present Time, it may be, does not call for so Large a Proportion of those
Questions, in such a very brief System of the Christian Religion, which our Babes are to be
fed withal. And yet that we may pay all possible Deference to that incomparable Catechism,
there is care taken, summarily to give under Tiuo Questions, all that was given under Nine
before : Not one Jot or Tittle of the Doctrine, or one drop of the Milk, is really taken
away. That Golden Composure, THE ASSEMBLIES CATECHISM (no more than any
other Humane composure), suffers no Disparagement, by being supposed capable of an Abridg-
ment. Examine it, Reader whether what was contained in One Hundred and Seven Questions,
be not now really contracted and contrived into Thirty T*wo. If it be so, the Littleness of the
Task, in getting it by heart, must needs be no Little Encouragement unto weaker Capacities,
to undertake it. And if our pious Householders purpose to lodge the rest which our WAY
OF TRUTH has here prepared for them, or, at least, the Scriptural part of it, in the Mem-
ories of their Children and Servants, they will not wonder at it, that we make the First
Burdens that we lay upon them, as easy as ever we can."
An ADDRESS to, (them that fiould be) The INSTRUCTORS of
the Ignorant :
THAT the Principles of the Chriftian Religion {hould be Be-
times inftilled into thofe, who are under our influences, there ValueofCate-
is all the Reafon imaginable ; there are none but what con- chising
fefs it infinitely Reafonable. That the way of inftilling the Chrijiian t-^JT^y
Religion, by Catechifing, or a conference carried on with ghiejlion and
Anfwer, is very Necessary, and highly agreeable to awaken the At-
tention,and Enlighten the Understanding of the Catechumens ; this alfo
is the confeilion of all, who have confidered, but how Mankind is to
be dealt withal.
The Exhortations, to Set up & keep up, that admirable work
of CATECHISING, in the Church of God, have been with a vaft Catechising
Variety of Argument and Affection Repeted (2) fince the Great Auftin the mainstay
wrote his Book, De Catechizandis Rudibus. With One Voice they of Christianity
have concurred unto the Declaration of Clemens, the famous Cate-
chift in the Church of Alexandria ; Without Catechising we Jhall
foon be without Chriftianity. But why fhould they need any Repeti-
tion, unto thofe who Believe, that we are all Hastening unto a Future
State, and that the Children of Men muft be Miferable in the Future
State, if here coming to their Adult State, they do not Know Him,
whom to Know is Life Eternal.
Cotton Mather on Catechising
Great Num-
ber of Cate-
Extract from
Results of
Catechism to
Church of
The very many Sorts of Catecbifms, which have been Publimed
(the Catalogue whereof would arife to fome Hundreds), and the huge
Numbers of all Sorts (whereof fome have arifen to very many Hun-
dreds of Thousands') have practically Exprefled the fenfe of the
Chriftian World; concerning the Needfulnefs and Vfefulnefs of
What was done this way by the Chriftians, in the Primitive
Times, not we, but a Learned Papift fhall Report unto you ; [and
bis IVitnefs is true /] Gallenius tells us, The Catechumens were then
fo Instructed, every one of them was, Majori rerurn Chriftianarum
Luce Peritiaque Pr<zditus, quamin norftis (non dicam Vulgaribus Chrif-
tianis,fed et quod pudendum £/?,) Sacerdotibus multis deprebendiums.
Many Priefts of the Later Ages, were not fo well skill'd in Chriftianity.
All that have Read the Hi/lory of the Se- (3) paration of the Faith-
ful, from the Rornijh Babylon, have been fomewhat informed of the
mighty Confequence, whereof Catechifmg has been unto the Refor-
mation. Celebrated is the Hiftory of the Unfuccefsful Attempts
which the Popift Missionaries made upon the Vaudois', the Children
were fo well Catechised, it feems, the Seducers could have no Suc-
cefs upon them. And the Church of Rome has taken the Alarum ;
the Romanifls alfo are become in their way indefatigable Catechifers.
The Jefuites efpecially, becaufe they count themfelves the greateft
Catechifers, boaft themfelves the greateft Confervators of their Chris-
tianity. Yea, there is now fcarce any Sect, of them who never ceafe
to Pervert the Right wayes of the Lord, but they are now got into this
Way ; even thofe who decry all Forms, yet cannot keep out of This :
'tis by Incejfant Catechifing, that they propofe to attain their Ends.
And Judaifm itfelf may raife the Emulation of Chriftianity. For
Buxtorf tells us, The Jews have to this Day fome Footfteps of the an-
cient Difcipline and Catechifmg in their Families'. For they fo Cate-
chife their Children, that their skill in 'Judaism at Seventeen, Exceeds
the Knowledge that many of us have in Chriftianity at Seventy. Thus
Cotton Mather on Catechising 265
has this Mode of Injlructlng brought mankind into a great Opin-
ion of it !
The Renowned Synod of Dart, after a moft mature Delibera-
tion, fent forth an Advice (4) well worthy of fuch an Aflembly ; De Testimony of
Accuratiore Juniorum atque Adultorurn Catechizative. And they re- Synod of Don
commended a Threefold Catechizing; A Dome/tick by Parents; A «-^^T^^3»
Scholq/tick by Tutors ; and, an Ecclefiajiickal by Paftors or Elders.
In the same Order of Addrefs, we will now importunately call
upon thofe, whofe concern it is, to Catechife our Young People, and
Feed the Lambs, in the Churches of the Lord.
And, firft, if it be the concern of any under Heaven, it cannot
but be Tours, O PARENTS, to Catechife your Children, in the Address to
Principles of the Doctrine of Chrift. It is to YOU, firft, that the Parents
Counfil of Wifdom is directed ; Prov. 224. Train up, (or Gate- c^T'^-^?
chize) a Child, in the way he fiould go : 'Tis to be done, even (as
'tis by some rend'red,) In the very Entrance of his way. The Things
of God, and His Religion, are thofe whereof You have received
this Commandment from Heaven ; Deut. 6 7. Thefe things, Thou
/halt teach them diligently unto thy Children, and thou Jhalt talk of them
when thou fittest in thine Houfe. Without Catechifing your Children,
you never can yield Obedience to the Holy Commandment: Eph.
6. 4. Bring up your Children, in the Nurture and Admonition of the
Lord. You fee the Word of a King : we call upon you in the
Name of that Great King whofe Name is Dreadful : Let there be
fuch Power in it, as to Awe you to do the Things that pleafe Him.
Indeed You do very notably Serve yourfelves, when you Teach
your Children. Your Well Catechifed Children, will be your Com- The ^well-
fort, your Honour. Happy the Man that has his Quiver full of them ! catechised
It may be, God will make them Sweet Blejffings to you, if you
Teach them to be true Servants to Him. Your Children will cer-
tainly be the more Tractable, the more Orderly ; you will keep up
Tour Authority over them the better, for your Catechifing of them.
266 Cotton Mather on Catechising
If God Smile on your Serious Endeavours, with what Joy will
Rewards to yOU $ee yOUr Children walking in the Truth ! You will Rejoyce
greatly. Your Neighbourhood will alfo have the Joyful Advantage
of it. All the Neighbours that have any Good in them, or Love to
Good, will Blefs God, and Blefs You, for the Good, which Tour well-
inftructed Children do in the World. And Religion will thus, by
your means, be Propagated unto the Next Generation. The Law
of Ifrael, being thus Made known to your Children, the Generation
to come, will reap the Harveft of your Excellent Endeavours ; Yea,
the Children that are to be Born, will arife, and declare it unto their
Children ; and they will Set their Hope in God, & keep His Com-
mandments. Or, (hould the Children mifcarry [which God forbid !]
after you have Endeavoured their best Education in Catechiftng of
them, You will still have this Peace of Conscience, I did my Duty !
But if (6) the Duty which you owe unto the Children, that are com-
mitted unto you by God, be left Undone, it muft needs leave such
a Sting upon the Confcience, as upon the Death of thefe Poor
Children, or your own, will be a thoufand times more Bitter than
Death. By Catechizing your Children you Enrich their Minds, with
incomparable Treafures : You lay a Foundation to render them
Temples of God, wherewith no Artificial Structures, tho' never so
stately, are to be compared. But if they are kept Ignorant of the
Things of their Peace, this Ignorance will be, but the Mother of De-
ftructlon unto them. You know the word of God: Prov. 19, 2.
That the Soul be without Knowledge it is not Good. Your Children
will never be full of Goodnefs, if they be notJHFd with Knowledge. If
the Image of God be Renewed upon them, the firft Lineaments of it,
will be in Knowledge. Without That, they will Retain the Image of
Satan on them ; they will Stumble along in the dark Empire of Sa-
tan, the Ruler of the Darknefs of this World ; they will be a Morfel
for Satan at the last : Brought forth for the Murderer !
The Souls of your Children make a Cry in your Ears, O Pa-
Cotton Mather on Catechising 267
rents ; a cry enough to break an Heart of Adamant. They are Teaming of
Born Children of Wrath ; and when they grow up, you have no Children for
way to Save them from the dreadful Wrath of God, if you do net
Catechife them in the Way of Salvation. They cry to you ; (7) O our
dear Parents ; Acquaint us with the Great God, and His Glorious
Chr'ift that so Good may come unto us ! Let us not go from your Ten-
der Knees, down to the Place of Dragons. Oh ! Not Parents, but
Ojlriches : Not Parents but Prodigies ! What, but more cruel than
the Sea-MonJiers are the Parents, who will not be moved by fuch
Thoughts as these, to Draw out the Breajts of the Catechifm, unto
their Young Ones ! One would think, Parents, Your own Bowels,
if you have not Monjlroujly loft them, would Suggeft enough to
perfwade you unto the Pleafant Labours of the Catechifm.
You cannot be Children of God your felves, if you are not
Sollicitous, that your Children fhould become the Servants of God : Punishment of
If you can bear to fee them Traitors to God, and Vassals of the unheeding
Devil. It is the Character of every Pious Parent in the World ; Pareats
Gen. 18.19. / Know him, that he will command his Children, and
Houfehold after him, and they fhall keep the way of the Lord.
Both of the Parents are under Obligations to this Work of God.
Even the MOTHERS must not reckon themfelves Excufed ; no, Duty of
but as in some regard, their Opportunities to Catechife the Children are Mothers
Singular, fo are their Obligations. It was well for Solomon, that he
had his Mother Bath/heba ; It was well for (8) Timothy, that he
had his Mother Eunice, to Catechife him. Oh ye Handmaids of the
Lord ; The Lavj of Christ, should be so Set home upon your
Children, that it may be faid unto them, Forfake not the Law of thy
Mother ! Your Children may fay, In Sin did my Mother conceive me.
Why should they not alfo have caufe to fay, My Mother did what
Jhe could, that I might be Saved out of my Sin ; and come to the Knowl-
edge of my Saviour ! You have the Children very much with you;
You Feed them ; you Drefs them ; They fly to your Wing; you may
268 Cotton Mather on Catechising
Catechife them every day ; you may be continually dropping some-
thing of the Catechifm upon them : Some Honey out of the Rock !
And the Majlers muft alfo be Put in mind, that the Servants
Masters and in the Family are their Children. The Servants alfo must be Gate-
Servants chifed ; give them some Liefure to Learn the Catechifm ; Some Re-
* — T^J ward, when they have duely Learnt it. Let them on this Account
have caufe Eternally to acknowledge the Compafsion of God unto
them, in bringing them to Live in a Family, where fuch care was
taken of them.
It may be, the Advice will find out, and fall on, Some of the
ThePrimitive Chofen of God, if our Difcourfe proceed unto fo much Particularity,
as to fay ; That the Servants in the Houfe, may come to do the part
^•""^ of Parents unto the Children in their Afliftences unto this glorious
Work (19) of the Lord. Even the Handmaids in our Families, who
tend upon the Children, how much may they do, in Teaching them
their Catechifm? Among the Primitive Chriftians, there are fome,
who tho' they had no Need of it, yet bound themfelves to be
Servants in Pagan Families here and there, on purpofe, for nothing
elfe but that they might convey the Iri/lruction of Chrijtianity into
thofe Families, and obtain their Converjion to Chriftianity by Inftruct-
ing them. God profpered them Wonderfully ! We do not Pro-
pound the Whole Action to be imitated. But the Devout, flaming,
Heroick Zeal of the Action may in the Imitation, operate thus far.
If Servants would once come to take Delight in it, they might every
day, keep Teaching the Children the Truths of Religion, and marvel-
loufly Adorn the Doctrine of God their Saviour. Examples of such a
thing have fometimes occurr'd among us : Exemplary Servants :
worthy to be Efteemed Children !
We befpeak, All Hands to the Work. It must be the Work of
the SCHOOL too. The School-matter, the School-mi ftrefs, must be
master should /-, , • a r»<- ir»i
be a CateMst a ^atec"U*' ^n some Reformed Places, the Magiftrate countenances
none to keep a School, but what appears with a Tejlimonial, of their
Cotton Mather on Catechising 269
Ability, and their Dispojition (10) particularly, \Aptitudinis ad munus
illud, imprimis Puerorum Catechizationem~\ for the Work of Religious
Catechifing. We read, The Little ones have their Angels. To keep
a School, is a moft heavy, grievous, Wearifome Work ; It is hardly
ever fufficiently Recompenced. But then, to Catechife the Children,
and bring them to Know the Holy Scriptures, this is a Noble Work ;
we had almoft call'd it A Work for Angels. Be not Weary of this
Welldoing. Certainly, Tis a Nobler Work, to make the Little Ones
know their Saviour, than to know their Letters. The Lefsons of
yefus are Nobler things than the Lessons of Cato. A Sanctifying
Transformation of their Souls, were a Nobler Thing, than meerly to
conftrue Ovids Metamorphofis. Every Week, Let the School have
one or two Catechetical Exercifes. And when you set your Scholars,
to Write Copies, or make Latin, why may not the Catecbifm afford
Materials for them ? This would make the Golden Nails to ftick the
Fafter in their Minds. By such Methods you may be fo Serviceable
to them in their Higheft Interefts, as to make a Real Problem of that
(i i) which in the Schools they sometimes Thematize upon ; Whether
Children may not be as much Endebted unto their TUTORS, as unto
their Parents?
Well ; But how shall this Work be Prudently managed ? We
(hall doubtlefs all agree, That it {hould be Prayerfully managed. A Prayer to
When a more Solemn Catechifing is to be prosecuted, it is not unfuit- precede Cate-
able, to Look up unto God, at the Beginning, with a Short Supplica- chtsinS
tion of that Importance ; Lord, Open our Eyes, that we may behold the
wondrous things in thy Law ; and that we may be made Wife unto Sal-
vation. And it is very fuitable, that the Conclusion mould be a more
Exprefsive & Extended Supplication ; yea, and that the Catecbifm
should be turn'd into Supplication.
But it is a point of Extreme Importance in a Catechifing, that
the Under/landings of the Children, mould have the Truths of the
Gofpel in them, as well as their Memories.
270 Cotton Mather on Catechising
Teachers, You will do well to Try, and Help their UnderJJand-
ings, by breaking every Anfwer of the Catechifm, into Little Parcels,
into Lejfer £hiejlions, to which (12) a pertinent War dot two of theirs
might be all Their Anfwer.
For Inftance. When the Children have faid ; God has made me,
Method of He keeps me, and can Save me. Ask them ; What ? Is there then a
Catechising God, who made all things ?
*^^~^T^^-s Did you make yourfelf?
Who then made you ?
Can you keep yourfelf?
Should you not quickly fall into all Miferies, if God did not keep
you ?
Who is it that has Fed you, and Cloath'd you, and helped you, and
bejtow'd upon you all the Good things that you have Enjoy' d all this
while ?
Can you Save yourfelf, out of the Miferable condition, into which
you are fallen ?
Unto whom are you to Look for Salvation ?
When the Children have faid ; The Chief End of Man, is to glor-
ify God, and Enjoy Him forever. Ask them ; What? Then is there
fomething that every man Jhould propound to himfelf as his chief End?
Is it the chief End of man to seek himfelf, or to make himfelf great?
Or, to Enjoy the Riches or Pleafures of this World ? (13)
Or, muft we propound it, as our chief End, to Glorify God, and
Enjoy Him forever ?
And, if we do actively fet our felves to Glorify God, in our Obedi-
ence to Him, Jhall we Enjoy Him for ever?
Alas, we find, Many who can Say their Catechifms, do know very
Saying the Little of what they Say. But this way of coming at their Under-
Catechism by ftandings will bring them into Gofhen immediately ; into a Marvel-
rote bus Light.
Yea, But vou ftiould contrive that their Hearts and Lives may
Cotton Mather on Catechising 271
be fhaped by the truths thus got into their Under/landings. They
fhould not only know, That God has made them, and does keep them,
and can save them, They fhould be ask'd ;
Whether they will serve the God that Made them ?
Whether they Give Thanks to God for Keeping them ?
Whether they Pray to God, that He would Save them ?
They fhould not only know, That the chief End of Man is to
Glorify God, and Enjoy Him for ever ; they fhould be ask'd; (14) Multiply
Whether they fix upon this, as Their chief End? the Questions
Whether they defire the Help of God, that they may Glorify Him ? *— ""~*~~\J
Whether they had rather Enjoy God, than have all the Enjoy-
ments in this World?
When the Catechifm tells them the Condition whereunto Sin
has brought them, Let them tell you, what they Think of this
condition : whether it be not a very Sad Condition : And, whether
they would not gladly be Delivered from it.
When the Cathecifm tells them Who the Redeemer is, and what
He does for finful men ; Let Them tell you, what they would have
Him do for Them.
When the Catechecifm tells them, the Good things, that muft be
found in, and done by, the People of God ; Let Them tell you,
Whether they beg of God that they may attain to Such things as
Who can tell, but while the Bleffed echo's of Truth, are in this
Catechifing, thus paffing between You and Them, their Young Possibleresults
Hearts may Burn within them, and by a verticordious Efficacy from
Heaven be Drawn unto the Lord, and even Surprif'd into fuch a
Confent (15) unto the Gofpel, as may prove a Real, and a Lafting
Work of Regeneration upon them ? Oh ! that the Chriftian World,
were fill'd with the Experiments !
And yet none of all this Diligence in Other Teachers, about, One
of the Beft of Works, need Superfede your Diligent Application unto
Cotton Mather on Catechising
Address to
an honorable
it, O Ye PASTORS of the Flocks : your Pajhral care about it,
will be unfpeakably Pleafing unto the Lord, O Ye MINISTERS
of His, who would Study to do His Pleafure.
Sirs, You cannot but upon fad experience find, That your Ser-
mons, tho' never fo well-compofed Meat-Offerings for the Houfe of
your God, will be very much loft, upon an Uncatecbifed People :
Or, as our Flavel Exprefles it ; All your Excellent Sermons will be
dajhed to pieces on the Rock of your Peoples Ignorance. And that your
Unattentive Hearers [if they may fometimes be called Hearers /]
take not near so much Notice of what you Speak in the Pulpit, as
they would of what you might Speak unto them, in the more Ap-
proaching and Familiar way of Catechiftng. There never was in this
World, a Minifter of the Gofpel, who (16) was a Great Catechizer,
and Repented of it. There have been Thoufands, who have ufed
very Great Labours in Catechifing, and have given very Great Praifes
unto God, for the Succejfes that have attended them. Nor have the
Confolations of a Walk with God, and the Inclinations of a Walk in
the Spirit, more accompanied them, in any part of their Ministry,
than when they have been Going about from Houfe to Houfe, to Do
this Good, among their People.
The moft Honourable Man of God cannot reckon it, any Profti-
tution of his Character in the Evangelical Miniftry, to ftoop unto
this Way of Teaching ; but it would bring him the Apteft Occafion
imaginable, to do the part of a Wife winner of Souls, upon thofe who
are of all the moft likely to be Won upon. It is the Opinion, both
of Chemnitz, and of Zanchy ; That the Exercife, which our Saviour
in His Youth, honoured with His Prefence was, A Catechiftical
Exercife. A moft Honourable Exercife ! Yea, fome Eminent
Minifters, in their Emerited Old Age, when other Services of the
Evangelical Miniftry in their (17) Congregations have been too hard
for them, have [like the famous Old Gerfon^ wholly given themfelves
up to the work of Catechifing : and have not been of the Apprehen-
Cotton Mather on Catechising 273
fion which that brave Chancellour of Paris, in his Treatife, De Pueris
ad Chriftum trahendis, does animadvert upon : Adeo jam indignum
videtur apud multos, Si guis ex Theologis, out famatus in Litteris vel
Ecclejiajiica Dignitate Prceditus, ad hoc opus fe inclinaverit.
Nor can the moft Lively vigour of Touth, be better Employ'd,
than in calling upon the Children, in our Flocks, to come, and Meat unto the
Harken unto us, while we Teach them the Fear of the Lord. In a househo_ld
Perfonal Injtruction wifely carried on, we (hall put into the very
Mouths of our Children, the Food, which we only fet on the Table
before them, in our more Publick Difpenfations. And fhall we thus
give to each in the whole Houfehold, their Meat in due Seafon ?
Blejfed is that Servant, whom his Lord, when he cometh, Jhall jind So
-• t
Comftf-d by rbe
Pr9o ft thereof out oftheScrtptoru
Which are di her Tome of the former-
ly quoted phccs, or ottiers gatjiercd
gj fromtherrothfrWriringSiaUEttcd
both for Brevity< Clf ^ this
their For m of Sound WorJt.
the Benefit of Cttrinhns in gc-
4/, ««</ o/ 7^f fe #* Ckitdrrrr iff u»-
-* flfrflanJirtg in fitrlicttla^ thai • they
mty with more cafe acquaint then*
wit h ike Truth according to the
and wilh the
by 5. Wwru, andJT, A!u"»
and are to behold at the
Houfa. 1691
I HIS is extracted from an address on the town of Westhampton, Massachusetts, delivered
before the New England Historic Genealogical Society on Dec. 4, 1878, and printed
in Barnard's Journal of Education in 1880.
I HOLD in my hand a very small book, which perhaps some of
you, in all your researches through the large libraries in this
country and in Europe, have never discovered. I know not
who compiled it, but it has done more to form the New England char-
acter than any book except the Bible. Allow me, then, to intro-
duce you to the " New England Primer." Here we have, among
many other things, this important information :
"In Adams's fall
We sinned all."
" The cat doth play,
And after slay."
" The dog doth bite
The thief at night"
and so on. Here is also a picture of John Rogers, burning at the
stake in Smithfield, in 1554, and " his wife and nine small children,
and one at the breast," looking on. Does that mean that he had
nine children or ten ? I have stumbled, then, upon two unsettled
historical questions : one is, Who compiled the New England Primer ?
and the other is, How many children did 'John Rogers have ? We
are in the habit of settling such questions here, but we have not time
to settle those now.
Clarke on
The Cate-
Notice of
and Arrange-
The " Primer " which was used in Westhampton was a square
book. It was not in this oblong, modern form. This book, there-
fore, does not look to me quite orthodox outside ; but I have no
doubt it is orthodox inside^ for it contains the Catechism. The
Catechism, as we studied and recited it, was divided into three parts.
The first part comprehended all between, " What is the chief end
of man ? " and " the First Commandment." The second embraced
all the " Commandments," together with " What is required ? " and
" What is forbidden ? " in them all, and " The reasons annexed for
observing them." The third included all from the question, " Is
any man able perfectly to keep the commandments of God ? " to
the end. The Catechism was required, by the public sentiment of
the town, to be perfectly committed to memory, and recited in the
meeting house by all the children and youth between the ages of
eight and fifteen. These public recitations were held on three dif-
ferent Sabbaths in the summer of every year, with perhaps a fort-
night intervening between each of them, to allow sufficient time for
the children to commit to memory the division assigned.
When the time arrived for commencing the exercise, the excite-
ment was tremendous. As the great battle of Trafalgar was about
to begin between the immense armadas of England and France, Lord
Nelson displayed at the masthead of his flagship, " The Victory,"
the exciting proclamation, streaming in the wind, " ENGLAND
proclamation woke all the national enthusiasm of his officers and
men, and strung every nerve for the awful conflict. Scarcely less
imperative and exciting was the annual announcement by Father
Hale : " Sabbath after next, the first division of the Catechism will be
recited here." It sent a thrill through the town.
There was " no discharge in that war." Public sentiment de-
manded the most implicit obedience by all concerned. The old
Primers were looked up, new ones bought, and the parents set their
Saying the Catechism 279
children to the work at once and in earnest. Every question and
every answer must be most thoroughly committed to memory, ver-
batim, et literatim et punctuatim. The time for recitation was at the
close of the afternoon service. All the children in the town, dressed
in their " Sabbaday clothes," were arranged shoulder to shoulder,
the boys on the one side and the girls on the other of the broad
aisle, beginning at the " deacon's seat " beneath the pulpit, and ex-
tending down that aisle, and round through the side aisles as far as
was necessary. The parents — " children of a larger growth " —
crowded the pews and galleries, trembling, anxious that their little
ones might acquit themselves well. Many a mother bent over that
scene with a solemn interest, handkerchief in hand, the tears of joy
ready to fall if their children should succeed, and tears of sorrow if
they should happen to fail. It was a spectacle worthy of a painter.
Father Hale, standing in the pulpit, put out the questions to the
children in order ; and each one, when the question came to him, Manner and
was expected to wheel out of the line, a la militaire, into the broad
aisle, and face the minister, and make his best obeisance, and answer
the question put to him without the slightest mistake. To be told,
that is, to be prompted or corrected by the minister, was a thing not to
be permitted by any child who expected thereafter to have any rep-
utation in that town for good scholarship. In this manner the three
divisions of the Catechism were successively recited, while many
were the " knees which smote one against another " ; and many
were the persons who recollect, and will long recollect, the palpitat-
ing heart, the tremulous voice, the quivering frame, with which for
several years they went through that terrible ordeal. But, if the
nervous effects of that exercise were appalling, the moral influence
was most salutary ; and I desire, in this presence, to acknowledge
my deep obligations to my parents, who long since, as I trust,
" passed into the skies," for their fidelity in requiring me, much
against my will, to commit to memory the Assembly's Catechism,
Clarke on
of the
and to " say " it six or seven years in succession in the old meeting
house in Westhampton, amid tremblings and agitations I can never
cease to remember.
But this was not all. The Catechism formed a part of the
curriculum of all the common schools in that town for half a
century, and was as thoroughly taught and as regularly recited there
as Webster's spelling book or Murray's English Grammar. It was
as truly a classic as any other book. It was taught everywhere in
the family, in the school, and in the church, indeed it was the princi-
pal intellectual and religious pabulum of the people. We had it
for breakfast, and we had it for dinner, and we had it for supper.
The entire town was saturated with its doctrines, and it is almost
as much so at the present day. The people could not, of course,
descend into the profound depths of the metaphysics of theology,
but they thoroughly understood the system which was held by the
fathers in New England. They were not indeed prepared to
" Reason high
of Providence, foreknowledge, ivi/l and fate,
Fixed fate, free <will, foreknowledge absolute-"
but they so clearly apprehended what they believed to be the truths
of the Bible,
" That to the height of this great argument
They could assert Eternal Providence,
And justify the ways of God to men.'"''
The practice of instructing the children thoroughly in the
Catechism, was very general throughout New England for a
century and a half after the arrival of " The Mayflower." Judge
Sewall, in the first volume of his " Diary," just published by the
Massachusetts Historical Society, speaks of a certain Sabbath,
which, in the Old South Church in this city, was called " The
Catechising Day" and of his wearing a new article of clothing in
Saying the Catechism 281
honor of that specially important custom. But I believe that that
excellent practice was nowhere so thoroughly carried out as it was
in Western Massachusetts. That was largely owing to the tran-
scendent influence of 'Jonathan Edwards, clarum et venerabile nomen,
who was looked up to by the ministers in Boston and Scotland as
the oracle in all metaphysical and theological matters. His influence
in Northampton and Stockbridge, and in the regions round about, is
visible to-day in the peculiar moral and religious grain of the people.
This, ladies and gentlemen, was the way the New England character
was formed.
THE interest in the following leaves, (which are all of those in the original little tract
containing cuts, with the addition of the title and preface) is two-fold. Not merely
is the poem from the pen of Benjamin Harris, but the prints are identical with those
of the New England Primer, and as this edition was probably issued in Boston by Benjamin
Harris, Jr., the illustrations are thus the earliest American prototypes of the rhymed-alphabet
cuts yet known. The only known copy of this edition is in the Lenox Library.
The first record of the poem the editor has found is contained in an advertisement at the
back of Harris' edition of Davenport's " Saint's Anchor hold" (London, 1701 ) where it is
referred to as " The Holy B'ble in Verse, Containing the Old and New Testament, with the
Apocripha. The whole containing above One Thousand Lines, with Cuts. Price bound
3d." The edition of 1717 contains an advertisement dated 1712 and signed by Benjamin
Harris, Jr., in which he refers to a pirated edition from the press of William Bradford, already
issued. In the Advocates Library at Edinburgh is a copy with the title: " The / Holy Bible, /
Containing / the Old & New / Testaments, / with the / Apocrypha. / Done into Verse for
the Benefit of/ weak memories. The whole con- / taining above One Thousand Lines /
[ornament] / Edinburgh : / Printed in the year M DCC xxiv. / " The advertisement of
Fleet reproduced in this volume also mentions an edition of the poem selling by that printer in
1751. Thus it is apparent that at least six editions have been issued.
In Verfe.
WHoe'er thou ?rt, or of what
Perfuafion foe\>er, forely
thou Jlafl foaie fecret R-efpccft
/AC every thing which favours of
xlie Oracles of Godi Lo, here
•)hou ha$l a Smell of that Garden
of Spices, would to God ic might
ravifli thy Heart,- fo far «as to
drive thee every Morning to
pluck a Flower there- from !
krififan, read ic with Gravity,
zod you'll find it an excellent
antidote aqainil: a weak Me-
mory. That, you m-ay^ turn
(fyejcr.m. and vua oftner to its fa-
cred Origraal, is the Prayer of
"pHis boolc c^nt.tias ^ fulh} on
* Of G'o.-J t^'m't^btj's wife Crcater>n>
Who by his Power in fix Days
~l1)t F.trtt) did frjniC it'i.l h'.%tv*/z raifs
Now ParaJice is planted and '
c^.?j/>« is made c' enjoy eke land*
)-£ovr Qpd) bec^uie he was alone,
Made hhn a lltlf-mtet of his bone
Who is dccsiv'U. O vorfb of all
F/ow ivlxncc df'lv'd >WM'J foilRS
lUtt yet J>_y IJwfit ' rtuf decreed.
Jefits/6waW pay forMitiS m>.,-d
and his Blood,
I'o ^c£ for veng'Ance crys aloud,
Ry whom he's curled &r srr.'i'
Upon the Earth a Fi;gttivc
The Holy Bible;
•Ani Saul thro1 feeking ^ffes fped>
Far bener (?y 4 crowned
Jbe Losl doth (
David tb( Sun of }fdk ;' tnointi
Gollah &i<b "• wighlj Hoft,
Ovtr //;i?.Ifra'lttes dath boafl
But DiVld tvilD i Slii!/ anrt Sto/ie
great Goliah tumble down,
envies D&Vld-tinA iiii VSUl,
'ib fury feeks \ni BlooJ to fpi)|.
$> toll's hatred «on> camel eft ajfttc
avidi/v^cry ^°'* inc:-e<il>.
hath pover ir. .the Cave
y 1C. Stffc^-buC 2oth)tlm five
The fbifyiHrs obtain the D^,
And.-5^i2 and fon* in battle Hay.
Divid a LarnrntAtion
Doth males o'er -SW •&:
Epitomized in Verfei
He's crowned king, & up he g
To Ifrtro/i there to fight his foes.
The Phtlifune* «^d MoatUes,
He does fubduer& Syria fmires
"Before the Ark he dances, when
Wirh fhowts it n.«f rcftorM again
Then Dw* gets the viclory
O'er H«'u»:s wretched villany :
On B4ii/Jffe«h!eAlU his Eyes,
And flic's to Luft a fXerifise r
Anct For to hide thisfinful
Caufcs Vwlj ,ta ks flain.
Whereat th' Aimight^iHf
Jrt order thAt he might Repent.
To Ro-a.1 DuvU's born, a Soil
Of.&tt&J&fbt lUtn'd Silvmon.
Aitd Ri!>6^Vs taken by "him when
Ifc iortur££b the City's Men,
Tie Holy Bible,
And ufofaicm doth *Afnnon kill,
For forcing Tamar 'gainft her will
For which offence Jo&l> does bring
The Murderer before the King,
V/here ail is hufhr, yet <Abfrlom
Doth at hisFatbec'-s kingdom aim
But as he hung in th'tefc bys Hair*
He killed was by Jo.ifrs Spear.
The News was foon to D^Wii lent
And bitterly he does Lament,
David tiie people numbreth ; and
The flaguc increjfetb in ibc Land,
Kinds' I. II.
K. DJV^ di« & leaves the Throne
Unto the Wife King Solomon •,
"Who's very rich & weaUbygtovrn
Moft wifely Judgment parfcs on
Epkomiz-'d in Verfe.
But flic refufes to be f«cn,
A nd Bfthar thereupon'* made
A Plot's contriv'd againft tht King
Which Mordecni to li&ht doth bring*
But fliwian by the King's advanc'<i
Who feelts revenge they<rw* aeainft
And for which ac\ he does obtain,
King's Decree to hxve '(rn
Yet Mordtral to E/Jfccx faff?,
Who begs the king toftve thf J!?995
Ac which proud Hamttn's bafe de-
JReverfed is immediately ( cree
And Hairum hang'd,v/hUft MarZtca.i
Is cloathcd iu the King's array.
The Holy Bible,
This Boo* doth patient Jd> Tot forth
la his religious Life and Worth
.How Satan docs thro' Calumny
lindeavour him to vilify.
To d«mn'd JecfH the Monfler flic?,
And impudence doth him difguife
Affiong God's fons his belllfh S^cj,
Prefents it felf a certain Day,
Jehovah's all difeerning fight._
Seen faw th' Etoinal Fiend of nighf,
Knm- all bit Progreffthro' this Globe,
And that his env/ fwcll'd at 7b?>.
Gays him Commiflion to rnolefr,
And try to ftorm his ftactfulSreaji ••;
Wben quick btffto mere fvjift : '
We cerpetr«te what he'd
EpitomizM in Vetie.
For all that Man doth here inherit
Will only ferve to vex his fpirit.
He bids the Kutb rejyct, but kno
To Judgment he mnft come allc.
And in conclafion bids man to
Fear God tf«J birCammandtntntf d*
This Love-tick Song of Salerno**
To Jefus and his Church Belongs
And in this hlffied Song we read
Ho v Cbrjjl and''} Church are married.
O LcfA unto thy Cbwfffi end thtf
V/eddei my Soul JejirfS io bt>
Th>s Song a Myftery is
Whor<M<if it /rthttn.
Tha's; Iteaih ^c ftrtf J&tfl »»^rrV fee
The Holy Bible.
The Jews adrooni/hed are here
Their S iviaur J«fu$ Chrift to fear
And rcls 'era the old Law is g0ne
Thro' Jefus Chrift God's onl
T. . , mtt. ( Son
U i? not well, fays y«»p/ therefore,
To love the rich & hate the poor?
ffttr I, II.
Hd them exhorts the Lord to fear
And (ays »5* judgment daj w near.,
i, ii, in.
thrift's Perfon bt defcrlbef, & &OWS ;
His death, & how from it he rofc,
Exhorts to p«rfevere in Love,
Commanding them to God above
Epitomized in
nih they over-board do hale
Where he's/Wa/Wd by a Whale.
Thret days and n'^hit hr doth renvain,
Therein when he is freed again,
And then to Nineveh he went,
Where at his word they all repent
[ If this thy Prophet wu/KO Lord
To ilo thy will be thereto fputnd
What will become of ftubborn me
Wn.o-s ten times far more dull than
Spur me OLord.fcaf letm*- find Che
As thou art jufi:,thou'rtrf/ro kind
In Micha's Prophecy we Pet
God's wrath againft idolatry.
Princes are cruel, Prophets *H
To vanity and falffiood fall,
Thebirrh of Chrift is prophecy'd
His kingdom co^queft over pride
(*} \Si('-fjt*"i
t*J^W (JfJ t*2
QUITE a number of the following editions are undated, but so far as I have been able to
form any conclusion, all these fall within the decade 1790—1799. For convenience
therefore, I have grouped them all together at the end of the dated editions.
As of some interest, there is appended to this list of Primers actually extant, such adver-
tisements or other mention of editions as have been chanced upon. Possibly certain of these
notices may not allude to the New England Primer, but the probabilities are that they do.
For fhe more eafy a«»mjfig the trueJ
»--'•-- *t ENGLISH
g To which w added,
The AHembly of Divines
te Catechifm.
S- .
r, pr!fltrf by y
and Sold by the bookM«S,
THE / New-England / Primer / Enlarged. / For the more
easy attaining / the true Reading of English / To which is Boston, 1727
added, / The Assembly of Divines / Catechism. / Boston : Printed
by S. Kneeland, & / T. Green, Sold by the Booksellers. 1727.
40 leaves, A-E in eights.
*** Copies : Lenox Library, New York. This is the earliest edition extant, the only
known copy of which is the property of the Lenox Library. It is imperfect, lacking the
leaves Ai, Bz, 63, and E8, though a small part of E^ remains.
The / New-England / Primer / Enlarged. / For the more easy
attaining the true / Reading of English. / To which is added, / Boston,
The Assembly of Divines / Catechism. / Boston : Printed by T.
Fleet, / and Sold by the booksellers, 1737.
40 leaves, A-E in eights.
.,.*£. Copies : Collection of Mr. Cornelius Vanderbilt. A very imperfect copy of
what is either this or the following edition is in the collection of Dr. Henry Barnard,
being a fragment of twenty-three leaves of signatures B, C and D.
The / New-England / Primer / Enlarged. / For the more
easy attaining the true / Reading of English. / To which is Boston,
added, / The Assembly of Divines / Catechism. / Boston:
Printed by T. Fleet, / and Sold by the booksellers, 1738.
40 leaves, A-E in eights.
#*# Copies : Collection of Mr. E. Dwight Church, New York.
3 o o Bibliography
The New-England Primer . . . To which is added, The Assem-
Boston, 1761 bly of Divines, and Mr. Cotton's Catechism. Boston: Printed by
«-"^~'*r^-3 D. and J. Kneeland, opposite to the Prison in Queen Street, for J.
Winter, opposite the King's Arms in Union Street. 1761.
3*jj. Title from Sabin's " Dictionary of Books relating to America."
The / New-England / Primer / Improved. / For the more
Boston, 1762 easy attaining the true / Reading of English. / To which is
«-x^~|T"vfc3 added, / The Assembly of Divines, / and Mr. Cotton's / Cate-
chism. / Boston : Printed and Sold by / S. Adams, in Queen-
street. 1762.
40 leaves, A-E in eights.
#*j|; Copies : Collection of Mr. E. Dwight Church, New York.
The / New-England / Primer / improved, / For the more
London, 1767 easy attaining the / true Reading of English. / To which is
«_^-~|r->«^j added, / The Assembly of Divines / Catechism. / London :
/ Printed in the Year M.DCC.LXVII.
40 leaves, A-E in eights
#*# Copies : Lenox Library, New York.
The / New-England / Primer / Improved. / For the more
Boston, 1768 eas7 attaining the / true reading of English. / To which is added, /
t^-^-^^ The Assembly of Di- / vines, and Mr. Cot-/ton's Catechism. /
Boston : Printed for, and Sold / by John Perkins, in Union Street. /
40 leaves, A-E in eights.
#*)(. Copies : Collection of Mr. Cornelius Vanderbilt, New York.
The New England Primer. . . Boston : Printed for and sold by
Boston, 1768 A. Barclay in Cornhill. 1768.
5,5*33. Title from catalogue slip.
For the more eafy attaining the
Reading of English. <
To which Is added,
The Afiembly of Divines,
and Mr. COTTON'S #
| Catechifm* |
O 5 r 0 N; Prlflled and Sold by §>
S.ADAM$,1n ^ueen-Jlreet. 1761,
Bibliography 301
The / New-England / Primer / Improved. / For the more
easy attaining the / true reading of English. / To which is added / Boston, 1770
The Assembly of Di- / vines, and Mr. Cot- / ton's Catechism. / «— ^~¥~^+-J
Boston : Printed and Sold by / John Boyles, in Marlboro' / Street,
40 leaves, A-E in eights.
3*£ Copies : Woburn Public Library.
The / New-England / Primer / Improved / for the more easy
attaining the true / reading of English. / To which is added, / The Boston, 1771
assembly of Divines / and Mr. Cottons Ca-/techism. / Boston : / «— -Ojrxo
Printed and sold by the Printer and / Booksellers, 1771.
40 leaves, A-E in eights.
#*x Copies : Sheldon Art Museum, Middlebury, Vt.
The / New-England / Primer / Improved. / For the more
easy attaining the / true Reading of English. / To which is Boston, 1770
added, / The Assembly of Divines / Catechism, &c. / Boston : « — "~<J>~>>^
Printed and Sold by William / McAlpine, about Mid-way be-
tween / the Governor's and Dr. Gardiner's in / Marlborough-
Street, 1770.
40 leaves, A-E in eights.
%*# Copies : Collection of Mr. Cornelius Vanderbilt, New York ; collection of Dr.
Henry Barnard, Hartford.
The / New-England / Primer / Enlarged. / For the more
easy attaining the true / Reading of English. / To which is Philadelphia
added, / The Assembly's Catechism. / Philadelphia : / Printed
and Sold by D. Hall and W. Sellers, in Market-Street, 1771.
80 pp.
£.*£. Title from Hildeburn's " Issues of the Pennsylvania Press."
The / New-England / Primer / Improved. / For the more easy
Boston, 7777 attaining the true / reading of English. / To which is added, / The
t-^~JT~*++9 Assembly of Divines, / and Mr. Cotton's Ca- / techism. / Bos-
ton : Printed for Thomas Leverett in Corn-hill. 1771.
40 leaves, A-E in eights.
%.*# Copies : Collection of Bishop J. F. Hurst, Washington.
The / New-England / Primer / Improved. / For the more easy
London, 7777 attaining the / true Reading of English / To which is added, / The
*— «^"V'S'O Assembly of Divines / Catechism. / London : Printed in the year
40 leaves, A-E in eights.
£*# Copies : Connecticut Historical Society, Hartford.
The / New-England / Primer / Improved. / For the more easy
Boston, 777j> attaining the true / reading of English. / To which is added / The
Assembly of Divines, / and Mr. Cotton's Ca- / techism. / Bos-
ton : Printed for, and sold by A. Ellison, / in Seven-Star Lane.
40 leaves, A-E in eights.
$*,,. Title from Sabin's "Dictionary of Books relating to America."
The New-England / Primer / Improved ; / For the more easy
attaining the / true Reading of English / To which is added, / The
Assembly of Divines / and Mr. Cotton's / Catechism. / Provi-
dence : / Printed and Sold by John / Waterman, at the Paper- /
Mills, 1775.
40 leaves, A-E in eights.
**# Copies : Lenox Library, New York ; Collection of Dr. Henry Barnard, Hartford.
The / American / Primer / Improved. / For the more easy
Concord,i^j6 attaining the true / reading of English. / To which is added, / The
Assembly of Divines, /and / Mr. Cotton's Catechism, / Concord:
, P R I M E R !
1 M P R O V E L\
4 FOR the more frai'v a:.;i: •••>.;T rfce tru" 4
A p • " •• •*»• Y
X reao.n^ t-t L-..-^!-!j,. x
* TJ w « i c » . is .-, ;, .^ t- p, j
V 'i'hc Atfcmbly cf Divides,
• ' X A >,- ^ . .- ,
. $ Mr. COTTON'^ Catcchi^a
f a t'tt r tD
R l
Bibliography 303
/ Printed and sold by / N. Coverly by the Groze, Dozen / or
Single. A great Allowance to / Country Shop Keepers. 1776.
40 leaves, A-E in eights.
.£*£ Copies : Collection of Mr. Cornelius Vanderbilt, New York.
The / New-England / Primer / improved. / For the more easy
attaining the true / reading of English. / To which is added, / The Hartford
Assembly of Divines / and / Mr. Cotton's Catechism. / Hartford: J777
/ Printed and Sold by Nathaniel / Patten, 1777. * — "ir^x^j
40 leaves, A-E in eights.
#*x Copies : Lenox Library, New York.
The / New-England / Primer / Improved / For the more easy
attaining the true / reading of English. / To which is added / The Boston, 7777
Assembly of Divines, and / Mr. Cotton's Catechism. / Boston : /
Printed by Edward Draper, at / his Printing-Office, in Newbury- /
Street, and Sold by John Boyle / in Marlborough-Street. I777«
40 leaves, A-E in eights.
Copies : Collection of Mr. Cornelius Vanderbilt, New York.
The / New-England / Primer / improved / For the more easy
attaining the true / Reading of English. / To which is added, / The Paisley,
Assembly of Divines / Catechism. / Paisley : / Printed by Alex.
Weir, Bookseller / MDCCLXXXI.
40 leaves, A-E in eights.
#*# Copies : Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston.
The / New-England / Primer / Improved. / For the more easy
attaining the true read- / ing of English. / To which is added, / The Boston, 1781
Assembly of Divines / and / Mr. Cotton's / Catechism./ Boston:
/ Printed and Sold by John D. M'Dou- / gall and Company. 1781.
36 leaves, A-I in fours.
£.*.); Copies : Collection of Dr. Henry Barnard, Hartford.
304 Bibliography
The New-England Primer Improved . . . Boston : Printed and
Boston, 1/84 sold by the booksellers, 1784.
*-*" * ^""^ 32, leaves, A-D in eights.
.j.*.j. Title from " Catalogue of the Library of George Brinley."
The / New-England / Primer, Improved / For the more
Glasgow, 1784 easy attaining the true reading of English. / To which is added, /
t-»^n|r^vj The Assembly of Divines / Catechism. / Glasgow : Printed by
Robert Duncan. 1784.
x*^ Title from Sabin's " Dictionary of Books relating to America."
The / New-England Primer / Improved : / Or, an easy and
Salem, 1784 pleasant / Guide to the Art of Reading. / To which are added, /
«-*^n|r>^5 The Assembly of Divines / and Mr. Cotton's / Catechisms /
Salem : Printed and sold by S. Hall, near the / Court-House
32 leaves, A-D in eights.
.fc*35. Copies : Collection of Bishop J. F. Hurst, Washington.
The / New-England / Primer / Improved, / For the more
Glasgow, rySs easy attaining the true / Reading of English. / To which is
c^-Jlf^s added, / The Assembly of Divines' / Catechism. / Glasgow : /
Printed by David Niven; / For J. and W. Shaw, Booksellers,
Trongate. / MDCCLXXXV.
80 pp., A-E in eights.
%.*# Copies : Collection of Mr. E. G. Kean, Warwick, Pa.
The / New-England / Primer / Improved / For the more
Boston, 1791 easy attaining the / true Reading of English. / Adorned with Cutts.
To which is added, / The Assembly of Divines / Catechism /
Bibliography 305
Boston : / Printed by Joseph Bumstead, / for David West, in
Marlboro' Street / MDCCXCI.
32 leaves, A-D in eights.
#*# Copies : Collection of Bishop J. F. Hurst, Washington.
The / New-England / Primer / improved. / For the more
easy attaining / the true reading of English. / To / which is Boston,
added, / The Assembly of Divines' / Catechism. / Boston :
Printed and Sold / by Nathaniel Coverly / M DCCXCI.
32 leaves, A-D in eights.
£*£ Copies : Lenox Library, New York
The / New-England / Primer / improved, / For the more
easy attaining the true reading / of English / To which is added, / Nenv York
The Assembly of Divines / Catechism. / New York : Printed by f794
G. Forman [. . . and ?] / Robert Macgill Book Seller, / No.
105 Maiden Lane. — 1794.
Not signatured, 64 numbered pages, and some lacking.
y.*# Copies : Collection of Bishop J. F. Hurst, Washington.
The / New England / Primer,/ Enlarged and Improved:/
or, an easy and pleasant / Guide to the Art of Reading. / Adorned Boston,
with Cuts. / Also the / Catechism. / Printed at Boston, by
Thomas Hall : / Sold by him, and at the several Booksellers in /
town. — 1795-
32 leaves, A-H in fours.
.£*£ Copies : Lenox Library, New York ; American Antiquarian Society, Worcester,
The / New-England / Primer, / much enlarged, / and better
adapted to the use of / Children. / To which is added / The as-
3 o 6 Bibliography
sembly's Catechism. / Lancaster. / Printed and Sold by W. & R. /
Dickson, in King Street / 1796.
40 leaves, A-E in eights.
^.*^. Copies : Collection of Judge Samuel W. Pennypacker, Philadelphia.
The / New-England Primer j / much improved. / Containing, /
Philadelphia A Variety of easy Lessons, / for / Attaining the true reading of
*797 English. / Philadelphia : / Printed by T. Dobson, at the Stone /
* — T^**-* House, No. 41, S. second street. / 1797.
40 leaves, A-B in twelves, C-D in eights.
%*# Copies : Collection of Dr. Henry Barnard, Hartford.
The / American / Primer. / Or, an easy and pleasant Guide
Medford,i?98\.o the / Art of Reading / Adorned with Cuts. / To which is
« — '~¥~^^> added, / The Assembly of Divine's / Catechism / Medford : /
Printed and sold by Nathaniel / Coverly Jun'r 1798.
32. leaves, A-D in eights.
^*s Copies : American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Mass.
The / New-England / Primer, / Or, an easy and pleasant /
Boston: White Guide to the Art of Reading. / Adorn'd with cutts. / To which are
•^^~^T^-^ added, / The Assembly of Divines' / Catechism. / Boston: — Printed
and sold by / J. White, near Charles-River / Bridge.
48 leaves, A-F in eights.
#*# Copies : Brown University Library, Providence, R. I. 5 collection of Bishop J.
F. Hurst, Washington.
The / New-England / Primer / Enlarged : / Or, an easy and
Boston: Fleet pleasant / Guide to the Art of Reading. / Adorn'd with Cuts. /
To which are added, / The Assembly of Divines / and Mr.
'•OtV&x eafy ctod ph a/ant
OE to tfa ART
7* <.&&!<& -aft added,
.--Primed and fod by
]• WHITE, near Charles-River
|51 --- * — — -Q -- < ;
(,*, AS lAlST AND fitAiANT
the Art of Reading,
- *' ft t- ft t P 0 A
.£ »*ix tiu> *M> • . . v JOHN V
Bibliography 307
Cotton's / Catechism &c. / Boston : / Printed by T. and J. Fleet,
at the / Bible & Heart in Cornhill.
48 leaves, A-F in eights.
#*% Copies : Collection of Mr. Edward L. Parris, New York.
The New-England / Primer, / Improved : / Or, an easy and
pleasant / Guide to the Art of Reading. / Adorned with Cutts. / Portsmouth
To which are added, / The Assembly of Divines / and Dr. Watts's Melcber
/ Catechisms. / Portsmouth : / Printed and sold by J. Melcher. * — '~*~^«*
36 leaves, A-C in twelves.
^*^ Copies: Collection of Dr. Henry Barnard, Hartford.
The / American / Primer, / Improved, / Or, an easy and pleas-
ant Guide to the / Art of Reading, / Adorned with cuts, / To Newbury
which is added, / The Assembly of Divine's / Catechism. / New- Coverly
bury, (Ver.) / Printed by Nathaniel Coverly, Jun'r. / For John * — "*^ — >
West, of Boston.
32 leaves, unpaged and unsignatured.
x*^ Copies : American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Mass.
The / New England / Primer / Enlarged and Improved / or, an
easy and pleasant / Guide to the Art of Reading. / Adorned with Newburyport
Cuts. / Also the / Catechism. / Newburyport : / Printed and sold Mycall
by John Mycall ; / sold also by Isaiah Thomas at / his shops in «— '""V^J
Boston and Worcester.
40 leaves, A-E in eights.
**.£ Copies : British Museum Library, London ; American Antiquarian Society, Wor-
cester, Mass. ; collection of Bishop J. F. Hurst, Washington.
The / New-England / Primer, / Enlarged and improved, / or, an
easy and pleasant / Guide to the Art of Reading. / Adorned with
cuts. / Also the / Catechism. / Newburyport : / Printed and sold
by John Mycall.
40 leaves, A-E in eights.
#*£ Copies : Collection of Mr. Cornelius Vanderbilt, New York.
" ADVERTISEMENT. There is now in the Press, and will sud-
Harris, 1690 denly be extant, a Second Impression of The New-England Primer
enlarged, to which is added, more Directions for Spelling : the Prayer
of K. Edward the 6th and Verses made by Mr. Rogers the Martyr,
left as a Legacy to his Children. Sold by Benjamin Harris, at the
London Coffee-House in Boston." From Henry Newman s u News
From the Stars" Boston :
Perry, 1700
" 12 Strongs Spelling bookes; 20 Youngs Spelling bookes; 13
Bibles in 12° gilt, N: E. Psalms; 28 Primmers; 13 doz Assem-
blys Catechism ; 2 doz gilt home bookes ; I doz plain do. ; 44
doz Primmers; 106 doz Assemblys Catechism." From Inventory of
Michael Perry, 1700. 'John Dunton's u Letters from New Eng-
" Books Printed and Sold by B. Harris at the Golden Boar's-
Harris, 1701 Head in Grace-church St. The New England Primer Enlarged ;
«—^"~$~"1>-3 For the more easy attaining the true Reading of English. To
which is added Milk for Babes." Advertisement in Davenport's
" Saints Anchor Hold" London : 1701.
" A Primer for the colony of Connecticut ; or, an Introduction
Green, 1715 to the true Reading of English. To which is added, Milk for
Babes." Advertisement of T. Green, New London :
Bibliography 309
" James Franklin, Printer, is remov'd from Queen Street, to
Union Street, over against Mr. Dixwell's, Goldsmith, and sells Tes- Franklin
taments, Psalters, Psalm-Books, Primers, Catechisms, and all sorts X724
of Blanks." From " The New England Courant" Monday, July 27, «-"'~i|r\>
" Bonds, Indentures, Primmers, or other useful books." Adver-
tisement ofj. Keimer in " New Jersey Acts" 1728. Keimer, 1728
Lately imported from London, by John Le, and are to be sold
by him at the loweft Prices, either by wholesale or Retale, at his Le,
Shop in Market Street, over againft the Presbyterian Meeting-Houfe,
thefe Goods following,
Callicoes, divers Sorts. Hollands, and feveral forts of Sheeting
Linnen. Several forts of Diapers and Table-Cloths. Several forts
of Cambricks. Mantua Silks, and Graffets. Beryllan, and plain
Callimanco. Tamie yard-wide. Men's dyed Shammie Gloves,
Women's Ditto, Lamb, Stitching Silk, Thread and Silk. Twift for
women. Silk and Ribbands, Double Thread Stockings, Men's
white fhammie Gloves, Silk Handkerchiefs, other sorts of Hand-
kerchiefs. Men's glaz'd Gloves Topp'd. Men's Shoe- Buckles,
Bath-metal. Masks for Women. Several forts of Penknives.
Plain metal Buttons for Men's Coats and jackets. Ivory Cafe-
Knives, and feveral forts of Pocket-Knives, Dowlafles feveral
forts, Huckabags, and Ruflia Linnen, Oznaburghs. Several forts
of Looking-GlafTes, Garlicks and brown Holland. Bag-Hol-
land Ditto. Several forts of Druggets, Fine Kerfeys. Superfine
double-mill'd Drab, Broad-Cloths, London Shalloons, Fine and
coarfe Hats, Men and Women's Engliih Shoes, Stockings, Several
forts for Men, Women and Children, Several forts of Caps,
Women's Bonnets. Several forts of Horn and Ivory Combs. Gun-
powder, shot, and Flints. Bibles of feveral forts. Teftaments, Pfalters
and Primers. Large Paper Books, and fmall ones, with Pocket-Books,
and other stationary Ware, Several forts of Checquer'd Linnen,
Flannels and Duroys, Scots-Snuff.
To be LET by the above Perfon, One Half of the House he
now poffeffeth. Enquire of him and know further. Pennsylvania
Gazette, Oct. 2, 1729.
JOHN HYNDSHAW, at the sign of the Two Bibles, in
Market-Street, over against the Presbyterian Meeting-House, Phila-
delphia binds any fort of Books after any Fashion People may defire,
and more perfectly, and cheaper, than formerly hath been done in
thefe Parts. And he fells at the loweft Prices Folio Bibles with
Maps and the Concordance, Quarto Bibles, fmall Bibles, Teftaments
Pfalters, Primers, with Variety of other Books : And feveral Sorts of
blank Books for accounts, Pocket-Books, Copy-books. Alfo Station-
ary Ware, fuch as Paper, Ink, Sealing-wax, Wafers, Ink-horns,
Standifhes for Counters, Pencils, Spectacles and Cafes ; and Sundry
Sorts of Merchant Goods, lately imported from Great Britain, with
a Book entituled Bradley's Gentleman and Farmer's Guide, abridged,
for the Increase and Improvement of Cattle, &c. April 30, 1730.
From Pennsylvania Gazette, April p, //JO.
11 Sold by the Printer hereof. Large Quarto Bibles of Good
Print, Small Bibles, Testaments, Psalters, Primers, Account Books,
demi-royal and small Paper, Ink, Ink-powder, Dutch Quills,
Wafers, New Version of Psalms, Barclay's Apology, Beavan's
Primitive Christianity, Vade Mecum, Aristotle's Works, with several
other diverting and entertaining Histories. Also all sorts of Blanks
in the most Authentick Forms, and correctly printed." Advertise-
ment In Benjamin Franklin's " Poor Richard's Almanac" for 1 735*
At the House of George Brownell in Second Street, (formerly
the Houfe of Mr. John Knight, deceaPd) is taught, Reading,
Bibliography 311
Writing, Cyphering : Dancing, Plain- work, Marking, with Variety of Bro<wnell
Needlework. Where alfo Scholars may board.
N. B. At the same place is to be fold a new one.Horfe
Chaife, alfo dry Fifh, Mackrel, Glew, cut Whale-bone, Rhode-
Uland Cheese, Onions, Cedar Buckets, Raifms, Currants, Iron Potts,
Kettles, Primers, Pfalters, Teftaments, Bibles, Writing Books,
Henry on the Sacrament, and feveral other Books, red Leather for
Chairs or Shoes, &c. faling Axes, Sieves, Hops, Fringes, and Kid
Gloves. From the Pennsylvania Gazette, Jan. 22,
" Daniel Gookin, Bookseller in Boston, Is removed from the
Corner of Water street in Cornhil, to a shop in Marlborough street, Parker, 174.4
opposite to the Old-South Meeting-House, where he continues to
sell most sorts of Divinity Books, by the best English and Scotch
authors ; also Bibles, Testaments, Psalms, Psalm Books, Primers,
Account Books, and Books for Records, Papers, with most sorts of
Stationery and Cutlery ware." Advertisement from " The Boston
Evening Post" November /£>,
"Just imported from London, and to be Sold by the Printer here-
of, Bibles of several sorts, Testaments, Psalters and Primers." Ad- Gookin,
vertisement from the " New York Weekly Post-Boy" Printed by Barnes
Parker, December 2£
Books sold by Robert M'Alpine . . . Bibles of several sizes,
Testaments, Psalters, Spelling-Books, Common Prayers, and Primers. M" Alpine
. . . and many other books too tedious to mention." Advertisement
from " The New York Weekly Post-Boy " December 2, 1745.
Just published, the New York Primer, And to be sold by the
Printer hereof, by the Whole Sale or Retail." Advertisement from Foreest, 77^7
" The New York Evening Post" Printed by Henry de Foreest Sept. 7,
3 i 2 Bibliography
" Just imported from England and to be sold by the Printer
Parker, 1748 hereof . . . Church of England Primers, New England Primers . . .
*-~^~JT^-3 Horn Books . . ." Advertisement in " The New York Gazette"
Printed by "James Parker, July 2$, 1748.
" To be sold by Thomas Fleet, Printer, at the Heart and Crown
Fleet, 7757 In Cornhill, Boston, Bibles, Testaments, Psalters, Psalm-Books,
t — ^jT^iJ Primers, Catechisms with Proofs or without." Advertisement in
Wiggleworttf $ " Day of Doom" Boston, 1751.
" H. Gaine, at the Bible & Crown, in Queen-Street, has just
Gaine, f?j6 imported in the Snow Irene, Captain Jacobson, from London, the
«^*O(r*>w3 following Books, viz. . . . Bibles, Testaments, Common-Prayers
of all Sizes, Psalters, Primmers. Several sorts of School Books;
good assortment of Plays, Letter Cases, Writing Paper, &c." Ad-
vertisement In " The New York Mercury" Monday, "June 7, 1756.
" The New-England Primer. Philadelphia : James Chattin.
Chattin, 1757 1757." From Hildeburn s " Issues of the Press in Pennsylvania"
" An edition of The New England Primer being wanted by the
7757 booksellers, Z. Fowle consulted with Mecom on the subject, who
consented to assist in the impression, on condition that he might
print a certain number for himself. To this proposal Fowle con-
sented, and made his contract with the booksellers. Fowle had no
help but myself, then a lad in my eighth year. The impression
consisted of ten thousand copies. The form was a small sixteens,
on foolscap paper. The first form of the Primer being set up,
while it was worked at the press, I was put to case to set the types
for the second. Having completed this, and set up the whole cast
of types employed in the work, and the first form being still at
press, I was employed as a fly ; that is, to take ofF the sheets from
the tympan as they were printed, and pile them in a heap ; — this ex-
pedited the work. While I was engaged in this business, I viewed
To be fold by
Thomas Fleet, Printer,
a: the
Heart and Crmn
In Cornhill, Boften,
2lBLES,TeJ}aments,Pfalters, Pfalm-Books, Princ
Catecbifms with Proofs rtr without, • Spelling-
Bocks, by Dixcn, and others, Drelincourt'^ Cbrr/tian's
Defence again/I the Fears of Death, Pilgrim's Progrefs-*
firft and fecond Part, Perpetual Almanack of Spiritual
Meditations, Secretary's Guide, Wigglefworth^; Day -of
..Dcom, and a great Variety of other bound Books ;
Watts's Divine Songs, for Children, Holy Bible? m
Yerfg, Parents Gift, &c.
Alfo Ink and Quits, Cartridge Paper, JFriting awl
Printing Paper, Account Books, Bonds for Money, Gottn-
ler Bondst Sheriff's Bsruis, Powers of Attorney, Bills of
Sale for Ve/cls, Deeds of Sale for Lavd, Jr.der,tu*e:
Policies- for fafurance, and all-iiforts of Probate Bic:;;
Court avd J'</iiefs Bltwk^. kc. -And at t/X ferns /
aii $->!! of Printing f •'>'••'• "?^v h } ad well tieve, < ...
From Wiggle s^uorths' Day of Doom. Boston : 7/J/
Bibliography 313
Mecom at the press with admiration. He indeed put on an apron
to save his clothes from blacking, and guarded his ruffles ; but, he
wore his coat, his wig, his hat and his gloves, whilst working at
press ; and, at case, laid aside his apron." From Thomas' " History
of Printing ."
44 Just imported in the last vessels from London and Bristol,
and to be sold by WRIGHT and YOUNG, at their store in the Wright &
corner house opposite Doctor Murray's, near the Meat Market ; Young,
. . . testaments, psalters, spelling-books, primers, shaded crewels,
knitting needles, nutmegs, cloves, cinnamon and mace, small nails
of all sorts, chest and dovetail hinges, sleeve buttons, shoe and knee
buckles, fountain pens, pen knives, knives and forks, razors, scissors,
coffee-mills, needles and pins, metal buttons of all sorts, double-gilt
do, flat & deep pewter of all sorts, pewter tea-pots and tankards,
&c. Also a great number of articles too tedious to mention here."
From " The New York Mercury" Monday, July 18,
"Primers sold from 1749 to 1765, be-
ing 35,100 @ 2^ [;£] 365 12 6 Franklin &
" Money received for 2,000 primers print- Hall, j/oo
ed between March, 1765 and February ist * — ""^"^
1766 @ 2^ 20 16 8 "
From Franklin and Hall's settlement accounts, Ij66.
" W. M'Alpine hereby informs the Publick that he purchased
the genuine copy of this Almanack from Dr. Ames, and hopes they M'Alpine
will not be imposed upon by buying spurious, pirated and incorrect edi-
tions of the same : At whose shop may be had Tate and Brady's
Psalms, Watts' Psalms and Hymns, Bibles, Testaments, Prayer-
books, Psalters, Spelling-books, Primers, Divinity and History-
books, Paper, Pens, Ink, Ink-powder, Wax, Wafers, &c. &c. at
the very lowest Prices." From Ames' " Almanack "for
314 Bibliography
Lately Published and to be Sold by WILLIAM M'AL-
M* Alpine PINE, In Marlborough-Street, BOSTON: Watts's psalms and
1768 hymns ; Tate and Brady's psalms, with or without tunes, plain and
*—"'~*""*>^» gilt ; spelling books, primers, and psalters ; Russel's seven sermons ;
book of knowledge ; — with a number of other books in divinity,
history, &c. Country traders, and others, may depend on being
served at the lowest cash price, by the quantity, as most of the
above books are printed and bound by said M'ALPINE.
" N. B. Those who are long in arrears with said M'ALPINE,
are requested to pay their respective balances immediately." From
" The Boston Chronicle" Monday, February 8, 1768.
" William M'Alpine, Informs his Customers and others, that,
M" Alpine being obliged to raise a sum of money in zfew months — He intends to
i?68 dispose of his stock, under the common wholesale prices if applied for
*-^~%~~* 5 soon. Most of the Books are of his printing and binding, and will
be warranted good. Among which are : Watts Psalms and Hymns,
bound in one volume, or separately, with or without tunes ; Tate
and Brady's Psalms gilt or plain, with or without tunes ; New
England Psalms, with or without tunes; Psalters, Spelling-books,
Russel's seven Sermons, Book of Knowledge, Tansur's Music-books,
Bayley's Music-books, De Laun's Plea for the Nonconformists,
New-England Memorandum-books, New-England Primers, Royal
Primers, Proof Catechisms, &c. with a good assortment of large and
small BOOKS in Divinity, History, Verses, &c. &c. &c." From
" The Boston Chronicle" Monday, October j/, 1 768.
" PRINTING, Performed in a neat and correct Manner, by
Dunlap,i768 JOHN DUNLAP, At the Newest Printing-Office, on the South
Side of the Jersey Market, the third Door below Second street ;
who has for Sale, a small Assortment of Books and Stationary,
among which are, Bibles, Testaments, Spelling-Books, Primers,
Confessions of Faith." From " The Pennsylvania Gazette" June 2,
" The New England Primer improved. Philadelphia : Robert
Aitken. 1770 ' From Hildeburn's " Issues of the Press in Pennsyl- Aitken, 1770
"The New England Primer. Germantown, C. Sower. 1770"
WickershanCs " History of Education in Pennsylvania" p. /<?J". So-iver, 1770
" Nathaniel Patten, Bookbinder and Stationer, From Boston,
Hereby acquaints the Public, that he has opened a Shop at the East Patten, 1774
End of the Plain, near the Printing-Office, Norwich . . . He has
for Sale a select Collection of Books upon the most important Sub-
jects : Among which are, Bibles, Testaments, Psalters, Spelling
Books, Primers, Royal Ditto." From " The Norwich Packet"
Thursday, May /<?,
"The New England Primer. Philadelphia: Robert Aitken.
1777." From Hildeburn's " Issues of the Press in Pennsylvania" Aitken, 177
"The New England Primer. Philadelphia: Robert Aitken,
1778." From Hildeburn's " Issues of the Press in Pennsylvania" Aitken,
"The Newest American Primer. Philadelphia: Styner and
Cist. 1779." From Hildeburns " Issues of the Press in Pennsylvania" Styner & Cist
"A Primer. Philadelphia: Walters and Norman. 1779.
Adorned with a beautiful head of general Washington and other Walters
copper plate cuts." Pa. Evening Post, June 23, 1779. This was N°rman
the first portrait of Washington engraved in America." From
Hildeburn 's " Issues of the Press in Pennsylvania"
" The New England Primer enlarged. Philadelphia : Styner and
Cist. 1779." From Hildeburn's " Issues of the Press in Pennsylvania"
3 1 6 Bibliography
" Hall and Sellers published an edition of the New England
Hall & Primer in January, and Cruikshank another in December, 1779."
;'r' ''" Fro?n Hildeburn's " Issues of the Press in Pennsylvania"
"Just come to hand and now selling by Nathaniel Patten, Book-
Patten, f/So Binder and Stationer, a little North of the Court House in Hartford,
*-*^^^x** for Cash, Cotton and Linen Rags or Produce, clothiers Press papers,
Coperas Logwood, Writing Paper, Testaments, Dillworth's Spelling
Books, Primmers, Earl of Chesterfield's letters neatly bound and
letter'd, History of the martyrs, History of the Indian Wars, Dill-
worth's Arithmetic, Watt's Lyric Poems, Goughs English Gram-
mer, Russels 7 Sermons, Pocket Books, Latin Testaments, Do.
Grammers, Do. Accidence, and a variety of other Books, Needles,
Powder, Pipes, &c. &c." " The Connecticut Courant" Tuesday,
February 22, Ij8o.
"To be SOLD at the North Door under the Printing Office in
Hudson & Hartford LORD CHESTERFIELDS LETTERS to his Son ;
Goodwin Dilworth's Spelling Book printed on a large new Type and strong
' C*^ Paper ; Law's Collection of Psalmody ; Primers ; Bohea Tea ;
Coffee ; Sugar; Chocolate; Indigo; Pepper; English Currants ;
Felt Hats; Pocket Books; Pigtail Tobacco, &c. &c." From
u The Connecticut Courant," Tuesday, March 28, Ij8o.
" Just published, and to be sold, By B. WEBSTER, A few
Webster, 178 1 rods South-East of the Court-House, in Hartford : (By the hun-
dred, dozen, or single). THE PSALMS OF DAVID, imitated
in the Language of the New-Testament, and applied to the Christian
State, and Worship, By I. WATTS, D.D. also, the New-England
PRIMER, improved, for the more easy attaining the true reading
of English : to which is added the ASSEMBLY of DIVINES,
and Mr. COTTON's Catechism ; he has for sale, Testaments,
Pope's Essay on Man, and a number of Pamphlets." From " The
Connecticut Courant," Tuesday, April ij, if8l.
Bibliography 317
"Just come to hand and now selling, by NATHANIEL PAT-
TEN, Book Binder and Stationer, A little north of the State-House, Patten, 1781
Hartford, Testaments, Dilworth's Spelling Books, Primers, Watts's « — '~|r\j
Psalms and Lyric Poems, Young Man's Companion, Chesterfield's
Letters, Hunter's Reflections on ditto, Pupil of Pleasure, Paradise
Lost and Regained, Young's Night Thoughts, Lowth's English
Grammar, History of the Indian Wars, Latin Testaments, Lillie's
and Ross's Grammar, Barretson's English Exercises into Latin, ditto
Accidences, Nomenclatures. A number of entertaining Books for
Children, viz. The History of the World turned upside down,
Goody Two-Shoes, Entertaining Fables, the History of the Holy
Jesus, Tom Thumb folio, Song Books, Copy-Books, Pocket-Books,
Receipt Books, Ink-powder, Sealing Wax, Slate and Black Lead Pen-
cils, Pins, Needles, Pipes, Coffee, Chocolate, Gauzes, &c. &c. &c."
From " The Connecticut Courant," Tuesday, April 10, 1781.
" Just Published and now Selling at the North Door, under the
Printing-Office, (by the thousand, hundred or dozen) A neat and Hudson £f
Beautiful EDITION of the New-England PRIMER, also, Just Goodwin
Published, and now Selling at the above Place, The REPRI- I7Sl
MANDER, Reprimanded. By the Author of the Letters of Grati-
tude." From " The Connecticut Courant," Tuesday, May I, Ij8i.
" The New England Primer. Philadelphia : T. Bradford and
P. Hall. 1781. From Hildeburn's " Issues of the Pennsylvania Press" Bradford
" Just Published, and to be Sold, by NATHANIEL PAT-
TEN, Book-Binder, a little North of the State-House, Hartford,
The best Edition of Dilworth's Spelling-Books, that ever was Patten, 1781
printed in New England (taken from a London copy) : Also, a very
neat Edition of Primers, with a variety of other Books, &c &c &c.
He has a few Record Books on hand.
"N. B. The Clothiers and others that depend on Press- Papers,
Logwood, Copperas, Allum, &c. that will be kind to collect in
Hudson Gf
Rags, may have those articles from their humble servant, N. Pat-
ten." From " The Connecticut Courant," Tuesday, July j, 1781.
" TO BE SOLD by Hudson & Goodwin, At the PRINT-
ING-OFFICE : Testaments, Watts's Psalms and Hymns, bound
together or separate, Edwards's Sermons, Memoirs of the Life of
Dr. Doddridge, Mrs. Rowe's Letters, History of War in America,
Adventures of Neoptolemus, Pupil of Pleasure, the Revolution of
America, by the Abbe Raynal, Hunter's Reflection on Chesterfield's
Letters, Narative of Col. Allen's Captivity, Law's Collection of
Music, Lowth's Grammar, Dilworth's Spelling-Books by the groce,
dozen or single, Primers, Writing and Wrapping-Paper, by the ream
or quirem, Clothiers Press Papers, by the groce or dozen, Cartridge
Paper, Blanks of most kinds used in this State, Sealing-Wax
Wafers, Holman's British Ink Powder, small Looking-Glasses,
Pins, black and Coloured Silk Handkerchiefs, &c &c." From
" The Connecticut Courant" Tuesday, July 16, 1782.
" Bibles, Watts's Psalms & Hymns bound together, Primers,
Law's Collection of Music, Record and Account Books of various
sizes, a small quantity of two and three thread Twine, best Holland
Quills, Wafers, Writing and Wrapping Paper by the Ream or
Quire, Press Papers, Bonnet Papers, Cartridge Paper, &c. to be
Sold or exchanged for Rags, by the Printers hereof." From " The
Connecticut Courant" Tuesday, March II, 1783.
"CHARLES COLLENS Has for Sale at Litchfield South
Collens, 1783 Farms near the Meeting House, an assortment of Dry Goods —
Among which are — Broadcloths, Callicoes, Chintzes, white and
check'd Holland ,Cambrick,Lawns, black Satten, Mode, Black Laces,
Silk Handkerchiefs, black and white Gauze, black and white Milliner.,
black rib'd and plain Lasting, Buttons, Twists, Buckles of different
sorts, Powder and Shot, German Steel, rod Nails, Brimstone, Pipes,
brass and steel Thimbles, table butts and Screws, steel plated Hand-
Bibliography 319
Saws, Iron hollow Ware, Wool Cards, Rum, Sugar, Tacks and
Allblades, brass Knobs, Knives and Forks, Pins, Needles, Spelling-
Books, Primers, Testaments, Writing Paper, Tea, Chocolate, and a
variety of other articles, which will be sold at a reasonable price."
From " The Connecticut Courant," Tuesday, April 8, 1 783.
"Just published, and now Selling, By HUDSON & GOOD-
WIN, a neat Edition of DILWORTH'S SPELLING BOOK Hudson &
Printed on a large Type and fine Paper, to which is added The
Shorter Catechism, Agreed upon by the Reverend Assembly of
Divines at Westminister. Those who purchase large quantities shall
have them as cheap as they are sold in New-York or Boston.
ALSO, NEW-ENGLAND PRIMERS, By the Gross, Dozen or
Single." From " The Connecticut Courant," Tuesday, August ly, 1783.
" To Be Sold by the Printers hereof, Writing and Wrapping
Paper, by the Ream or Quire, Press Papers by the Groce or Hudson &
Dozen. Bonnet Papers, by the Groce, Dozen or single. Dill- Goodwin
worth's Spelling Books, Primers. Military Books, Almanacks, &c.
&c. From " The Connecticut Courant" Tuesday, January 20, 1784..
" To be Sold, or exchanged for RAGS, at the Printing Office
near the Bridge, Bibles, Testaments, Watts' Psalms, Spelling Books, Hudson &
Primers, Ink Powder, Sealing Wax, Wafers, Copper Plate Copies, Goodwin
Holland Quills, Writing and Wrapping Paper, Press and Bonnet 7' ^
Papers, Sheathing Paper, Account Books — A variety of Small Books
for children, &c. &c." From " The Connecticut Courant," Tuesday,
September 28, 1784..
" The following Books just published are Sold by Hugh Gaine,
at his Book store and Printing Office in Hanover-Square, New Gaine, 1786
York, . . . English books for the Use of Schools. Bibles, Testa-
ments, Spelling Books and Primers." From Clarke's "Corderia
Colloquiorium Centuria Selecta," New York : 1786.
WHAT follows is an attempt to gather so far as is possible, all the texts which ap-
peared in every known edition of the New England Primer printed prior to 1776.
Each piece is classed under the Primer (or its prototypes) in which it first appeared,
and all editions in which it was printed are mentioned in the appended notes. To all matter
which appeared in the New England Primer of 1727, and the New English Tutor, both of
which are reprinted in this volume, a mere reference to the page at which the text is printed
is thought sufficient. Such texts as are not in those two publications are reprinted here.
" Verses of John Rogers ".
England Primer, 169-?; (with print), New English Tutor, (p. 166-175);
New England Primer, 1727, (p. 88-95); and in every eighteenth century New England
Primer examined by the editor.
Tutor, 1683
"Prayer of King Edward Vlth ".
#*jj. New English Tutor (p. 175-176).
Neiv England
" Our Lord's Prayer ". Bradford
^*#New England Tutor, (p. 161) ; Protestant Tutor, 1715; New England Primer,
1727, (p. 73) ; and all other editions examined by the editor.
The Creed ".
,j.*#New England Tutor, (p. 161); Protestant Tutor, 1715; New England Primer,
I7'i7> (P- 73"4) j an<^ *•& other editions examined by the editor.
" The Ten Commandments ".
.,.*^ The New English Tutor, (p. 162-3); New England Primer, (p. 74-76); 1727;
I737J I738 5
" A Dialogue between Christ, Youth and the Devil ".
English Tutor, (p. 226-237); New England Primer, 1762; 1767; 1768;
1771 ; 1775.
w England Cotton's " Spiritual Milk for Babes ".
.£*.£ New English Tutor, (p. 186-199); New England Primer, 1761; 1762; 1769;
1770; 1771 ; 1773; '775-
Ne--w English Extract from "Proverbs" (p. 140).
Tutor, IJO2- ^ Protestant Tutor, 1715. New England Primer, 1727, (p. 58) 17375 1738; 1784?
(with slight variations).
" Of Serving God " (p. 140).
#** New England Primer, 1727, (p. 58); 1737 ; 1738 ; 1775.
Alphabet and Syllabarium (p. 140-142).
^*# New England Primer, 1727, (p. 59-61); and all other editions examined by the
Words of one to six syllables (p. 144-151).
^^ New England Primer, 1727, (62-64) j and a11 otner editions examined by the editor.
Variorum 325
Rhymed Alphabet (p. 152-155).
#\ Guide to the Child, 1725 ; New England Primer, 1727, (p. 65-68), and in all other A^ou English
New England Primers. For account of variation, see introduction, p. 25. Tutor
1702-1714 ?
"The Dutiful Child's Promise" (p. 156-157).
x*# Protestant Tutor, 1715; New England Primer, 1727, (p. 69-70); 1737; I738i
1767; 1771.
" An Alphabet of Lessons for Youths" (p. 157-160).
#\ Protestant Tutor, 1715; New England Primer, 1727, (p. 70-72) ; 1737 j '7385
1762; 1767; 1768; 1771 ; 1775.
" Choice Sentences " (p. 160).
#*# New England Primer, 1727, (p. 72); 17375 '738 > 1762; I7&75 '768 5 *775-
"The First Psalm " (p. 176-177).
"A Prayer for Children in the Morning" (p. 177).
" A Prayer at Night " (p. 177-178).
"A Blessing before Meat" (p. 178).
"A Thanksgiving after Meat" (p. 178-179).
"Children's duty to their Parents" (p. 179-180).
#*# New England Primer, 1727, (p. 76; 78-80) ; 1737; 1738 ; 1767; 1771.
"Parent's duty to Children" (p. 181-182).
"The Duty of young Folks" (p. 182-184).
"The Duty of Servants" (p. 184-185).
"The Duty of Masters" (p. 185-186).
326 Variorum
"On Death" (p. 200).
New English " On Judgment " (p. 201).
1702-1714? "On Heaven" (p. 202).
On Hell " (p. 203).
" Romans, Chapter XII " (p. 204-207).
"First Chapter of John " (p. 207-211).
"Christian Observations" (p. 211-212).
41 Awake, arise, behold thou hast " (p. 212).
#*# New England Primer, 1727; (p. 81); (Part) 1737; 1738; 1762; 1767; 1768,
1771 ; 1775.
"The Names and Order of the Books of the Old and New
Testament" (p. 213-214).
x*% Protestant Tutor, 1715 ; New England Primer, 1727 5 (p. 81-83); J737 5
Numeral Letters and Figures" (p. 215-220).
#*# Protestant Tutor, 1715 ; New England Primer, 1727 5 (83-87).
Points and Stops observed in Reading" (p. 220).
"God's Judgment on Disobedient Children" (p. 220-221).
%*% New England Primer, 1767.
" Upon Scoffing Children " (p. 221-222).
^*^ New England Primer, 1767.
"Upon Lying Children" (p. 222-223).
Upon Sabbath-breakers" (p. 223-224).
%*# New England Primer, 1767.
" Encouragement for Serious Children " (p. 224).
u Our Days begin with trouble here" (p. 224—225).
England Primer, 1768 ; 1775.
The Ten Commandments " in verse (p. 225).
Words fitly spoken ; or Apples of Gold in Pictures of Silver " (p.
u Proverbial Sentences to learn by Heart" (p. 241—243).
Agur's Prayer " (p. 243).
#*^ New England Primer, 1762 ; 1768 ; 1771 ; 1775.
Advice to Children" (p. 244-246).
" Child behold that man of Sin, the pope, worthy thy utmost hatred,'
(p. 247).
" First in the Morning when thou doest awake ". Guide to the
#*# New England Primer, 1727, (p. 80); 1737; 1738; 1762; 1768; 1771; 1775. Child and
Youth, 1725
In the burying place may see " (p. 80).
*** New England Primer, 1737 ; 1738 ; 1762 ; 1767 ; 1768 ; 1771 ; 1775.
Ne-iu England
Primer, 172?
"Good Children must " (p. 81).
#*# New England Primer, 1737; 1738 ; 1762 ; 1767 ; 1768; 1771.
"The Shorter catechism " (p. 96—136).
j.*} In every New England Primer examined by the editor.
Ne-~w England
Primer, 173?
Now I lay me down to take my sleep
I pray the Lord my soul to keep,
If I should die before I wake,
I pray the Lord my soul to take.
#*# New England Primer, 1738; I76z; 1167; 1768 ; 1770; 1771 ; 1775.
* #
Lord if thou lengthen out my days,
Then let my heart fo fixed be,
That I may lengthen out thy praife,
And never turn afide from thee.
So in my end I mail rejoice,
In thy falvation joyful be ;
My foul mail fay with loud glad voice,
Jehovah who is like to thee ?
Who takeft the lambs into thy arms,
And gently leaded thofe with young.
Who faveft children from all harms,
Lord, I will praife thee with my fong.
And when my days on earth mail end,
And I go hence and be here no more,
Give me eternity to fpend,
My God to praife forever more.
New England Primer, 1738 5 1762 ; 1771.
Variorum 329
VERSES for Children.
THOUGH I am but a little one,
If I can fpeak and go alone, New England
Then I muft learn to know the Lord, Primer, 1137
And learn to read his holy word.
'Tis time to feek to God and pray
For what I want for every day :
I have a precious foul to fave,
And I a mortal body have,
Tho' I am young yet I may die,
And haften to eternity :
There is a dreadful fiery hell,
Where wicked ones muft always dwell ;
There is a heaven full of joy,
Where godly ones muft always ftay ;
To one of thefe my foul muft fly,
As in a moment when I die :
When God that made me, calls me home,
I muft not ftay, I muft be gone.
He gave me life, and gives me breath,
And he can fave my foul from death,
By JESUS CHRIST my only Lord,
According to his holy word.
He clothes my back and makes me warm :
He faves my flem and bones from harm.
He gives me bread and milk and meat
And all I have that's good to eat.
When I am fick, he if he pleafe,
Can make me well and give me eafe :
He gives me fleep and quiet reft,
Whereby my body is refrefh'd
The Lord is good and kind to me,
And very thankful I muft be :
I muft obey and love and fear him,
By faith in Chrift I muft draw near him.
I muft not fin as others do,
Left I lie down in forrow too :
33° Variorum
For God is angry every day,
New England With wicked ones who go aftray.
Primer, 1737 All finful words I muft reftrain :
I muft not take God's name in vain.
I muft not work, I muft not play,
Upon God's holy fabbath day.
And if my parents fpeak the word,
I muft obey them in the Lord.
Nor fteal, nor lie, nor fpend my days,
In idle tales and foolim plays.
I muft obey my Lord's commands,
Do fomething with my little hands :
Remember my creator now,
In youth while time will it allow.
Young SAMUEL that little child,
He ferved the Lord, liv'd undefil'd;
Him in his fervice God employ'd,
While ELI'S wicked children dy'd.
When wicked children mocking said,
To a good man, Go up bald bead,
God was difpleaf 'd with them and fent
Two bears which them in pieces rent.
I muft not like thefe children vile,
Difpleafe my God, myfelf defile
Like young ABIJAH, I must see,
That good things may be found in me.
Young King J o s i A H , that blefled youth,
He fought the Lord and lov'd the truth ;
He like a King did aft his part,
And follow'd God with all his heart.
The little children they did fmg,
Hofannahs to their heavenly King,
That blefled child young TIMOTHY,
Did learn God's word moft heedfully.
It feem'd to be his recreation,
Which made him wife unto falvation ;
By faith in Chrift which he had gain'd
With prayers and tears that faith unfeign'd.
Thefe good examples were for me ;
Like thefe good children I muft be.
Give me true faith in Chrift my Lord,
Obedience to his holy word.
No word is in the world like thine,
There's none fo pure, fweet and divine.
From thence let me thy will behold,
And love thy word above fine gold.
Make my heart in thy ftatutes found,
And make my faith and love abound.
Lord circumcife my heart to love thee :
And nothing in this world above thee :
Let me behold thy pleafed face,
And make my foul to grow in grace,
And in the knowledge of my Lord
And Saviour Chrift, and of his word.
New England Primer, 1738; 1762; 1771; 1775.
A Divine SONG of Praise to GOD, for a CHILD by the Rev.
Dr. Watts.
HOW glorious is our heav'nly King,
Who reigns above the sky ?
How shall a child presume to sing
His dreadful majesty ?
How great his power is, none can tell,
Nor think how large his grace,
Nor men below, nor saints that dwell
On high before his face.
Nor angels that stand round the Lord,
Can search his secret will :
But they perform his heav'nly word,
And sing his praises still.
The Royal
1750-1760 ?
Then let me join this holy train,
And my first offerings bring;
Th' eternal God will not disdain
To hear an infant sing.
My heart resolves, my tongue obeys,
And angels shall rejoice,
To hear their mighty Maker's praise
Sound from a feeble voice.
New England Primer, 1762; 1770; 1775.
Ne*~iv England
Primer, 1762
Who was the firft man ?
Who was the firft woman ?
Who was the firft Murderer ?
Who was the firft Martyr ?
Who was the firft Tranflated ?
Who was the oldeft Man ?
Who built the Ark ?
Who was the Patienteft Man ?
Who was the Meekest Man ?
Who led Ifrael into Canaan ?
Who was the ftrongest Man ?
Who killed Goliah ?
Who was the wifeft Man ?
Who was in the Whale's Belly ?
Who faves loft Men ?
Who is Jesus Chrijl ?
Who was the Mother of Chri/f ?
Who betrayed his Mafter ?
Who denied his Mafter?
Who was the firft Christian Martyr ?
Who was chief Apoftle of the Gentiles ?
Jefus Chrift.
The Son of God.
New England Primer, 1767; 1768 ; 1771 ; 1775.
Some proper Names of MEN and WOMEN,
to teach Children to f pell their own.
Men's Names.
A Dam, Abel,
Amos, Aaron,
Abijah, Andrew,
Alexander, Anthony,
Benjamin, Barnabas,
Benoni, Barzillai,
Caleb, Caefar,
Charles, Chriftopher,
Clement, Cornelius,
David, Daniel,
Ephraim, Edward,
Edmund, Ebenezer,
Elijah, Eliphalet,
Elifha, Eleazer,
Elihu, Ezekiel,
Elias, Elizur,
Frederick, Francis,
Gilbert, Giles,
George, Gamaliel,
Gideon, Gerfhom,
Heman, Henry,
Hezekiah, Hugh,
John, Jonas, Ifaac,
Jacob, Jared, Job,
James, Jonathan,
Ifrael, Joseph,
Jeremiah, Jofhua,
Jofiah, Jedediah,
Jabez, Joel, Judah,
Lazarus, Luke,
Matthew, Michael,
Mofes, Malachi,
Nathaniel, Nathan,
Nicholas, Noadiah,
Nehemiah, Noah,
Obadiah, Ozias,
Paul, Peter, Philip,
Phineas, Peletiah,
Ralph, Richard,
Samuel, Sampfon,
Stephen, Solomon,
Seth, Simeon, Saul,
Shem, Shubal,
Timothy, Thomas,
Titus, Theophilus,
Uriah, Uzzah,
Walter, William,
Xerxes, Xenophon,
Zachariah, Zabdiel,
Zedekiah, Zadock,
Zebulon, Zebediah.
Women's Names.
Bigail, Anne,
Alice, Anna,
Bethiah, Bridget,
Chloe, Charity,
Deborah, Dorothy,
Dorcas, Dinah,
Elizabeth, Efther,
Eunice, Eleanor,
Frances, Flora,
Grace, Gillet,
Hannah, Huldah,
Ne?w England
Primer, 1762
334 Variorum
New England Henrietta, Hagar,
Primer, 1762 Joanna, Jane,
Jemima, Ifabel,
Judith, Jennet,
Katharine, Ketura,
Kezia, Lydia,
Lucretia, Lucy,
Lois, Lettice,
Mary, Margaret,
Martha, Mehetable,
Marcy, Merial,
Patience, Phylis,
Phebe, Prifcilla,
Rachel, Rebecca,
Ruth, Rhoda, Rose,
Sarah, Sufanna,
Tabitha, Tamefin,
Zipporah, Zibiah.
#*# New England Primer, 1768; 1771; 1775.
The late Reverend and Venerable Mr. Nathaniel Clap, of
Newport on Rhode Island ; his Advice to children.
Good children should remember daily, God their Creator, Re-
deemer, and Sanctifier ; to believe in, love and serve him ; their
parents to obey them in the Lord ; their bible and catechism ; their
baptism ; the Lord's day ; the Lord's death and resurrection ; their
own death and resurrection; and the day of judgment, when all that
are not fit for heaven must be sent to hell. And they should pray
to God in the name of Christ for saving grace.
%*x New England Primer, 1770; 1771; I77S-
What's right and good Thus shall I be
Now show me Lord, A child of God,
And lead me by And love and fear
Thy grace and word. Thy hand and rod.
#\ New England Primer, 1768; 1771; 1775.
The Infant's Grace before and after Meat.
Bless me, O Lord, and let my food strengthen me to serve
thee, for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen.
I Desire to thank God who gives me food to eat every day of
my life. Amen.
y_*x New England Primer, 1771 ; 1775.
Variorum 335
Advice to Youth. Eccle. xn.
Now in the heat of youthful blood, Nw England
Remember your Creator God ; Pr'imer> X762
Behold the months come hast'ning on,
When you shall say, My joys are gone.
Behold the aged sinner goes
Laden with guilt and heavy woes,
Down to the regions of the dead,
With endless curses on his head.
The dust returns to dust again,
The soul in agonies of pain,
Ascends to God not there to dwell,
But hears her doom and sinks to hell.
Eternal King I fear thy name,
Teach me to know how frail I am,
And when my soul must hence remove,
Give me a mansion in thy love.
New England Primer, 1768.
The Sum of the Ten Commandments.
With all thy soul love God above
And as thyself thy neighbour love.
New England Primer, 1767; 1768; 17715 1775.
Remember thy Creator in the days of thy youth.
Children your great Creator fear.
To him your homage pay,
While vain employments fire your blood,
And lead your thoughts astray
The due remembrance of his name
Your first regard requires :
Till your breast glows with sacred love,
Indulge no meaner fires.
Secure his favor, and be wise,
Before these cheerless days,
When age comes on, when mirth's no more
And health and strength decays.
New England Primer, 1768 ; 1771 ; 1775.
New England T TUSH, my dear, lie still and slumber,
Primer, 1762 JL J. Holy angels guard thy bed,
Heav'nly blessings without number
Gently falling on thy head.
Sleep, my babe, thy food and raiment,
House and home thy friends provide,
And without thy care or payment,
All thy wants are well supply'd.
How much better thou'rt attended,
Than the Son of God could be,
When from heaven he descended,
And became a child like thee.
Soft and easy is thy cradle,
Coarse and hard thy Saviour lay,
When his birth place was a stable,
And his softest bed was hay.
Blessed babe ! what glorious features !
Spotless fair, divinely bright ;
Must he dwell with brutal creatures ?
How could angels bear the sight ?
Was there nothing but a manger,
Cursed sinners could afford,
To receive the heav'nly stranger ?
Did they thus affront the Lord ?
Soft, my Child, I did not chide thee,
Though my song might sound too hard,
'Tis thy mother sits beside thee,
And her arms shall be thy guard.
Yet to read the shameful story,
How the Jews abus'd their King,
How they serv'd the Lord of glory,
Makes me angry while I sing.
See the kinder shepherds round him,
Telling wonders of the sky ;
There they sought him, there they found him,
With his virgin mother by.
Variorum 337
See the lovely babe a-dressing :
Lovely infant, how he smil'd ! New England
When he wept, the mother's blessing Primer, 1762
Sooth'd and hush'd the holy child.
Lo ! he slumber'd in the manger,
Where the horned oxen fed ;
Peace my darling, here's no danger,
Here's no oxen near thy bed.
'Twas to save thee, child, from dying,
Save my dear from burning flame,
Bitter groans and endless crying,
That thy bless'd Redeemer came.
May'st thou live to know and fear him,
Trust and love him all thy days !
Then go dwell for ever near him,
See his face, and sing his praise,
I could give thee thousand kisses,
Hoping what I most desire :
Not a mother's fondest wishes,
Can to greater joy aspire.
New England Primer, 1767 ; 1768 ; 1771 ; 1775.
Our Saviour's Golden Rule.
IE you to others kind and true,
As you'd have others be to you :
And neither do nor fay to men,
Whate'er you would not take again.
New England Primer, 1767 ; 1768 ; 1771 ; 1771 ; !77S-
LOVE God with all your foul & ftrength.
With all your heart and mind ;
And love your neighbour as yourfelf,
Be faithful, juft and kind.
Deal with another as you'd have
Another deal with you :
What you're unwilling to receive,
Be fure you never do.
New England Primer, 1768 ; 1771 ; 1775.
The Infant's or young Child's Evening Prayer. From Dr. Watts.
O Lord God who knowest all Things, thou Seest me by Night
as well as by Day. I pray thee for Christ's Sake, forgive me what-
soever I have done amiss this Day, and keep me all this Night,
while I am asleep. I desire to lie down under thy care, and to
abide forever under thy Blessing, for thou art a God of all Power
and everlasting Mercy. Amen.
%*# New England Primer, 1768 ; 1775.
The young Infant's or Child's morning Prayer. From Dr. Watts.
Almighty God the Maker of every Thing in Heaven and Earth :
the Darkness goes away, and the Day light comes at thy Command.
Thou art good and doest good continually. I thank thee that thou
hast taken such Care of me this Night, and that I am alive and
well this Morning. Save me, O God, from Evil, all this Day
long, and let me love and serve thee forever, for the Sake of Jesus
Christ thy Son. Amen.
£.*.£ New England Primer, 1768; 1771 ; 1775-
®)ueftwns and Anfwers out of the Holy Scriptures
New England Q. WHO was the firjl Man? A. Adam.
Primer, 1767 Q. Who was the fir/1 Woman? A. Eve.
Q. Of what did God make Man ?
A. God made Man of the Duft of the
Of what did God make Woman ?
Of one of Man's Ribs.
Where did Adam and Eve dwell?
A. In Paradife.
Q. What caft Adam out of Paradife?
A. Sin.
Variorum 339
Q. Who faves loft Men? A. Jefus Chrift.
Q. Who is Jefus Chrift? New England
A. The Son of God. Primer, 1767
Q. Who Jlew his Brother? A. Cain.
Q. Who was the oldejl Man ?
A. Methufelah.
Q. Who was the Man God faved when he
drowned the whole World?
A. Noah, and his Family.
Q. Who was the Father of the Faithful?
A. Abraham.
Q. Who was the Child of the Promife ?
A. Isaac.
Q. Who wrejiled with God ? A. Jacob.
Q. What was his Name called after he
wrejiled with God? A. Ifrael.
Q. How many Sons had Jacob ?
A. Twelve; of whom came the Twelve
Tribes of Ifrael.
Q. Who entered the Promifed Land ?
A. Jofhua and Caleb.
Q. Who commanded the Sun and Moon to
Jlandjlill? A. Jofhua.
Q. Who was the moft patient Man ? A. Job.
Q. Who was the meekejl Man ? A. Mofes.
Q. Who was the wifeft Man ? A. Solomon.
Q. Who was theftrongeft Man? A. Samfon.
Q. Who was the Man after God's own
Heart ?
A. David.
Q. Who was the hard heart edejl Man ?
A. Pharaoh, King of Egypt.
Q. Who was fed by Ravens, and at length
carried up in a fiery chariot to heaven ?
A. Elijah.
Q. Who made Iron fwim ? A. Elifha.
Q. Who was caft into the Lion's Den ?
A. Daniel.
34-O Variorum
Q. Who were caft into the fiery Furnace?
New England A. Shadrach, Mefhach, and Abednego.
Primer, /7d7 Q- What cities were deftroyed by Fire and
brim/lone ? A. Sodom and Gomorrah.
Q. Who was thefirft Martyr after Chrijl ?
A. Stephen.
Q. Whose Life was refpited, on his Prayers,
Fifteen Years Longer than otherwife he would
have lived? A. Hezekiah's.
Q. Who betrayed his Lord and Majfar ?
A. Judas.
Q. What did he betray him for ?
A. For the Love of Money, which is the
Root of all Evil.
Q. For how much Money did Judas betray his
Majier ? A. For Thirty Pieces of Silver.
Some Jhort and eafy
Q. WHO made you ? A. God.
Q. Who redeemed you ? A. Jefus Chrift.
(3. Who fanctifies and preferves you ?
A. The Holy Ghoft.
Q. Of what are you made? A. Duft.
Q. What doth that teach you ?
A. To be humble and mindful of Death.
Q. For what End was you made ?
A. To ferve God.
Q. How muft you ferve him?
A. In Spirit and Truth.
AS Goodnefs and Learning make the Child a Man, fo Piety
makes him an Angel. Mafter Tommy Fido not only loved
his Book becaufe it made him wifer, but becaufe it made him better
too. He loved every Body, and could not fee a Stranger hurt,
Variorum 341
without feeling what he fuffered, without pitying him, and wifhing
he could help him. He loved his Papa and Mamma, his Brothers New England
and Sifters, with the deareft Affection ; he learnt his Duty to God, Primer, 7767
thanked him for his Goodnefs, and was glad that he had not made
him a Horfe or a Cow, but had given him Senfe enough to know
his Duty, and every Day when he faid his Prayers, thanked God for
making him a little Man. One Day he went to Church, he minded
what the Parfon said, and when he came home asked his Papa,
if God loved him ; his Papa faid Yes, my Dear. O ! my dear
Papa, faid he, I am glad to hear it ; what a charming Thing it is
to have God my Friend ! then nothing can hurt me ; I am fure I
will love him as well as ever I can. Thus he every Day grew
wifer and better. Every Body was pleafed with him, he had many
Friends, the Poor bleffed him, and every one ftrove to make him
£.*.£ New England Primer, 1771.
In fix Days God made the World, and all Things that are in it.
He made the Sun to fhine by Day, and the Moon to mine by Night.
He made all the Beafts that walk on the Earth all the Birds that
fly in the Air, and all the Fifh that fwim in the Sea. Each Herb,
and Plant, and Tree, are the Works of his Hands. All Things
both great and fmall, that live and move, and breathe in this wide
World, to him do owe their Breath, to him their Life : And God
faw all that he made, and all were good. But there was not a Man
to till the Ground. So God made Man of the Duft of the Earth
and breathed into him the Breath of Life ; and gave him rule o'er
all that he had made : And the Man gave Names to all the Beafts
of the Field, the Fowls of the Air, and the Fifh of the Sea. But
there was not found a Help meet for man ; fo God brought on him
a deep Sleep and then took from his Side a Rib, of which he made
a Wife, and gave her to the Man and her Name was Eve : and
from thefe two came all the Sons of Men.
y.*x New England Primer, 1771.
3 4 2 Variorum
A Collection of the best English Proverbs.
New England & frjen(j jn nee(j js a Mend indeed.
Primer, 1767 jrajr Words butter no parsnips.
When the fox preaches let the geese beware.
Fly the pleasure that will bite to-morrow.
If all fools wore white caps, we
should look like a flock of geese.
.£*£ New England Primer, 1771.
A short Prayer to be used every Morning.
OLORD our heavenly Father, almighty and everlasting God, I
most humbly thank thee for thy great mercy and goodness
in preserving and keeping me from all perils and dangers of this
night past, and bringing me safely to the beginning of this day ;
defend me, O LORD, in the same, with thy mighty power ; and
grant, that this day I may fall into no sin, neither run into any
danger, but that all my doings may be ordered by thy governance,
to do always that which is righteous in thy sight, through Jesus
Christ our Lord. Amen.
$.*# New England Primer, 1771.
A short Prayer to be used every Evening.
OLORD God, I beseech thee, of thy fatherly goodness and
mercy to pardon all my offences, which in thought word or
deed, I have this day committed against thee, and thy holy law.
And now Lord, since the night is upon me and I am to take my
rest, I pray thee lighten my eyes that I sleep not in death, let not
my bed prove my grave, but so by the wings of thy mercy protect
me, that I may rest from all terrors of darkness, that when I shall
awake I may bless thy great and glorious name, and study to serve
thee in the duties of the day following, that thou mayest be still
my God, and I thy servant. Grant this for Jesus Christ's sake,
to whom with thee and the Holy Ghost, be given, as most due,
all honor and glory, now and forevermore. Amen.
x*x New England Primer, 1771.
Variorum 343
Grace before Meat.
O ETERNAL God, in whom we have our Being : We beseech New England
thee bless with us these good Creatures provided for us, that Primer, i~6j
in the strength thereof, we may set forth thy Praise and Glory,
thro' Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
Grace after Meat.
THE God of Glory and Power, who hath created, redeemed,
and at this time plentifully fed us ; Thy Holy Name be
praised both now and evermore, Amen.
y*% New England Primer, 1771.
Advice to Children.
COME Babe moft dear,
To me draw near,
And harken to my Voice,
My Counfel take,
And thou (halt make
Thy Parents Hearts rejoice.
Let true Love lead
Thy Mind to read,
That thou may'ft be a Preacher,
To Slugs a Shame,
To Blockheads blame,
But Gladnefs to thy Teacher.
Be not as they
Which follow Play,
With Dullards Head moft muddy ;
But let thy Mind,
Be well inclin'd
Wifdom to feek with Study.
For Fools do hafte,
Their Time to wafte,
Spending in Sport the Day;
But while they jeft,
Let thy Heart feaft,
In feeking Wisdom's Way.
3 44 Variorum
As God's dear Seed,
New England To learn give Heed.
Primer, 1767 That when thy Head is hoary ;
Wifdom may be
A Crown to thee,
Tranfcending earthly Glory.
Do not diflemble,
But rather tremble,
With heart like broken Fallow ;
Nor fteal, nor fwear,
But dread, and fear,
God's holy Name to hallow ;
Nor luft, nor lye,
Left thou fhould'ft die
In fuch a woful State ;
For God is juft,
And all fuch muft
Sink down into the Laks.
In God's own Way
Thou {halt obey,
Thy Father and thy Mother ;
And as a Dove,
Shall live in Love.
With Sifter and with Brother.
That in their Sight
Each Day and Night,
Thou may'ft be Joy and Pleasure ;
And in their Eye
Fixt conftantly,
As their peculiar Treafure.
To each Delight,
In carnal Sight,
In God's pure Dread and Fear ;
My Soul doth yearn
That thou may'st learn
A flaying fword to wear.
To Chrift's Crofs bend,
And in the End,
Variorum 345,
Through Mercy, not as Merit,
In high Renown tie™ England
And heavenly Crown, Primer>
And Kingdom (hall inherit.
Thy Peace and Reft
From God's own Breaft
Not Death or Hell (hall fever :
But thou (halt fee
Thy joy shall be,
Amen, in him for ever.
New England Primer, 1771.
G» *w t/SJ feS V!o ($9 f*j
A. B. C. (see also Alphabet), All the letters of,
25 ; Enschede, 4, Romish, 4 ; Henry
Vlllth's, 5, 7 ; of 1636, 6, 9 5 Author-
ized, 8 ; Union with Primer, 8-9 ; Ref-
erences to, 35, 47.
Abecedarium, 4.
ADAM, Rhymed alphabet on, 25, 26.
ADAMS, Samuel, 300.
Advice— See " Children " and " Youth."
Advertisements of Primers, 17, 18, 308-319.
AGUR'S Prayer, 46, 243, 327.
AITKEN, R., 315.
Alphabet (see also A. B. C.), 4, 5, 8, 59,
141, 324.
- Beccardi* s, 25.
- Finch's, 2.5.
- Of Lessons for Youth, 24, 70, 157,
Rhymed. Texts, 26, 30, 65-68,
152-155 ; History and variations in, 25-
32 ; Evangelization of, 29, 46 ; Prints
of, used in Holy Bible in Verse, 49, 284;
Mentioned, 324.
American Antiquarian Society, 22, 138, 305,
306, 307.
Primer — See Primer.
ANNE, Queen, 18, 27, 153.
" Arbella," voyage of, 9.
ARNOLD, B., question about, 47.
John, 36, 250.
Assembly's Catechism — See Catechism and
"Awake, arise, behold thou hast," 81, 212,
BARCLAY, A., 300.
BARNARD, Dr. H., 20, 299, 302, 303, 307.
BASTINGIUS' Catechism, 8.
BECCARDI'S Alphabet, 25.
BEDELL'S Catechism, 9.
Bible, Puritan Study of, 2 ; Printing of
leads to the Reformation, 2 ; Monopoly
of, 8 ; Books of, 1 6, 45, 8 1, 213, 326;
Questions out of, 338.
Epitome of, 25.
— In Verse, 49, 283-95.
Blessing before Meat, A, 178, 325.
Bodleian library, 250.
BONNER, Bishop, 33.
Book of Common Prayer, 8.
of Hours, 4.
of Martyrs — See Foxe.
Boston, Harris comes to, 14 ; Cotton comes
to, 42.
BOYLE, J., 301, 303.
BRADFORD, William, 17, 284, 323.
BRADFORD & Hall, 317.
Bradford fragment, 17, 22, 41, 45, 323.
BRINLEY, George, collection of Primers, 20
22, 304.
British Museum Library, 22, 138, 307.
BROWNELL, G., 310.
Brown University Library, 22, 306.
CALVIN, J., reference to, 42.
Calvinists, Catechism of, 10.
Cards, Queen of, 50.
Catechising, Clark on, 275 ; Mather on, 39,
263; In New England, 4, 9, n, 2755
Order for, 9, 10; Necessity of, 262;
Day, 280.
Catechisms, Anabaptist, 9 ; Church of Scot-
land, 9; Episcopal, 5, 38, 312; In New
England, 9, 115 Multiplication of, 7 ;
Puritan, 9 ; Quaker, 9.
- Assembly's — See Westminister As-
- Bastingius'j 8.
- Bedell's, 9.
- Cotton's, (J.), 10, II, 18, 37, 41-
44, 48, (text) 186, (title) 261, 262, 300-
304, 308, 316.
Davenport's, IO.
Eliot's, 10.
Fiske's, io.
- Fitch's, io.
- Herbert's, 38.
- Mather's, (C.), 43, 262.
-(R.), io, n.
Norton's, 10, II.
Noyes' , io.
Perkins', IO.
Shepard's, IO.
Stone's, io.
Watts' ', 307.
Westminister Assembly's Shorter, 12,
(history of), 37-8, 40, 43, (text) 96-136,
262, 299-308, 316, 319, 328.
— Longer, 38.
Catholicism, Books of, 4 ; Primer, 4 ; Anti-
Catholic books, 13, 15-16.
CHARLES II., 12, 14, 26, 27.
CHATTIN, J., 312.
"Child's Dutiful Promise, The," 69, 156,
Children, Advice to, 244, 327, 343 ; En-
couragement for serious 224, 327 ;
Upon Lying, 222, 326 ; Upon Scoffing,
221, 326; Verses for, 46, 329.
" Children's Duty to their Parents," 76, 78,
179. 325-
" Choice Sentences," 1 60, 325.
" Christian Observations," 211, 326.
CHURCH, E. D., 20, 299, 300.
CLAP, Nathaniel, Advice of, 46, 334.
CLARKE, D., On the Catechism, 275.
COLLENS, C., 318.
Columbian Primer — See Primer.
Commandments, The Ten, 1 6, 45, 74,
162, 324 ; In verse, 225, 327 ; Sum of,
Connecticut Historical Society, 22, 302.
Primer — See Primer.
COOTE, Edward, 19-20, 24.
COTTON, John, 37, 41 ; " Milk for Babes,"
1 8, 37, 41-44, 48, 1 86, 262, 324.
— S., io.
COVERLY, N., 303, 305, 306, 307.
"Creation, History of the," 48, 341.
Creed, 4, 5, 16, 25, 73, 161, 323.
Cross, Omission of, 24.
Davenport, J., Saints' Anchor Hold, io, 18,
284, 308.
DAYE, S., 43.
" Death, On," 200, 326.
Dialogue between Christ, Youth and the
Devil, A, 44, 45, 226, 324.
DICKSON, W. and R., 306.
DOBSON, T., 306.
DUNCAN, R., 304.
DUNLAP, J., 314.
DUNTON, John, quoted, 14, 15, 138.
" Duty of Masters, The," 185, 325.
EAMES, Wilberforce, obligation to, 23.
EDWARD Vlth., 7, Prayer of, 45, 175, 308,
EDWARDS, Jonathan, on children, I 5 Influ-
ence of, 280.
ELIZABETH, Queen, 7.
ELLISON, A., 302.
English Tutor — See Tutor.
Episcopacy, books of, 4-6.
"Fido, History of Master Tommy," 340.
"First in the Morning," 80, 327.
"First Psalm, The," 176, 325.
FISKE, John, 10, 40.
FINCHE'S Alphabet — See Alphabet.
FITCH, J., 10.
FLEET, T., 299, 306, 312.
T. andj., 306.
FOREEST, H. de, 19, 311.
FORMAN, G., 305.
FOWLE, Z., 20, 312.
Foxe's Book of Martyrs, quoted, 33, 36, 49,
FRANKLIN, B., 311.
and Hall, 19, 20, 313.
-J-i 3°9-
GAINE, H., 312, 319.
GEORGE I., 48.
II., 48.
- III., 49-
God, The Puritan, 2.
"God, Of Serving," 58, 140, 324.
" God's Judgments on Disobedient Chil-
dren," 220, 326.
" Golden Rule, Our Savior's," 337.
"Good Children Must," 81, 328.
Goodly Primer — See Primer.
GOOKIN, D., 311.
GREEN, S., 138.
-T., 19, 57,308.
Grace, after Meat, 343. Before meat, 343.
Infants, 334.
Guide to the Child, 27, 28, 326.
HALL, S., 304.
-T., 305.
HALL & Sellers, 301, 316.
HANCOCK, John, 149.
HARRIS, Benjamin, Sketch of, 12-15 5 Com-
piles Protestant Tutor, New England
Primer and New English Tutor, 15 ;
Probable author of Dialogue, 45 ; Writes
"Holy Bible in Verse," 49, 283;
Poetry of, 15, 26, 45, 283 ; Travels of,
16-17; References to, 48, 138, 308;
Reprint of his New England Primer,
57-136; Reprint of his New English
Tutor, 139-248.
Benjamin, Jr., 284.
"Have Communion with few," 8 1.
"Heaven, On," 202, 326.
Herbert's Catechism, 38.
Hebrews, Puritan resemblance to, 2.
"Hell, On," 203, 326.
HENRY VIII., Primer of, 4, 7; Injunction
of, 6-7.
Horn Books, 24, 308, 312.
HUDSON & Goodwin, 316, 317, 318, 319.
HUMPHREYS, Heman, quoted, 38.
HURST, J. F., 20, 302, 305, 306, 307.
HUTH Library, 250.
HYNDSHAW, J., 310.
Independence, Evils of, 3 5 Development of,
"In the Burying Place may See," 80, 327.
JAMES I., 7.
- H., 7, 14.
"John, The First Chapter of," 207, 326.
"Judgment, On," 201, 326.
K.EACH, Benjamin, 9.
KEIMER, J., 309.
Kings, New England Primer change regard-
ing, 27-8.
KNEELAND, S., 57, 300.
& Green, 299.
LE, J., 309.
" Learn these few Lines by Heart," 8 1, 212,
LECHFORD, Thomas, quoted, 10.
Lenox Library, 56, 299, 300, 302, 303,
LEVERETT, T., 302.
LIVERMORE, George, quoted, 19 ; collection
of Primers, 20, 22.
Lord's Prayer, 4, 5, 1 6, 25, 73.
"Lord if thou lengthen out my days," 328.
" Love God with all your soul & strength,"
M' ALPINE, R., 311.
— W., 301, 313, 314.
M'DOUGALL & Co., 303.
MARY, Queen, 7, 33, 36.
Massachusetts, order of General Court of, 3 ;
Catechising in, 9, II; Request of court of,
- Historical Society, 22, 303.
MATHER, C., quoted, 1 1, 39, 41 ; On cate-
chising, 39, 261 j Catechism of, 43, 262.
- R., 10.
MECOM, B., 312.
MELCHER, J., 307.
Men and Women, Names of, 333.
"Milk for Babes."— See Cotton, J.
MYCALL, J., 307, 308.
New England Character, 281; Schism in
Churches, lo-n ; Morality of, 52.
- Primer — See Primer.
English Tutor — See Tutor.
NEWMAN'S News from the Stars, 17.
NIVEN, D., 304.
NORTON, J., 10.
NOYES, J., 10.
" Now I lay me down to sleep," 46, 328.
Numeral Letters, 1 6, 45, 47, 83-87, 215,
" Our Days begin with trouble here," 224,
" Parents' Duty to Children," 181, 325.
PARKER, J., 311, 312.
PARRIS, E. L., 307.
Pater Noster, 4.
PATTEN, N., 303, 315, 316, 317.
Pennsylvania, Historical Society of, 22.
PERKINS, J., 300.
Perkins, William, 10.
PERRY, Michael, inventory of, 18, 308.
Pillory, Harris in, 13.
Points and Stops observed in Reading, 220,
Pope, or Man of Sin, 50, 247, 327.
Prayer, Our Lord's, 5, 1 6, 25, 73, 161, 323.
A short Morning, 342.
— A short Evening, 342.
- for Children in the Morning, A,
J77, 325-
- at Night, A, 177, 325.
— of King Edward the Sixth, The,
*75> 3°8, 323-
Primer, History of the, 4-9.
— American, 19, 21, 49, 302, 306,
307, 315.
Bradford Fragment, 17, 22, 41,
45, 323-
- Catholic, 4.
Church of England, 312
Columbian, 19.
— Connecticut, 19, 308.
- Goodly, 5.
- Henry VHIth's, 4-6.
— Advertisements of, 1 8, 308-319.
— Authorship of, ( see also Harris)
15-18, 44.
— — Bibliography of, 299-319.
- Binding of, I, 137.
- Catechisms of, 37-44, 96-136,
186-199, 278-
- Collections of, 2O-22, 299-308.
- Contents of, 1 6, 23-48, 323-
- Destruction of, 20.
— Editions of, (see also Bibliogra-
phy), 19.
- Evangelization of, 29-30.
- Extinction of, 51.
- Function of, 4, 277-281.
- Illustrations of , 48, 52, 56.
Primer, NEW ENGLAND, In fTcstbamp-
ton, Mass., 277.
- Literary quality, I .
- Numbers of, 19, 312-313.
- Origin of, 1 6.
- Position of, 17-19, 277.
- — Prototypes, 1 6.
- Rarity of, 20-23.
- Reprint of, 57-136.
- Title of, 1 6, 19, 299-307.
- Variation of, 23, 321-45.
— — Variorum, 321-345.
. 1 68 — ? — 1 6, 17.
- 169— ?— 17, 323.
- 1701—18, 324.
- 1727—22, 27, 29, 48, 57-
136, 299, 327.
- 1737—21, 48> 5°, 299» 328-
- 1738—21, 299.
- 1761 — 300.
- 1762—21, 29, 31, 32, 48,
5°, 3°°> 33a-
- 1767—22, 300.
- 1768 - 21, 300.
- 1770—21, 49, 50, 301.
— 1774 — (Boston), 21, 22,
301-2 ; (London) 22,
- 1773— 3
- 1775— 20» 22» 302-
- 1777— (Boston), 21, 49, 303;
(Hartford), 22, 49,
- 1781 — (Boston), 21, 303,
(Paisley), 22, 303.
-- 1784 — (Boston), 21, 304,
(Salem), 21, 51,
304; (Glasgow), 304.
- 1791—21, 28, 304-5.
- 1794— 2I» 29, 3°5-
- 1795— 22> 3°5-
- I796— 3°5-
- 1797—21, zz, 28, 306.
Primer, NEW ENGLAND, 1798—21, 22,
1806 — 29.
- 1810 — 50.
1812 — 31.
- 1818—28, 50.
- 1819 — 28, 29, 31.
- 1825 — 28, 29, 32.
- 1886 — 52.
— Undated editions, 21, 22, 29,
49, 306-7.
- New York Primer, 19, 311.
— Reformed, 5.
- Royal, 47, 51, 314, 315, 333.
Salisbury, 4.
Unauthorized, 4.
" Primer set forth by the Kings Majesty," 5.
" Primer in Englishe," 5.
" Proper Names for Men and Women," 46,
Protestant Tutor — See Tutor.
Proverbs, Extracts from, 58, 140, 324.
- Collection of, 48, 342.
Proverbial Sentences, to be learned by Heart,
241, 327.
Public Occurrences, Harris prints, 14.
Puritan, Mood of, I ; Judaism of, 2 ; Edu-
cation the strength of, 2-3 ; Catechism
used by, 9 ; Dread of Cross, 24, 26 ;
Character, 281 ; Type of, 52.
Queen of Cards, 50.
Questions — See Bible.
" Remember thy Creator in the days of thy
youth," 335.
ROBINSON, John, 10.
ROGERS, John, History of, 35-375 New
England Primer account of, 36, 88,
166; Children of, 36, 277; Prints of the
burning of, (Frontispiece) I, 49, 88,166,
Exhortation unto his Children, His-
tory of, 35-37 ; quoted, I ; text of
1559, 249-260; New England Primer
text, 88-95, J67-I755 Mentioned, 16,
138, 323.
ROGERS, Owyn, 35.
Mathew. See John.
"Romans, Chapter XII," 204, 276.
Royal Oak, 26, 28-9.
" Sabbath-breakers, Upon," 223, 326.
Salvation, Puritan view of, 2.
Separatists — See Puritan.
"Servants, The Duty of," 184, 325.
SEWALL, Judge S., 280 ; Child of, quoted, 2.
Sheldon Museum, 22, 301.
SHEPARD, T., 10.
SMITH, Robert, (see also Rogers' Exhortation),
history of, 33, poems of, 34-5, 251.
SOWER, C., 315.
STONE, S., 10.
STOUGHTON, William, 52.
STYNER & Cist, 315.
Syllabarium, 16, 23, 60-64, 142-151, 324.
Ten Commandments — See Commandments.
"Thanksgiving before Meat," 178, 325.
"after Meat," 178, 325.
Tutor, The English, 138.
New English, 18,22, 26, 27, 31,
32, 45, 48, 50 (facsimile), 138-248,
250, 324.
Protestant, I5-I7> 45> 48> J38>
250, 323.
WALTERS & Norman, 315.
WASHINGTON, Stanzas concerning, 29 ; Ref-
erence to, 47.
WASTELL'S Microbiblon, 25.
WATERMAN, J., 302.
WATTS, S., Poems by, 46; Portrait of, 49.
Cradle Hymn, 336.
Divine Song, 331.
Morning Prayer, 338.
Evening Prayer, 338.
WEBSTER, B., 316.
N., 53.
I., 20.
WEIR, A., 303.
Westhampton, Mass., The New England
Primer in, 277.
Westminster Assembly, 38, 39, 42.
Catechism — see Catechism.
" What's right and good," 334.
WHITE, Rev. John, 52.
WHITE, J., 306.
WILLARD, S., Complete Body of Divinity, 40
WILLIAM III., 15, 27, 153,
Woburn Public Libraij, 301.
Women, Proper Names for, 46, 333.
"Words fitly Spoken," 237, 327.
WRIGHT & Young, 313.
VANDERBILT, Cornelius, 299, 300, 301,
"Young Folks, The Duty of," 182, 325.
"Youth, Advice to," 335.